Canon EOS R8 – Does It Really Live Up To The Hype?

Okay All right [Music] Yep that's me you're probably wondering How I got in this situation or how any Of this relates to camera reviews well It all started at about six o'clock that Morning Hey it's David Evelyn from the camera Store today we're talking about the Canon EOS R8 this is the a full-frame Camera from Canon it's compact it's Under two thousand dollars but it's Loaded with features now we're up way Too early today and you promised me some Kind of crazy adventure I don't even Know what's involved for today but I'm Looking forward to it yeah I mean it's a Little foggy right now but we promised Some awesome stuff and so let's go and Check out this new camera All right Evelyn despite the fog this Morning we made ourselves down to Frank Lake which is a great place just outside Of Calgary to photograph Birds yeah you Love this spot and it's going to be a Great test because one of the headline Features about this new camera is that It has a 24 megapixel sensor that's Found in the RS6 Mark II it's fast Scanning and with the electronic shutter You get up to 40 frames per second so we Want to test this we also want to try Out the autofocus features because it

Promises to be the same type of Autofocus technology that's also found In that R6 Mark II so I'm looking Forward to it has automatic scene Detection so I'm going to set it for Birds and animals of course but I'm Going to see if it actually recognizes Which subject we're looking at Automatically We found some birds yay they found all Kinds of exotic seagulls and Canada Geese here yeah well depends where You're from maybe you'll find them Exciting Dave's not that thrilled if you Come down here during the Spring it's Way better and there's a lot more exotic Birds here yeah well for our first stop Today we want to talk to you about some Of the things that we're most excited About with the Canon EOS R8 as well as Some of the limitations so one of the Things that people are talking about of Course is that 24 megapixel sensor so That's the heart and soul of any camera Is the sensor it's what's capturing the Actual image and this is a 24 megapixel Sensor same one found in the R6 Mark II And we like that because it's a great Sensor yeah it's able to achieve the 14-bit raw images and this sensor is Fast scanning so it's giving us things Like that 40 frame per second shooting Speed and some of the video specs that Again we'll talk about a little bit

Later on but yeah we're really happy With the image quality I mean Canon Produces beautiful colors we like the Sharpness that we're seeing especially With the RF lenses we're using quite a Variety of lenses today on our little Road trip but we're just loving the nice Combinations the one thing I like about These modern cameras is the ability to Shoot really high frame rates like 40 Frames a second is insane you'll love it When you have to use it now as with so Many modern day cameras we are seeing They're doing away with a mechanical Shutter we do have an electronic first Curtain shutter and we have fully Electronic which gives us that really Insane fast frame rate yeah and they're Doing this because it helps keep the Camera a lot more Compact and less Complex in terms of the mechanisms Inside of it but there's some nice Benefits too instead of just using Electronic shutter having that first Curtain electronic shutter will give you Better dynamic range it also prevents Banding and rolling shutter yeah the Electronic first curtain also gives us The ability to sync our flashes as well So we can go to 1 200th of a second for A sink speed when it comes to shooting Flash Now Dave I know you're very Excited about the 40 frames per second But that's only great if you have

Awesome autofocus now super happy to see That Canon actually is putting the same Type of technology that we're seeing in The R6 Mark II now the last few years Canon has just propelled themselves in The autofocus technology and we're super Happy to see how well it does that Tracking things like birds like we're Doing today yeah what I'm finding as we Take a look at some of these examples Here so we're tracking the birds in our Frame it locks on so accurately and so Quickly even though the birds are very Small or a small Speck in the frame it Can track it very accurately so shooting With longer lenses like this 100 to 500 Is sometimes it's tough to keep the bird In the frame but the camera finds it Instantly when you find it yeah I'm also Really enjoying that we have this Pre-burst mode for raw shooting and so We've had a couple instances where you Know the birds are taking off and this Will actually give you some shots before You press the shutter and so you're able To hit those fleeting moments I am Seriously loving the autofocus on this It is actually doing an awesome awesome Job and one of the other little features That I think is kind of neat is you have The ability to select your subject in a Group so whether it's a group of people Or a group of birds a flock of birds you Can actually tap on the screen of which

Bird you want to focus on and it's going To track on that one and so you can Toggle through the different subjects Now as much as I'm enjoying the 40 Frames per second and that really great Autofocus system that the R8 has to Offer what I am noticing is that the Viewfinder isn't quite as nice as we Step up it's a 2.36 million dollar Viewfinder so not as nice as the R6 or Beyond that and using the rear screen on A bright sunny day like today is Challenging at the best of times but This particular LCD screen is only 1.26 Million dots and it's not as bright as I'd like it to be so I'm not using it Very much at all except to explore the Menu system I am using the viewfinder Primarily and it's working decent but I Wish it was a little bit higher Resolution but I have to remind myself This is a two thousand dollar camera That's giving me that kind of Performance with autofocus and frames Per second Foreign I want to get some fresh coffee because Mine is lukewarm from this morning Um but yeah let's go to nanten and check It out excellent As you can see we made it out to Mountain and we're hanging out in front Of a couple of the last standing green Elevators in Alberta that's accessible

Right off the highway we also had a Chance to check out the bomber command Museum of Canada which is a great place To check out one of the few remaining Lancaster bombers that still fire up and Run and they do that once a month Dave And Jay were highly excited to go in There and see all that we're coming back We're gonna have to come back but this Camera is off awesome and low light and So we were able to test out the Performance and get a good feel for what It was like because the esr8 shares the Same sensor as the Canon R6 Mark II we Know what to expect when it comes to the Highest oil capability and I'm really Happy to report that is fantastic I mean We love the iso capability out of this I'm routinely shooting at the 6400 ISO Without Really blinking an eye yeah we Were shooting inside of the museum Pulling detail of the Shadows was no Problem it's not very noisy and so I Could definitely see this being used as A great event camera you know weddings Birthdays anytime that you're indoors And you don't have great light to work With it's performing great the other Thing that we didn't mention earlier is The more manageable file size I mean 24 Megapixels is it seems like on the low End nowadays but it's fantastic it's Most what most people need they don't Need that high resolution 61 71 81

Whatever we don't need that high Resolution for most people's needs 24 is Sufficiently adequate plus if you're Blasting away at 40 frames per second You're not filling up the hard drive Quite as much yeah now one thing we are Going through though today is battery Life we have to talk about this camera In terms of battery life because this is Is one thing that you sacrifice you're Definitely going to have to buy extra Batteries especially if you're filling Up those memory cards shooting High Frame rate shooting a lot of video we've Gone through a couple of batteries today Already and that's because we have the Lpe17 that I have to check yeah it's one Thing compared to the R6 Mark II you're Getting a much higher battery capacity But again buying batteries isn't that Big of a deal we always harp on this but You just need to get some extra Batteries the other thing to mention is That where the R6 Mark II has a dual SD Card slot which is very nice for Redundancy the R8 only has a single card Slot so that's something to factor in if That's an issue for you yeah again like This could make for professionals a very Capable second camera but if it's Something that you're purely relying on Having that one card slot might be the Limitation that's going to be a deal Breaker for you I want to talk about

Some things that I'm personally noticing Today when shooting with this camera I Like it more than I thought and Canon Noise does a good job with their Ergonomics it's the same as the Canon EOS RP and that was their smaller Full-frame mirrorless camera that they Released a few years years ago now that Camera as well as the original ESR is Getting pretty long in the tooth but I'm Glad they've maintained the form factor With a few adjustments the power switch Is on the right hand side which I'm Getting used to and it's nice that we Have the easy switch between photography And video now I like that this camera Does have a touch screen that is very Interactive you're able to go through The menu selections you can do autofocus Selections and Canon's always done a Great job with their interface I think This camera is really well designed and Laid out that someone that's a beginner To full frame photography will enjoy it And be able to experience something That's easy but then also be able to Grow with it and get into manual control Too now with that we have two command Dials so we have one on the top and one On the back of the camera and it's great To be able to adjust your exposure now As I mentioned when we were talking About autofocus I am missing having the Joystick on the back of the camera just

For some autofocus selection but people That are used to touch screens I think Are going to still find that this Interface Works quite well this camera Does have some weather protection Section it's quite durable and there are A few other things that I know Dave is a Bit annoyed with this camera Don't tell him but I've set up something Where we can actually go to a place Called The Rage Zone where are we going Um Well I think it's better if you just Wait till we get there because I feel Like if I tell you you will not want to Come I'm hearing banjos Like where are we I know if we see the Barn we've gone too far Yeah this really happened [Music] Before go for it [Music] So what did you think you know what I Did not expect that as my surprise at The end of the day and thank you so much For organizing that I'm feeling so much More relaxed now I don't know what it is The rage box you can check out their Website we'll put the link below but we Had a lot of fun smashing things and Filming it and shooting it uh Drew what Did you think it's awesome yeah well We're gonna get into some of the video Stuff so why don't we get Drew over here

And uh we can chat so with Academy us R8 We were testing a few different video Modes what was kind of the main thing That you were noticing the 180 frames Per second was pretty awesome I mean Slow motion just in general especially Situations like this looks so cool like Smashing glass all of like the debris uh That one little light bulb that you Smashed on there it wasn't really little But like yeah So cool with uh slow motion yeah and I Mean the 4K 60 still looks amazing I Mean it's the same thing as Yeah where's the camera so you still Have oversampled 4ks direct from the Full readout of the sensor yeah Uncropped uncropped you still have 180 Frames per second in 1080P it still Looks all amazing yeah and we're happy To see that we have a lot of the same Kind of video features that make this a Great compact package so we have the Full articulating screen we have the Ports that we like the headphone jack The microphone Jack and we also have HDMI but it is micro micro HDMI of Course we would always like to see full Size but you know frankly I don't mind Having a slightly smaller Port because It means a smaller body overall and it Is a really small body it is yeah one Thing I was really surprised about was How little I didn't notice in body

Stabilization actually coming into Effect I shot a lot on the 70 to 200 and The 100 to 500. admittedly the 70 to 200 Was mostly on tripods but even then There was basically no real issue with Any sort of like vibrations or anything Like that and shooting freehand 100 to 500 bare really noticed anything so We're also good and then from an Autofocus perspective what are some of The things that you were seeing with the New autofocus features took us a little Bit to uh fully get everything working The way we wanted to but once we did the Touchscreen interface where you can Select the different subjects was really Interesting I personally didn't use it a Whole lot because the screens kind of Not as bright as I would like it Especially we've had a lot of bright Sunny conditions today for sure I mean Selecting from there on the screen bit Difficult I mostly found myself using The viewfinder which was totally fine Still very easy to track the days of me Complaining about you know Optics Viewfinders versus digital viewfinders Is pretty much behind us at this point I Was having no problems tracking birds And things like that yeah now it is Relatively cool it here but we didn't See any specific overheating issues with What we're doing in fact our biggest Sushi today was just weird playing

Through batteries we really were the E17 Battery I mean 4K 60 and 180 frames per Second their power hogs in general I Went through on the gh6 at least one Full battery three so you know those Kind of formats do drain power pretty Quick but we do have USBC input and so There is a possibility to utilize that But thank you so much I'm glad we're Able to snap Together totally it was fun well Dave I Hope you enjoyed our little road trip That we did in our own backyard just Outside of the city you know it's been a Long day but a great fun day and it Ended up it was smashingly good Smashingly good and now here we are back With a nice fence behind us roads on our Horizon enjoying this nice Golden Light Here yeah but the most important thing Is we got to experience the Canon EOS R8 And get our full review of what this Camera is really all about now what I'm Finding is that this is a lot of Technology and a lot of performance Packed into a very small bundle yeah We're impressed to see that they've kept A lot of the technology a lot of the Features that we saw in the Canon EOS R6 Mark II but they put it in a smaller Package and it's at a more affordable Price point just under two thousand Dollars for this full frame body now There are a few compromises from

Shooting with the R8 you only had a Single card slot you don't have as high Resolution viewfinder the buffer isn't Quite as big as if you stepped up into The R6 but if you look at what this Camera is designed for I mean this is a Great travel option it's very small but If you come across a senior you need 40 Frames a second you have that ability Absolutely even for professionals I Think this would make an awesome second Body it's going to be able to do the Trick it's going to be able to keep up With the work that you need and again Getting into the full frame lineup at This price point and being able to save Some money maybe so you can afford the Awesome RF lenses I think that this is a Great combination yeah we're also seeing That they didn't skimp anywhere on video So it's fantastic that way yeah Definitely this could be like an All-around you know content creator Camera something that you could do for Both purposes but of course we want to Know what do you think of the Canon EOS R8 does it check all your boxes do you Think it has everything that you'd want For this price point let us know in the Comments below is there something that's A deal breaker for you for instance the Battery or the single card slot make Sure you follow us on Instagram and if You're new to the Channel Please

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