Canon R6 Mark II Review – Watch Before You Buy

Did Canon just make the perfect camera For both professionals and creators the Canon R6 Mark II does a few things that No other camera on the market is Currently doing and in some ways it's Actually better than the more expensive Cameras out there but it might not be Right for everyone and you have to make Sure it has the right specs and features For you so in this video let's talk About why the Canon R6 Mark II is such a Beast and why it's different than any Other camera on the market today it Seems like cameras never give you Exactly what you want there's always a Compromise in some way a camera might be Amazing at photos with a high res sensor But usually they make compromises in Video because of that sensor and if it's Really good in video it usually has a Low res sensor there's always a Compromise in some way I've always Wanted a camera that could do both Photos and videos really well without Compromise and in the case of the Canon R6 Mark II it all comes down to the Sensor processor and design because this Unique combination isn't found in any Other camera out there to today if you Want the best price on your Canon R6 Mark II or the other cameras I mentioned Make sure to check out the links in the Description Down Below on the surface The Canon R6 Mark II has a pretty

Standard sensor it's 24 megapixels and It's a full frame sensor but there is so Much more to it the pixel design and Processing is completely new and this Benefits both photos and videos the most Notable thing in photos is the large Amount of dynamic range and latitude With the 24 megapixel sensor a couple of Times I had photos that looked Completely unusable too dark or too Bright but I was easily able to pull up The Shadows bring down the highlights And actually get great photos and anyone That ever said 24 megapixels wasn't Enough I promise you you can zoom in and Adjust every little detail in your Photos and I was able to shoot video With literally zero noise or grain even In low light conditions where a shooting On the street with just one light Despite the high resolution the Canon R6 Mark II sensor is actually really good At high isos even up to 12 thousand Eight hundred as long as you use full Stops of iso at 800 1600 and 3200 but The real test of any camera is the Editing and color grading for your Photos and videos and the colors on the Canon R6 Mark II along with the skin Tones are in this perfect Sweet Spot the Colors look true to life and the skin Tones look deep and saturated and Pushing the colors and skin tones in Lightroom I had very little noise or

Image breakdown and in most cases I Actually found the in-camera skin tones Looked better than anything I could do With them and this was all without using Any sort of denoising or sharpening Tools and as someone who loves spending Hours in Lightroom editing I never felt Limited whatsoever and this was thanks To the 14-bit raw in photo mode and Canon c-log in video mode I will talk More about Canon c-log 3 later in this Video because there's a lot more to it But even more important and even more Impressive is the speed and accuracy That I was able to get from the R6 Mark II and I put this camera through every Single thing that I can camera should Struggle with I was able to shoot a Boxer throwing super fast punches with No problems at 12 frames per second Mechanical shutter mode the autofocus Was locked on even in full screen Autofocus mode this is thanks to having Over a thousand points of active phase Detect autofocus points and this was Before I tried any sort of subject Tracking or face detect and then I tried Some faster action shots at 40 frames Per second electronic shutter mode which Is actually faster than standard video And oh my God this blew my mind the 40 Frames per second allows you to not miss A single frame but this time I did use Face detect I was able to shoot an

Entire movement with my model and then Use the exact single photo that I wanted To use for my photo the Canon R6 Mark II Is honestly great at shooting anything From fast cars to models to boxers it Can literally do it all and the focus Was tack sharp every single time the Canon R6 Mark II does have this really Powerful subject detect autofocus which Works on people animals cars airplanes Insects pretty much anything you can Throw at this camera and the autofocus Works just as well in video mode even in Low light situations I shot my model on The street with just one light even at F2 the autofocus never really struggled And the Canon R6 Mark II finally does The one thing that I in most of the Video Community has been begging for Every camera with a high resolution Sensor will always compromise when it Comes to video because usually a camera Can't process all those pixels and it Does this by either cropping into the Sensor or dropping the video bitrate and If a camera doesn't do that it's usually Because the camera has a low resolution Sensor the best example being the Sony Fx3 that shoots 4K at 120 frames per Second but with a 12 megapixel sensor so For the longest time it's been pretty Much impossible to find a camera that Does both photos at a high resolution And video without making severe

Compromises until the Canon R6 Mark II Finally did it the R6 Mark II shoots Full frame for 4K video at 24 30 and 60 Frames per second with zero crop and Zero data rate compromises and because It's a high resolution 24 megapixel Sensor the 4K is actually super sampled From a 6K image so your 4K video is Effectively a 6K video with 6K detail And 6K Clarity and putting the Canon R6 Mark II head to head with something like The Sony fx3 which costs twice as much You actually get a better image from the R6 whereas the Sony is only native 4K And the R6 Mark II still shoots full HD Up to 180 frames per second as a slow Motion Aficionado this is my favorite Mode on this camera because despite Being full HD it still looks sharp and Crisp and honestly 180 frames per second Just looks beautiful and you can shoot All of these frame raids in different Modes in 10-bit color with Canon C log 3 And within Canon C log 3 you actually Have different color gamuts like Cinema Rec 709 and BT 2020. one thing I really Really like about c-log 3 is that Canon Actually gives you an official Conversion Lut to go from log to Whatever color profile you want making It much easier to edit with Canon C log 3 whereas with my fx3 I usually have to Look for third-party Luts Sony does not Provide an official Lut and the colors

In C log 3 really surprise me and you Don't really see cinematic and fill my Colors like this in a mirrorless camera Except for maybe Fuji they have this Really soft almost Kodak portrait feel To them for my film Shooters out there And just like photos there's a ton of Dynamic range and color flexibility in Canon c-log 3. although the Canon R6 Mark II only shoots an ipb codec which Is more of a prosumer an Enthusiast Level codec and for a high data rate Codec like Canon's all eye you have to Upgrade to the Canon R5 or the Canon r5c But the Canon all I codec is perfectly Fine for freelance video makers online Content creators anyone that's an Enthusiast and maybe not doing Professional onset projects but if you Ever need a high data rate codec from Your Canon R6 Canon actually has you Covered you can actually get 6K prores Raw up to 60 frames per second using an External recorder like the atomus ninja Plus it's a really cheap external Recorder to rent as a one-off if you Ever have a big project and if you Bought one with the recorder batteries Hard drives it would still be under 800 Which is cheaper than buying a Canon R5 Or an fx3 although your camera will Become bigger with the atomus ninja Recorder but if you're doing a serious Project that shouldn't really be a

Problem and speaking of big cameras Usually mirrorless cameras like this Have terrible design ergonomics for Professional use and for serious Shooters so how is the Canon R6 Mark II Looking in terms of design one thing That I love is that Canon added a switch To flip between photo and video mode and The settings don't carry over from photo And video so it's really like having two Different cameras and on the model you Actually have three custom profiles you Can set them up for different shooting Scenarios like High frame rate low light Photos portraits whatever you want and You can switch between them with just One click and Canon did not forget about The beginners and people new to cameras It also has automatic modes for portrait Food nighttime and sports so if you're New to cameras you don't really know What you're doing it sets the camera Perfectly for that shooting scenario but Apart from that the ergonomics are Actually what you would want in a pro Level camera despite this being a Mid-tier camera it has a nice robust Solid grip really solid build quality Great bun layout and a really intuitive And simple menu layout and there's also A quick menu on the back of this camera That's also touch enabled so you could Technically use this camera with just Touching but there is a problem and it's

A pretty big one this applies to the Canon R6 Mark II in every single Canon RF camera currently Canon does not allow Third-party companies to make lenses for The Canon RF mount everything that I Shot in this video was actually shot When the high-end Canon Pro lenses like The Canon 28 to 70 Canon 80 5 Canon 16-35 and my personal favorite the Canon 24 to 105 which is my go-to lens and These lenses are amazing in terms of Sharpness and quality but let's be Honest they're pretty expensive and they Actually cost more than the Canon R6 Mark II and I'm a YouTuber I'm on a YouTuber budget my personal solution has Been to buy Canon STM primes which are a Lot more affordable I currently have the 50ml STM and I also have the 16 mil and 35 mil these lenses aren't as sharp but They're just as good when it comes to Autofocus and the image quality is still Stellar but for a lot of serious Professionals out there I would actually Recommend using the RF to EF adapter That Canon also makes and use Sigma Lenses which are disturbingly sharp or The older Canon efl series which is also More affordable and you get Pro level Glass so is the Canon R6 Mark II right For you and is it really the perfect Camera we're gonna do this part as a Casey neistat questionnaire mainly Because I love his videos do you need

Full frame yes do you need 4K 60 without Crop or compromises that's also super Sample from 6K yes it's 24 megapixels Enough resolution for you in terms of Photos if you answered yes the Canon R6 Mark II might be the perfect camera for You if you answered no and you want a Higher resolution sensor closer to 33 Megapixels or 45 megapixels the a74 has A 33 megapixel full-frame sensor and it Shoots tremendous photos however it only Shoots at 10 frames per second and in 4k 60 it corrupts whereas the Canon R6 Mark II does not crop in 4k60 and it shoots At a much much higher photo frame rates However the a74 is the exact same price As the Canon R6 Mark II but if you want Faster frame rates in photo mode and you Do not want to crop your footage in slow Motion there are other options Canon R5 And the r5c have a 45 megapixel full Frame sensor that also allows you to Shoot 8K video and 4K up to 120 frames Per second which is a lot more than the R6 Mark II can do however the Canon R5 And r5c are double the price of the Canon R6 Mark II and you could probably Buy two of these cameras for the price Of one of those personally I think the R6 Mark II is actually the perfect Camera because it perfectly balances Photo and video without making any Compromises and relative to how much Cameras cost it's actually really

Affordable but if you want the best Price on your Canon R6 Mark II or the Other cameras I mentioned make sure to Check out the links in the description Down below and I will see you guys in The next video peace

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