Fujifilm X-S20 Hands-On Review

[Music] Hey it's David Evelyn from the camera Store and today we're talking about Fujifilm that's right we have the new Fujifilm xs20 [Music] We have the Fujifilm x-series aps-c Sensored camera this is the xs20 now This is designed for being a Content Creation camera that can be used for Both photography and video now our Original plan was to get up somewhat Early and 10 AM And to take some nice landscape shots of Southern Alberta here but we have a ton Of forest fires in the area so the smoke Is very bad and so the scenery shots Aren't great yeah of course our go out To everyone that's been evacuated and Have been dealing with this but we are In the small town of High River we're Taking a look at some vintage Architecture there's some really cool Murals and stuff like that we just love Exploring the small towns in our own Backyard so this is the xs20 and if You've been shooting with the xs10 from Fujifilm you're gonna feel right at home It's based on the same body in the same Design but there are some improvements On this camera yeah if you're not Familiar with what this body is all About it's a fairly compact camera but It has a nice deep grip to it it's only

491 grams so it's lightweight and it's a Great travel tool now the other Interesting thing is because this is a Hybrid camera it's designed for both Photo and video you'll notice that the Control dials are unmarked and what that Means is you can customize it to a Variety of different settings unlike Cameras like the xt4 which have like a Dedicated ISO dial this one you have two Dials on the top that you can actually Customize yeah that's a fantastic to be Able to make the camera more what you Want it to be like and by default for Instance this top dial here is your film Simulations which we love fuji is the Only camera system that I actually Really enjoy using the film simulations With but in terms terms of build this Camera I think it feels really good in Your hands they've done a very good job With it does have the fully articulating Screen which I really like and some big Improvements if we're using this for Content creation yeah and I like that we Still have a joystick on the back of the Camera for helping you quickly select Your autofocus points and go through the Menu that's really great and then of Course it is the touch screen as well Now this is a very small body but they Didn't skimp on the battery put a tiny Little battery in like some other brands Have been doing I do like they have a

W235 battery in here same one using the Xt4 and the xt5 Fuji saying we're Getting over 700 shots in the economy Mode with this battery that's great for All-day shooting with a camera like this I also really like that we still have an Electronic viewfinder for this camera a Lot of hybrid cameras seem to be going Away without having electronic Viewfinder when they're a little bit More video focused but because this is a Nice even balance we still have an Electronic viewfinder it's not Necessarily class leading it's 2.36 Million dots so it's the same in the Predecessor and of course very helpful When you're shooting on bright sunny Days I want to talk a little bit more About some of the other physical Features that are designed for video so We have a microphone Jack and we also Have a headphone jack for monitoring Your audio and it's also nice that we Have a USBC Port as well as a micro HDMI Port this means that we can also just Plug this camera in through a power Delivery unit and power the camera you Can also plug it into your computer and Make this camera into a webcam if you Want to do that yeah and in this series Of cameras this have the fully Articulating screen again making this a Perfect choice for being a hybrid camera Now this camera is fairly small and it

Only has a single card slot it is a uhs2 Compatible but just be aware you can't Do any kind of redundancy because you Don't have dual card slots The Fujifilm X Series system is built Around a crop sensor and this is Actually great if you're someone that's Traveling or you want want something That's easy to bring around with you Because as Steve is illustrating today You can pack a lot of glass in a fairly Small bag yeah I'm running the Mind Shift today and I've got everything from An eight millimeter this brand new eight Millimeter lens all the way up to a 600 Millimeter lens all packed inside of This bag and it's great because it Doesn't really weigh you down a lot but The image quality is fantastic out of These little lenses so this has a 26 Megapixel x-tran sensor it's backside Illuminated yes the same sensor found in The xt4 and we really like that now to Go alongside that 26 megapixel sensor Which we like so much we have a Stabilized sensor this allows us to Shoot much lower shutter speeds and Certainly get a much smoother kind of Look when we're shooting video yeah We're getting seven stops of in-body Image stabilization so this is fantastic For both photographers and for video the Other thing I should mention is that It's a fairly fast scanning sensor

However just like the predecessor we are Noticing a little bit of rolling shutter When you're in electronic it's nice that You have the option between mechanical And electronic now when you are shooting In mechanical you can shoot up to one For thousandth of a second for your Shutter speed but if you're shooting an Electronic it opens up the door for People to shoot up to one 32 000th of a Second why is that important well if You're shooting in really bright Conditions you're able to actually shoot Without having to worry about ND filters And shoot wide open so you can get some Really nice looks really shallow depth Of field but be able to do that in Bright sunny conditions that's a Fantastic option once you start shooting With it you wonder how you lived without It now part of this whole reason this Camera's so good is we have the new X Processor 5 in this camera giving us Really good processing speed we can Shoot up to eight frames per second Mechanical into 20 frames a second in Electronic yeah you have a lot of Horsepower in this camera and I know a Lot of people are talking about it as Being kind of like a baby xh2 because We're seeing a lot of the same type of Features especially when it comes to the Autofocus performance yeah I mean thanks To that new processor in this camera the

Autofocus is fantastic it's Significantly better than we're getting On the xs10 yeah it's making it kind of Easy for us to review these cameras or Maybe hard I should say because a lot a Lot of them are all kind of like Leveling the playing field in terms of Doing really good tracking and autofocus Especially with humans Fujifilm does a Really good job with humans we're also Seeing tracking and being able to do Stuff like animals Vehicles things like That effectively Fujifilm is packed a Lot of stuff into a very small body That's a pleasure to use in both Stills And in video Dave Yuri is going to talk about the Trick features but I bet you didn't Notice that I can do this whoa That is the smallest Flash ever I mean It's got like a guy number of like two Or three it's just very satisfying to Play with but it's a nice little feature To have and it's so hidden I mean Obviously as much as I'm mocking the Size of this Flash It is nice to have just a little bit of Pop when you need it but uh it's not Gonna be something that's going to Illuminate a room by any stretch but no Nice little film it's great All the video features that are packed Into this camera I mean this is really Designed to be a true hybrid camera and

Make your video production that much Easier what I like about it is that they Have a lot of features there that if You're not really big into video or new To it and all these terms and Technology Are kind of blowing you away they make It very easy to work with just get in Front of the camera and it's going to do A lot of stuff for you or you can take It to a whole nother level and then be On that yeah it is designed to really Grow with you as a content creator so You have more flexibility so one of the Big features that's a change or an Upgrade is that we now have 4K 60p Internal up to 10-bit and that's with a Slight crop but it's nice that you have This feature right to the memory card if You want to step it up beyond that we do Have F log with this camera if you want To do some post processing we also have Blackmagic support and prores through The HDMI yeah and I should also mention That you can use all the film Simulations we have that image Stabilization up to seven stops and you Can also shoot open gate so if you're Someone that's doing a lot of vertical Video this one format is really helpful And being able to give you more of that Vertical look no matter which Orientation you're shooting in another Thing I forgot to mention if you're Sticking with 1080p you can go up to 240

Frames per second which is great for Video production to throw in some really Nice slow motion and they've designed This to make it easy to use for Content Creation especially if you're like a One-person show we have a tally lab and Then with the menu system we have a new Vlog mode that gives you a simplified Menu it's really easy to tap and select The things that you want so that's nice To have and of course we mentioned Earlier we have a headphone jack as well As a microphone jacket so it's nice to Have both you can actually monitor your Audio which is fantastic this is packed With a lot of great video features that I think content creators are really Going to appreciate but I think this is A great tool for both photo and video Well Dave we took this Smoky day in to Make the best out of it exploring one of The small towns nearby High River it's a Lot of fun and part of the reason it was So fun is that not just you with as a Co-host with me today yeah but this Camera we always have fun with shooting Fuji yeah the xs20 is it does follow the Same ethos of Fujifilm they really have Photographers in mind and I think that They've really also paid attention to What's going on in video and made it Easy to use and have adapted to a lot of The features that content creators are Looking for it's always had a really

Good balance to the Fujifilm cameras uh Bounce sort of the enjoyability the Functionality and the image quality all Come together in a really nice package And I love that this xs20 gives us a Really decent battery so I'm not Carrying around much a lot of extra Batteries I got a full day out of this Without any problem at all but I love The fact we can throw on like this 23 Mil lens which was one of my favorites In the Fuji system it's getting kind of Old I shouldn't be a new one soon I Would hope Fuji but the image quality is Fantastic out of it and the fact that I Can carry five or six lenses in a Backpack oh yeah everything covered yeah I love it absolutely and the other thing Is they've just made a nice balance of Having some of the higher end features Nice processing power and a lot of stuff That gives you flexibility for both your Photography and your video and of course We want to know what do you guys think What are your thoughts on this new X-series cameras does it check all your Boxes let us know in the comments below I think it was happy as I am that we Don't need a dongle now if we want to Plug in a microphone or a headphone make Sure you follow us both on Instagram and If you're new to our Channel Please Subscribe hit the notification Bell and We'll catch you again very soon

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