Brightin Star 11mm f/2.8 'Fisheye' lens review

Brightin Star 11mm f/2.8 ‘Fisheye’ lens review

Howdy You Again everyone now major Camera manufacturers have seemed Reluctant to Market official fishe Lenses for their various new mirorless Camera systems instead choosing to Surrender that space to thirdparty Manufacturers for whatever reason and The latest thirdparty offering…

A camera lens that can see BEHIND you...!

A camera lens that can see BEHIND you…!

[Music] One way to get your creative juices Flowing is to try a new camera lens and The $150 7and 4 mm fishe could really Get you looking at things with A New Perspective it's for mirorless camera Systems with…

Canon EF 200mm f/1.8 L USM 'Eye of Sauron' lens review

Canon EF 200mm f/1.8 L USM ‘Eye of Sauron’ lens review

[Music] Greetings everyone and today I'm very Excited to be checking out something Real special it's a lens that I've been Curious about testing for absolutely Years and now that Canon cameras are Coming out with in-body image Stabilization it's…