Tamron 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3 Di III RXD for Nikon Z lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone today I'm really Pleased to be testing out a nice new Copy of the tamon 70 to 300 millimeter F 4.5 to 6.3 di3 rxd which has just winged Its way into my office I'm not just Pleased about this because I haven't Tested a 70 to 300 millimeter lens in a While and I really quite like them They're really handy Zoom ranges and Generally good image quality but I am Happy because this lens originally just For Sony e-mount cameras has officially Made its way over to Nikon Z mount with Nikon's blessing it's so good to see Third-party lenses arriving on Nikon Zed And long may discontinue I was really Curious how well it would work on Nikon Z so I'd like to thank tamon's UK Distributor for loaning me a copy of This lens for a couple of weeks for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review the lens Costs 700 or 700 pounds here in the UK And it offers a full frame image Circle The lands might not have a very bright Maximum aperture but that Zoom range of 70 to 300 millimeter makes it Fantastically useful for all kinds of Subject photography and general Telephoto work as it'll be a good start For a bit of wildlife photography too Although you might want something that Can zoom in a bit further if you want to

Shoot small birds from a distance bear In mind that 70 millimeter is not a wide Angle at all so you'll obviously want to Complement a lens like this with Something else a bit wider let's take a Look at the lenses build quality it's a Dead simple piece of kit that feels Lightweight being made of plastic but Still it's nice and solidly constructed With a nicely textured finish it Actually feels quite handy and quick to Use in your hand it weighs a little over Half a kilogram or under one and a half Pounds it's based on a metal lens mount With a weather ceiling gasket Interestingly there's a waterproof USBC Port on the side of the lens that wasn't There on the Sony version of the lens For future firmware update the lens has No Auto manual focus switch or Focus Limiter switch so you'll have to control That using your camera at the rear you Can find a manual focus swing which Turns averagely smoothly on my Nikon z7 Camera the manual focus response was a Little slow but it got you there some Good news is that I didn't see much Focus breathing on this lens as you can See in this footage The lenses autofocus motor is quiet Accurate and it worked quite quickly in My tests even on my older Nikon z7 Camera [Music]

And then you get a liberally sized Rubberized Focus ring on my copy the Lens it turned fairly evenly averagely Smoothly without any stickiness but Heavily enough that Zoom creep wouldn't Be a problem The Lens comes with a Generously sized lens Hood made entirely With plastic which Clicks in place Positively with a nicely textured finish It's filter thread sizes 67 millimeters Wide tamon have been trying to keep this As a uniform size across as much of Their range of lenses as possible so if You end up buying a whole new set of Tamon lenses then you probably won't Have to invest in a whole loads of Different filters something you need to Know is that this lens does not have its Own image stabilization so you will Definitely want to use it on a camera With in-body stabilization otherwise You'll be getting some pretty blurry Images out of it most of the time Overall though this time on Lanza is Pretty simple to use without many Features but it works totally fine in Everyday use Let's move on and look at image quality Now I'm going to be testing it here on a Nikon z7 full frame camera with its 45 Megapixel sensor in the camera Corrections are turned on at 17 Millimeter and at 4.5 we see brilliant Sharpness in the middle of the image

Contrast is just good the corners are Noticeably softer but still pretty good It's topping down to F 5.6 or f8 sees Little increases in brightness and Contrast but no more sharpness let's Zoom in halfway to about 160 millimeter The maximum outer has now darkened a Little to F 5.3 the middle of the image Still looks fantastic and now the Corners are looking much better too stop Down to f8 or f114 again little Increases in brightness and contrast Finally let's Zoom all the way into 300 Millimeter in the middle of the image at F 6.3 sharpness is great but contrast is A little low again the corners are just A little softer but still very good stop Down to f8 for a bit more brightness but Not much more in the way of sharpness F11 is still fine but stopped down to F16 for softness to emerge due to Diffraction overall the lens is nice and Sharp throughout its whole Zoom range Even into its image Corners although Contrast isn't very strong you will find Yourself adding more in editing let's Look at Distortion and vignetting again On a full frame camera and this is what You'll see with in-camera corrections Turned off at 70 millimeter we don't Really see any Distortion although at F 4.5 vignetting is a little strong stop Down to f8 and the corners brighten up Noticeably zoom in and pin cushion

Distortion quickly becomes apparent and The corners are dark again at the Brightest aperture at f8 and f11 again They brighten up so you'll definitely Want to use Corrections with this lens Although its performance isn't Dramatically worse than usual for a Telephoto Zoom let's look at close-up Image quality now when you zoom all the Way in the lens can focus down to one And a half meters comparatively that's Further than average but still just About close enough for some smaller Subject at F 6.3 close up sharpness and Contrast remain very good stopping down To f8 doesn't bring any Improvement in Sharpness now let's take a look at how The lens works against bright light it's A very good show here there's almost no Flaring at wider angles and it's only When you zoom in that a tiny bit seems To pop up but overall that is a great Performance finally let's take a look at The quality of this lenses bokeh it's Not easy to get out of focus backgrounds Here because of its slightly darker Maximum aperture than usual generally The quality of this lens is by rocket is On the good side of average it can look A bit edgy with difficult backgrounds But there's nothing too disturbing going On here overall while its build quality Might be nothing to write home about the Tamon 70-300 rxd offers a good Optical

Performance for its price and it's good To see a lower budget 7300 millimeter Full frame lens out there for Nikon Shooters it can produce fairly Sharp Images and there are no serious image Quality issues although if you're Shooting at 300 millimeter you'll want To correct for vignetting and color Fringing if your camera does not feature Its own image stabilization then you Might want something else for handheld Shooting and video work but otherwise It's a good versatile lens for its price And it comes recommended [Music] I hope you've enjoyed this video it's my Pleasure to put these reviews together For everyone if you find them helpful Then feel free to check out my patreon Page where you can find all kinds of Exclusive content and videos and sneak Previews for anyone who'd like to Support the channel for only three Dollars a month it's not just about my Personal beer fund it makes a real Difference to keeping these tests going See you next time [Music] Foreign [Music]

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