Leica Q3 Hands-on Review

[Music] Too [Applause] It's David Evelyn from the camera store And today we're taking a look at the new And already very high demand Leica Q3 [Music] So Evelyn this is the Leica Q3 and as The name suggests this is the third Generation of their Q Series yeah There's been a lot of Buzz about this A lot of big steps for like in terms of The technology it's offering first of All we have a phase detection autofocus System it's a hybrid system we're going To get into that a little bit later on We also have some physical changes we Have a flippy screen which is a first in The Q Series yeah a beautiful 60 Megapixel sensor and we're going to talk About why we think that this Leica Camera is one of the best value The entire Q system is built around this Amazing 28 millimeter sumolex F 1.7 lens And this is a gorgeous lens not only With the Leica looks and feel of it but Also Optical quality as well but you Might think it's a 28 millimeter fixed Lens what if I'm a 35 millimeter guy and I want a bit more well I'm actually okay With 28 because I can crop a little bit But you can go beyond that with this Camera yeah so it's neat that Leica does Put in their crop lines so you do a 35

Millimeter 50 millimeter or 90 Millimeter equivalent with those crop Lines and I love that when you bring it Into programs like Lightroom you can Actually go into your crop settings and Then you see the full width of the image Yeah so you can always do it in post if You're going to save it as a 90 Millimeter you are going down to much Lower resolution however still very Usable resolution oh yeah and with that 60 megapixel sensor it's now becoming a More practical option I also have to say Just some of the Nifty little features With this lens it just feels so good I Mean the clicky aperture ring it's just A very tactile experience I love that You have this little lever here for Doing manual focus and then that button Is actually where you activate between Doing autofocus or manual focus and Let's not forget we do have the ability To make one big switch over and go into A macro setting here which allows us to Get extremely close to some subjects Take a look at these flower shots here And you'll see how close you can get and Just like the previous Q bodies we have A dual access image stabilization system That's in the lens and because this is All just one fixed unit we have a leaf Shutter and so that's part of the lens Assembly as well and the great thing With that is if you're someone that

Wants to shoot with strobes you can Actually do very high sync speeds up to One two thousandth of a second that's Very impressive the other thing about Leaf shutters is that they're incredibly Quiet there's just that really Satisfying click when you want to take That picture and we have to say I mean You don't really think of value when you Think of Leica but if you're looking at Some options if maybe you were Considering the M series and it seems a Little bit Out Of Reach this really Brings it home by putting this package Together with this lens I mean if you Look at it at a 28 millimeter 1.7 Sumalux for like M11 it's about the Price of this entire camera so you're Kind of getting this amazing lens and The camera for free It's just starting to drizzle here in The park now I know Drew's getting a Little bit nervous about some of his Sound equipment but I'm not worried About the Leica Q3 at all because it Still maintains an ip52 rating so There's very few cameras on the market Leica is one of them as well as Pentax That actually does an ip52 type rating So it can handle a little bit of drizzle And this body and lens combination is Just built to be very robust it's Durable it has such a nice feel to it I Love the texture on the camera so many

Subtle little things that just make a Leica camera feel amazing in your hand And they've done a few things to refine That as well we now have a better Electronic viewfinder so it's a 5.7 Million dots electronic viewfinder nice Refresh rate as well as good Magnification and so the experience of Shooting with it but then also being Able to review those 60 megapixel high Resolution files is also just really Dreamy you have to experience it if You've never actually used an electronic Viewfinder Leica has put in a very nice One I have to also mention that the Thumb divot the little spot on the back It just adds this great little feeling To the camera it makes you feel very Secure when you're holding it I like the Dials on the top of it I like that we Have some additional programmable Buttons on the back side of the camera And then we can't forget that they put a New battery in it getting better battery Life and then we have the fast memory Card slot it's the UHS 2 SD memory card Slot so we have one of those as well we Mentioned before that it has the Tiltable articulating screen it's nice That it's touch screen operation as well It does make the camera just a tiny bit Thicker and it's not fully flush with The body so some people might not like That but I think it's worth the benefit

Of having the articulation so you can do From the hip shooting you can do Different angles whether you're trying To shoot up or down now it's really Starting to come down here so for the Sake of our audio equipment we're gonna Move on from here we are starting to get A little bit of hail on us we found a Bit of shelter Springtime in Calgary Right like one minute it's great one Minute is hailing amazing yeah no I do Love that actually but I have to say That there's a couple other things I Want to mention in terms of the build And handling of the camera in addition To the Q3 is a USB C port and this is Very exciting because you can charge on The go so when I brought this to a music Festival it was like a camping Festival In the middle of nowhere it was great Because I was able to plug in one of Those little power Banks and just charge It in my bag while I was waiting to Shoot the next set I am a big fan of USBC everything I mean just give me all The power through USBC and great with That but the Q3 has unique features well It's the first Leica to offer Q charging War with one of their bases you can put This camera just on top of the base and It's going to charge wirelessly with the Leica q1 and the Q2 we had contrast Detect Focus which certainly did its job It was okay but we want something more

We want more demanding users nowadays so Like it has added phase detection into The Leica Q3 now it works very well You've got all kinds of different modes So I'm spot focusing to zones but the Included face and eye detection and Animal detection is a very welcome Addition however when you put it on and You look at your first subject I Guarantee you're going to smile and be a Little bit amused because it highlights Both eyes with these rectangles and so You have kind of this cartoon character Looking at you in the screen all of a Sudden I found a little bit distracting I would have liked to see those a little More subtle or maybe just the option Just to do face only without eye Detection But I am happy that like is improving Their autofocus on this camera they're Making it much more usable and once you Get past the comical side of the I focus I think the autofocus is really going to Surprise you well the sunshine is back Out and we found a beautiful mural to Talk a little bit about image quality And we also found out that you really Love the color purple I do I got a Little excited about the purple mural uh So we have to come over here check it Out maybe shoot a few photos of it and Speaking of color I have to say I mean The images that come out of this camera

With the 60 megapixel sensor and that New Meister 4 processor are just like a Special sauce they look so good I love Them at a camera now we talk about the Leica Optics all the time and they are Legendary in that world but there's the Whole process it's the quality of the Sensors how they process all the Information that really leads to this Amazing quality color and files that Just sort of Pop yeah and we have to say The 60 megapixel sensors also found in The M11 we can go up to four frames per Second now without losing anything yeah Use autofocus exposure everything yeah If we want to we can go all the way up To 15 frames per second but we do go Down to 12-bit and we certainly lose Autofocus at that yeah and this is nice Because it gives you again that extra Versatility 's ability so although this is kind of Like your everyday camera but in a pinch If you wanted to shoot something that Was a little bit faster action you have That extra flexibility what do you think About it being able to shoot in 8k Cinema 420 10 bit for video recording I'm actually very surprised by this Edition from Leica I mean that shoots Video period let alone 8K video Considering that the M11 doesn't shoot Video at all yeah it's an interesting Choice I mean a lot of people might

Think oh the Q3 is more of a Stills Photographer's camera and they've still Made it mostly that I mean this doesn't Have an audio input for putting in an Extra additional microphone you have to Use the internal audio ports but I think The bottom line is it can do it right Now Drew is filming us with the Leica in 4k 60 42010 bit and you can tell us what You think of the look of the video Footage and then we can also talk about The sounds yeah right now we're Recording audio driving into the Leica Through its built-in microphones but We're also recording video into our road Mics through the Panasonic six and if we Switch back and forth you'll certainly Be able to hear the difference of audio Quality yeah and I mean that goes to Show just the difference in having a Lavalier microphone versus just It is you know not the best that you Don't have the option to add in a Microphone and I think that just speaks To the use case of why you would use Video on this camera I 100 think so I Mean like I put in a very powerful Processor into this Q3 so it can shoot 8K video why not throw it in there I Don't think it's going to be taken as a Very serious video tool so for me I'm Looking at it kind of like the Versatility of this camera I mean we Have a macro mode we have this great 28

Mil that we can crop into but why not Throw video into it as well make it even That much more versatile from taking it With me everywhere I go all right Evelyn I know you took this camera to a little Music festival the other weekend what Did you think of this camera we're using It yeah well first of all I have to say A little shout out to Milo Alberta who knew that it'd be such A great time but I really enjoyed it and I think part of it was my experience With the Leica Q3 was very enjoyable I've liked the entire Q Series but this Adds some refinements and some features But other Leica cameras actually don't Even have no I really like the cute too And I was very much looking forward to This camera and I really didn't Disappoint I mean when you first look at It had similar experience where I'm like Oh that's the price points it's a little Steep for my liking but the more I use It the more I see the results the more I Like this camera the more I want one Yeah they've still maintained the very Robust Good Feeling simplistic like a Design that has all that tactile quality To it but at the same time they've put In some Modern features like having the Hybrid contrast and face detection Autofocus we thought that performed Quite well USBC charging we have the Nice electronic viewfinder that just

Aids to your experience both Photographing and video exactly I mean The video is something I can you know Live with or without it's not a big for Me ultimately I'm buying this camera Because I want to capture life I want to Capture a street and I want to capture Like everyday occurrences and that's Where this camera excels it begs to be Carried with you everywhere you go and Just to capture Great Moments in life Yeah and it's nice addition to Somebody's kit so if they have a system You don't necessarily have to invest in A whole Leica setup you can buy this Full package and be able to enjoy the Quality that comes out of the Leica Imagery the Optics and being able to Just have a Leica and feel really cool With it now I really like the simple Design like you mentioned I love that It's so simple like has made it a very Simple process to navigate the camera You don't have to spend hours learning The menu system everything's right there But they are moving forward they're not Staying just in the the old start of School yeah it's super refined yeah I Mean adding on the articulating screen You don't have to use it if you don't Want to but it's there and I love it for Doing sort of waist level shooting or Low angle shooting definitely they're Adding this onto it yeah they've

Definitely hit the sweet spot as far as Coming with a camera that a lot of People are excited about I mean we have Tons of of orders at the camera store For this camera so I think the biggest Question is going to be will Leica be Able to keep up with the demand and of Course we want to know what do you guys Think about this camera does it hit all Of the features that you'd like to see In it what do you think of the price Point would you go for it or would you Want something more like the M11 would You invest to get all the lenses and Everything let us know in the comments Below and what do you guys think of them Adding 8K video to this very high-end Point shoe style camera make sure you Follow us on Instagram and if you're new To our Channel Please Subscribe hit the Notification Bell we'll catch you again Very soon [Music] Thank you Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out thecamerstore.com down Here

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