An Impressive $200 Autofocusing Full Frame 50mm

This is the first autofocusing lens that Seven Artisans has created and it is a Fullframe 50 mm f1.8 and I know what You're thinking do we really need Another 50 mm fullframe lens because There are literally it seems like Hundreds of them uh and it makes sense That this is their first release because I think 50 mm is probably still the most Popular fullframe focal length for a Prime so why Out start with a 50 mm now The thing that really is important and Why I think that this review is valuable Is that this thing is remarkably cheap It comes in at just about $200 us which Is an incredible value if it's any good So let's get into it it comes in a white Box inside you get a user manual a USBC Cable some padding and the lens itself Plastic front and rear lens caps and a Plastic lens Hood but that's almost Where the plastic ends this lens is Constructed out of metal or aluminum and Glass yet it feels pretty light in the Hand weight is 420 G and the design is About as mundane as it gets it is a semi Glossy black color that will match up Well to about 98% of black cameras out On the market starting at the rear there Is a metal Mount electronic connections A USBC port for firmware updates and no Weather sealing gasket in fact this lens Is not weather sealed at all moving up There is a flimsy feeling Auto Focus

Manual focus switch a de-clicked and Extremely stiff aperture ring that moves From f1.8 to F16 and then further into a Or Auto aperture a little 50mm f1.8 Printed here and a s Artisans logo on The other side up next is the manual Focus ring which is equally as stiff as The aperture ring it's electronic but Again very stiff and not that grippy so I don't think that you'll be pleased With it if you are buying this lens to Manually focus fortunately most people Will probably never have to touch this Ring around the front there is a pretty Small front lens element lens specs Seven Artisans logo minimum focus of 0.5 M and a 62 mm filter thread inside there Are 11 elements in nine groups and an 11 Bladed diaphragm and as for the Autofocus I don't have any specs on that But it is fairly quiet I'll discuss that Later mounted on my Sony a7c this is a Big and long 50 mm lens I would have Preferred for this lens to be smaller But as a first autofocusing lens I guess They needed the space to cram everything In it looks perfectly fine though and Although it is an allmetal lens it Doesn't make for a heavy setup at all so The question now becomes is it any good So I took it out on my Sony a7c and I Snapped a couple of portraits couple of Other random shots and here they are all Straight out of the camera unedited

Uncorrected unprocessed no fancy filters Just as they come out with this lens Ready Set Go You're who the one you to the one you Keep on calling your Baby let me be your one the one you can Trust the one you won take home to your [Music] M [Music] All right so the performance is quite Good in the center of the frame wide Open you get plenty of sharpness good Colors good contrast levels even wide Open the Corners aren't that soft they Are softer than the center of the frame But still pretty good although they are A little bit darker vignetting is Definitely noticeable with this lens Chromatic aberration performance is a Bit of a weak point as you can see here Wide open but as you stop this lens down This does go away pretty typical I would Say average performance Barrel Distortion and pin cushion Distortion is Well controlled the image looks flat to Me with straight lines flaring is also Not bad although it does come into the Frame if your bright light source is Just outside of the frame so optically I Would describe this lens's performance As above average now let's talk about Autofocus performance because well I was Expecting this to be terrible I don't

Know if that was just me being kind of Pessimistic about these newer lenses Coming out with autofocus but I was Pleasantly surprised with this one now I'm not saying that this lens is going To rival Sony G Masters but I will say That for photos I had fewer problems With this lens than Sony's own 50 mm F1.8 the focus accuracy is excellent It's quick it's nearly silent and as Long as your subject doesn't move as Quickly as a distracted child you should Be just fine and it also does a fine job Of tracking slower subjects in video I Wouldn't recommend this for Action Sports but for the occasional video here Or there it's more than adequate there Is some focused breathing so if you are Planning on shooting an indie film this Lens probably isn't the tool for the job But again overall I am impressed Especially for a firsttime effort from Seven Artisans and more especially for The price which is around 220 us but Let's call this a $200 lens for $200 if You shoot fullframe Sony e-mount there's Not a lot of good stuff out there there Are a lot of manual lenses but if you're Looking at autofocus lenses those are Harder to come by and if you're looking For one with great Optics that's kind of Tough to find and if you're looking for One with all metal Construction Struction it's kind of hard to find this

Lens kind of combines all three of those Things decent Optics good autofocus Performance and a decent build quality Minus that autofocus manual focus switch Which I'm not a fan of do I think this Lens is too big yes do I dislike the Really stiff aperture and focus Rings Yes do I absolutely hate the autofocus Manual focus switch which is too cheap Feeling and easily flipped while using This lens just casual ually absolutely But am I impressed at the images that I Was able to get with this $200 lens Absolutely for the money I don't know How you can go wrong this is Optics and Performance that I would have expected From a vro lens not a s artisans in fact V Tru does sell a 50 mm f1.8 autofocus Lens but that's $380 which is almost double the price of This seven Artisans again I don't know Of another lens in the $200 price point That's full frame autofocus good Optics Decent build that could beat this one For the money I don't think that it Exists up until this point in history But let me know what you guys think down In the comment section again if you're Interested in this lens if you want to Read more about it check pricing check If there are coupon codes links to that Will be down in the description so Definitely check that out thank you guys So much for watching have a great day

And I'll see you guys in the next one Bye-bye