Best Cameras for Beginners in 2024

I tested the best beginner cameras to Find the best ones and I realized the Perfect beginner camera is very specific To your shooting style and without the Right features and specs for your Shooting style chances are whatever Camera you pick up will probably Disappoint you so in this video let's Talk about the best cameras for Different kinds of beginners and what Specs and features you actually need as A beginner also if you want to make sure You get the best possible pricing on Your new beginner camera make sure to Check out the links in the description Down below now the number one thing that I find most beginners look for is that They want an all round camera that's Easy to travel with easy to operate and You want to be able to shoot high Quality photos and videos that will Absolutely blow your cell phone out of The water and the camera that I think Does all of these things the best is the Canon R50 it's a compact and well-built Camera with a really satisfying grip in Your hands it has a simple menu and Mt Layout making it a very easy camera to Just pick up and get results with but it Also has one feature that I think all Beginners are going to love and that is Intelligent Auto in this mode you simply Tell the camera what you want in terms Of brightness background blur color

Saturation and the camera will make all Of the complicated settings for you this Is a really good feature for someone That knows that they have a good Photographic eye they have a vision of What they want but they maybe just don't Know the technicals of a camera yet on Top of that the K R50 also has a side Articulating screen that is also touch Enabled this will give you touch Controls over over all of your major Settings like shutter aperture ISO but Your menus as well and my favorite thing About this is that you also get touch Autofocus it's going to work just like a Smartphone but the quality of the Autofocus is way better than even the Best cell phones out there and the Reason the autofocus is so great is for One specific reason it's because the Autofocus is AI enabled this way the Camera can intelligently recognize Different subject matters like people Animals and cars and it already has the Data to track those subjects according Ly based on how they move where they Stop and how fast they go and as a Beginner having a reliable autofocusing System is so key to making sure you're Actually getting the shots you want and It's also going to make photography and Film making more fun and one thing that Photographers are going to love about The Canon R50 is the highquality

Electronic viewfinder one it has a Really fast refresh rate making it more Pleasant to use especially with moving Subject matter but it's also high Resolution making it much easier on your Eyes when using it for extended periods Of time and it's not something you see On a beginner camera like this now when It comes to shooting the actual photos And videos the Canon R50 has some pretty Impressive specs it has a 24 megapixel Apsc size sensor which is the sweet spot For resolution and image quality without Costing you an arm and a leg this way You're going to get great looking images That you can zoom and crop into without Losing too much detail and you can also Get great looking photo prints another Thing that I was really impressed by is That the R50 sensor is also really good In low light so if you're shooting in Dim lighting conditions or you're Vlogging at night time you're going to Get great image quality without a ton of Noise or grain but my absolute favorite Part about the Canon R50 and one thing That I think beginner photographers are Going to love is how fast this camera Shoots it can shoot anywhere between 12 To 15 frames per second making it the Perfect camera for beginners who want to Catch fast moving action if you're Shooting Motocross soccer your random Dog running around

Anything you want is possible with this Camera when it comes to action shooting And on top of that you can also shoot Anywhere between 28 to 42 jpegs in a row Depending on how fast you're shooting so You can really just hold down the Shutter button get the entire action and Then you can go in later and pick the Exact photo you want but there is one Problem with the R50 that I do want to Flag for beginner photographers while The R50 does shoot 14 bit Rod that has a Ton of flexibility for light values and Color once you in raw mode you can only Shoot seven photos at a time so the R50 Ends up being a great action camera for Jpeg Shooters but not a very good action Camera for raw shooters that want to Heavily grade their photos however if That sounds like a problem for you I Have a camera later in this list that's Going to solve that exact problem now if You're shooting photos with the R50 There's no way you're not going to be Shooting video as well and the Canon R50 Does really impressive video as well it Shoots 4K at 24 and 30 frames per second But but it's not regular 4K it's Actually 4K that is down sampled from 6K Effectively giving you 6K Clarity and Detail in a smaller more manageable 4K File and this 4K shooting is going to be Perfect for someone that's doing casual Shots while traveling maybe they're

Vlogging or even making YouTube videos Like this you're going to get really High fidelity 4K video and you won't Have to do a lot to it to get it to look Good but the Canon R50 does have hdrp q Mode that gives you a little bit more Dynamic range and slightly flatter Colors with 10bit color and this way if You want you can create your own custom Look for this camera in your editing Software if you're going to be vlogging With the Canon R50 you're also going to Get really great digital stabilization For smooth handheld video and this is Going to get rid of those annoying shaky Vlogging vide the R50 also shoots really Good slow motion at full HD at 60 frames Per second and 120 frames per second and This is going to make those epic travel Shots that much easier to get the only Issue that I do have with the Canon R50 Is that it has a really small battery Life but that's to be expected with a Beginner and budget camera the R50 Overall is a phenomenal camera that's Going to cover all of your major bases For getting great photos and great video Quality and it's a really great and Affordable beginner camera now some of You guys might want a little bit more Horsepower the Canon R50 does not have And you might also be a little bit more Video oriented or you might be trying to Make more digital online content and

There's actually a camera that was made For beginner video Shooters and online Content creators while actually having Better photography specs than the Canon R50 and that is the Sony zve E10 the First thing that you'll notice about the Zv1 is that it only has one button to go Between the photo video and slow motion Modes and this is going to make using This camera that much faster and less Confusing to use especially as a Beginner the camera itself is also very Small and can even fit in your pocket if You want to shoot good video you're Going to need good audio and the Sony Zv1 actually has a three capsule Microphone built right in that's going To give you super Solid Audio without Having to buy an external microphone not Only is this going to save you money but If you're planning on vlogging with this Camera it's going to keep your camera That much smaller and easier to travel With and even in noisy environments You're still going to get very Solid Audio sadly the Sony Z V10 doesn't have Electronic viewfinder for photography But it does have a real really great Side articulating touchcreen the touch Controls aren't quite as good as the Canon R50 but it does have touch Autofocus and the autofocus itself on The zv1 is stellar and while it doesn't Have ai based autofocus like the Canon

R50 but Sony is so far ahead of the game When it comes to camera autofocus that Even without AI the camera is really Fast ATT tracking moving subject matter And it's very very reliable even with Fast action now let's talk about the Thing you actually want to know the Image quality in the the Sony zv1 in Terms of image quality the Sony zv1 is Really impressive but it's not Immediately obvious when you first look At the specs on this camera it has a 24 Megapixel APS C size sensor which is the Healthy spot for cropping it and zooming Into your image without costing you an Arm and a leg but thanks to a unique Sensor design that Sony cameras have It's also shockingly good in low light Scenarios even at isos as high as 10,000 And it's not a problem for this camera To shoot in any kind of low light Environment but on top of that because Of this unique sensor design it also has Increased dynamic range so when it comes To your photos and videos you're simply Going to be able to see more and you're Going to have more room to play around With when it comes to editing when it Comes to shooting photos the zv1 can Actually shoot at 11 frames per second Which is only slightly slower than the Canon R50 but the one place the zv1 is Actually way better than the R50 is the Fact that the zv1 can shoot 116 J pegs

In a row or 46 Raw photos making it a Much faster camera than the R50 overall In terms of how long you can shoot for And this is a really important feature For beginners to have at this stage of Your photography career you probably Haven't developed the sense of when to Take the photo and when to wait for the Action but by being able to shoot for a Longer period of time before your camera Needs a break you have a higher chance Of nailing your shot and not missing the Moment you're looking for when it comes To video the zv1 is just just as Impressive it shoots 4K video at 24 and 30 frames per second and it's also down Sampled from 6K so you're going to get 6K quality but in a smaller 4K file size And along with that if you're planning On doing any kind of vlogging or Handheld shooting it also has really Good electronic stabilization and in my Opinion it's actually better than the Canon R50 the zv1 has pretty similar Slow motion features like 60 frames per Second and 120 frames per second so You're going to be able to get those Epic shots whenever you want them in Slow motion but my favorite feature on The zv1 is the fact that it has SL log 3 Built in now it only shoots slog 3 in 8 Bit color but this is going to give you A lot more dynamic range than hdrp Q Mode on the Canon R50 and with this

You're also going to get a lot more room To play around with your colors so even Though you only have 8 bit color you're Going to get a lot of room to create a Cinematic look with this camera if you Want and in my experience the way YouTube and vlogging is moving it's all About creating a cinematic look with Your videos overall the zv1 in my Opinion is probably the best video Camera for both photos and videos and I Love the smaller and simple design of This camera along with the built-in Microphone the only drawback is that It's only 8 bit color where newer Cameras like the Canon R50 have 10 bit Color but that really depends on if you Need to edit your colors so the 10 bit May not matter to you overall the zv1 in My opinion is probably the best video Camera for both photos and videos and I Love the smaller and simple design of This camera along with the built-in Microphone the only drawback is that It's only 8bit color where newer cameras Like the Canon R50 have 10 bit color but That really depends on if you need to Edit your colors so the 10 bit may not Matter to you now I realize a lot of you Guys may not want all these fancy Features and specs in your camera and You simply want a way more Straightforward and simpler photography And video experience and you also want

It to be way cheaper in that case the Number one budget camera that I Recommend to most beginners is the Canon R100 what makes the Canon r100 such an Interesting camera especially for a Budget model is the fact that it has Really high image quality and really Well-designed body that you simply don't See in a budget camera like this it Actually has the same sensor as the Canon R50 and you should get the same Colors in dynamic range in the r100 that You expect from the Canon R50 the r100 Also has a super simple and well-laid Out button and menu layout along with Intelligent Auto that you have from the Canon R50 so you could just potentially Tell this camera what you want in terms Of color brightness background blur and The camera will do all of the hard work For you and the Canon r100 is a super Small and Nimble camera with a Shockingly satisfying grip for such a Small camera one thing that does break My heart is that the r100 doesn't have The same AI based autofocus from the Canon R50 but the auto focus in this is Still absolutely Stellar it's going to Track fast moving subject matter just Fine and it's going to be a great camera For action shots if you're shooting Wildlife photography candid shots for Around the city and as a beginner you're Not going to struggle with the autofocus

You're not going to get frustrated at Missing your shots or getting blurry Photos and videos you're going to have a Great experience even with a more budget Model like this some of you that are Looking at the Canon R1 100 are probably Upgrading from their cell phone and one Thing that I love with the r100 is that You can also connect it to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to immediately transfer the photos Straight from the camera right to your Phone that's going to make it that much Easier to share your photos and videos To social media instead of having to use Your phone now when it comes to shooting Photos the Canon r100 does have the same High resolution sensor as the Canon R50 So the quality is really really good but The R1 100 also lets you shoot 100 jpegs In a row or six raw frames when it comes To Raw photography it's really not that Far behind the R50 but I do love the Fact that you can shoot a 100 photos in A row in jpeg without this camera Needing a Brak for a more casual more Lifestyle oriented person this is Probably all you need when it comes to Video the Canon r100 does shoot 4K at 24 And 30 frames per second but it is not Down sample from 6K so you just get Regular native 4K in my opinion it does Still look pretty good for most casual Users the video will probably be just Fine but one thing that's really

Impressive is that the r00 can also Shoot at 60 frames per second and 120 Frames per second in full HD so when it Comes to slow motion the r100 isn't that Far behind the only big downside of the R100 just like the R50 the battery life Is not that great so I do recommend Picking up a few spares the one thing About the r100 that does break my heart Is that the screen on the back is a Fixed screen so it does not move and It's not going to be great for video Shooters and bloggers and it's not touch Sensitive so you don't have touch Autofocus or any sort of touch operation Which might make this camera feel a Little bit outdated to some of you but If you're someone that prefers to use Your camera with the buttons and dials This is probably going to be one of the Best experiences in budget cameras and Beginner friendly cameras so if you're Just looking for a straightforward Budget friendly simple camera to get you Started the r100 is probably the best Value for your money and if you want to Get the best possible pricing on the R100 make sure to check out the links in The description down below and I will See you guys in the next video peace