Canon RF-S 55-210mm f/5-7.1 IS STM

[Music] Howdy again everyone and here we go with The test of the third available Canon RFS lens the new 55 to 210 millimeter F5 To 7.1 is STM RFS lenses are lenses for Canon's new RF Mount mobile S cameras But which only offer a smaller aps-c Image Circle just right for Canon's Aps-e RF Mount cameras like the r7r10 And R50 they can be smaller lighter and Cheaper this one is your standard Telephoto zoom lens covering the Full-frame equivalent of 88 to 336 Millimeter not a bad little Zoom range For such a small lens although the Maximum aperture of any F5 on the wide End darkening to well a very dark F 7.1 As you zoom in means the lens doesn't Capture much light or offer very out of Focus backgrounds this is clearly a lens Intended for casual telephoto Photography to throw in your camo bag For a trip to the Wildlife Park although Actually if it's sharp enough it could Still be really useful for quite a Number of projects it costs a low 350 Dollars in the US and a more expensive 430 pounds in the UK although it's Cheaper if you buy it with a new camera As part of a kit I'd like to thank Canon UK for loaning me this lens for a week Or so for testing although as usual this Is a totally independent review the lens Itself is small light and dead simple

And easy to use mostly made of plastic Even down to the lens mount Unfortunately which is not weather Sealed basic stuff but at least a glass Protector at the rear will stop dust and Moisture Ingress from there on this new Copy of the lens the plastic Zoom ring Turned really nice and smoothly with Very little stickiness the plastic Control ring on the front with its Helpful knurled texture can be used to Control manual focus or can be Configured in your camera's money for Fast access to settings that include Aperture ISO and exposure compensation Note that it turns smoothly without any Clicks when using it to control manual Focus it works fantastically Responsively as you can see here you can Also see that the lens doesn't really Suffer from much focused breathing Keeping your focal length the same as You change Focus oh yes I forgot to Mention that this lens has image Stabilization here's some footage with That stabilization turned off and now Turned on as you can see it's helping a Lot although your footage does remain a Little jittery let's check out this Lenses autofocus wow it works silently Accurately and almost instantaneously And has no trouble tracking subjects When used with a decent camera that is An excellent performance for a low

Budget lens the lens has a very small Filter thread size of 55 millimeters and It doesn't come with a hood overall its Basic build quality here yeah but Actually manufactured to pretty tight Tolerances being small and light with Well-functioning electronics okay let's Look at image quality now I'll be Testing this thing on the challenging Playground of my Canon EOS R7 camera With its aps-c sized 32.5 megapixel Sensor in camera Corrections are turned On for this test at 55 millimeter and F5 The lens is lovely and sharp in the Middle of your images with good contrast And the corner image quality is almost As good nice stopping down to f8 doesn't Really help here as the effects of Diffraction will have a softening Counteraction against any Improvement in Sharpness as you might imagine f11 and F16 start getting really soft Diffraction it is a bigger issue on a High resolution aps-c camera let's zoom Into 100 millimeter where the maximum Object has already darkened to F 6.3 Here sharpness in the middle is just Good it'll look fine on a 24 megapixel Camera but a 32.5 megapixel one is just Pushing things here thankfully though Corner image quality is no worse stop Down to f8 and the corners look the same But the middle enjoys a nice little Increase in sharpness looking a bit

Punchier now finally let's Zoom all the Way into 210 millimeter the good news Here is that the lens stays quite sharp Even at its brightest aperture of f 7.1 And contrast is okay too the corner Image quality again is a bit softer here But still perfectly usable stopping down To f8 or f11 sees no real Improvement Anywhere across the image frame overall This performance is a little better than I expected really considering how Brutally tough a 32.5 megapixel sensor Really is I'd say the lens survived my Testing mostly intact and I reckon Owners of 24 megapixel cameras will be Really quite impressed with it let's Turn off those in camera Corrections now And take a look at Distortion and Vignetting at 55 millimeter and F5 we Get moderately strong pin cushion Distortion and fairly dark image Corners Stopped down to f8 and those Corners Brighten up if we Zoom all the way into 210 millimeter you can see that pin Cushion Distortion is an issue across The entire Zoom range and at F 7.1 Vignetting is there again you have to Stop down to f11 to see those Corners Fully brighten up so it's a pretty Mediocre performance there leave your In-camera Corrections turned on Definitely This lens has a handy tracker bit sleeve And impressive minimum Focus distance of

About 70 centimeters in my tests anyway Bringing you super close to smaller Subjects at F 7.1 the close-up image Quality is a bit ghostly but stop down Just a little bit to f8 for a nice Little Improvement in contrast good to Know let's see how well this lens works Against bright light some further good News here flaring doesn't really seem to Be an issue here at all with the lens Maintaining its contrast very nicely Whether you're zoomed out or zoomed in Finally Boca as I mentioned already That's dark maximum object combined with A smaller apse image Circle makes it a Little tricky to actually get out of Focus backgrounds here when you do get To them they look totally fine quite Nice and smooth actually overall I would Call this camera lens very proficient But a little gray it works very well and It's decently sharp with decent contrast But it's not terribly exciting because Of that dark maximum aperture and also I'd have preferred to have a physically Bigger lens that could zoom in a bit Further but ultimately it does what it Does very nicely it's good value when Bought alongside a camera so it does Come recommended Thanks for watching everyone and a Special thanks to all my supporters over On patreon if you find these videos Helpful then check out my patreon page

Where you can find all kinds of bonus Content as well as Early Access to Reviews and other videos ciao for now Everyone [Music]

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