Fujifilm X-T5 Final Review

Welcome back dpb TV viewers it is Chris Nichols here and today we're gonna be Playing with the Fujifilm xt5 we are Finally revisiting it now we did do an Initial Impressions video we covered a Lot there you know handling controls but We weren't really able to talk about the Sensor or the auto focusing capability As much as we'd like so that's what We're going to focus on today if you Want to get a lot of handling and Controls you should definitely check out Our initial Impressions video but now You've got a full production Fujifilm Xt5 let's get to it now everybody pretty Much universally loved the Fujifilm xt3s Body design especially when using with Compact lenses and then when Fujifilm Came up with the xt4 they went with this Bigger body different grip wider thing Fully articulating LCD panel and that Really divided a lot of people so what Is nice about the xt5 now is that we Have that return to more compact xt3 Body but I do like that the grip is Still a little bit larger and so today I Am going to shoot some smaller lenses But I also did really want to shoot Longer lenses here bigger lenses just to See if it was still comfortable and Actually it's fantastic so this is Probably my favorite handling Fujifilm Body that I've used so far now we have To absolutely talk about the 40

Megapixel aps-c sensor in the Fujifilm Xd5 because it really is one of the Standout features of this platform and We have shot sample photos on this Camera and you know looking at the files I mean the fact is you are getting the Most resolution you're going to get on An aps-c size sensor at least in a photo Centric mirrorless camera I mean Canon Do have a 33 megapixel sensor that's Kind of getting up there but this is Still quite a step above and then on top Of that you are getting fujifilm's Fantastic color their color profiles the Xt5 really does have all of their film Simulation modes to date so that is a Really nice thing on this camera as well Now what about low light performance Well actually honestly on this 40 Megapixel sensor it's excellent I mean Yes if you look at it on a pixel per Pixel level with a lower resolution Sensor you might notice the 40 megapixel Is noisier but we have those extra Megapixels so when you look at a file at The same viewing size It's not really going to cost you Anything in terms of low light Performance now at very extreme isos You'll see that the older sensor has Slightly better noise performance but Honestly it's still very minimal I'd Rather have the extra megapixels Now looking at dynamic range we didn't

Have xt5 lab tests but we do have lab Tests for the xh2 which is the exact Same sensor and what we're finding is Due to the lower base ISO this sensor Has a really good ability to push Shadows we would say it has the best Dynamic range of any of fujifilm's aps-c Sensors to date if there was a weakness We're going to point out on this sensor It's the readout speed see the sensor's Backside illuminated but it's not a Stack chip so it doesn't get the Benefits of faster readout speeds and if You compare this to well of course the Fujifilm xh2s with its 26 megapixel Stack sensor this is quite a bit slower But it's even slower than the older Non-stack 26 megapixel aps-c sensors That fujifilms use so if you are going To shoot electronic shutter mode you are Going to get rolling shutter your Maximum burst rate is fast it's 13 Frames per second but on this particular Camera the mechanical shutter actually Gives you 15 frames per second so you're Getting a faster burst rate mechanical Not only that but this mechanical Shutter is one of the best I've used It's quiet it's very stable doesn't move The camera much when you're shooting Even rapidly so we've got a nice stable Platform with a great mechanical shutter Here and it makes up for the fact that We aren't getting that fast readout

Speed so we have a rare opportunity to Show you Canada's well it's our national Sport after lacrosse and that is camera Hockey check this out Oh I hit the camera nice shot yeah don't Worry caps on there UV filter too we're All good hey so you see this giant Leaf Here on the ground I'm not going to take A photo of it but it's got a lot of Detail and it'll be a good test to talk About something I want to mention on the Xt5 if you're shooting manual focus you Know maybe you're using manual focus Lenses or adapted glass or you just want To shoot a manual focus having a good Punch in magnifier is very important One downside in xd5 here that I've Noticed so is the punching magnifier is Actually not great it's quite mushy Quite soft so it's really hard to get Fine focus keep that in mind if you're Going to buy this camera that might be a Struggle for you if you're going to use A lot of manual focusing lenses all Right so let's talk about Auto focusing Now on the fujifilmax D5 because this is Not something that we're able to test in Our initial review on a pre-production Xd5 properly but you know we have now Done those tests and we I would say it's Very similar to what we saw in the Fujifilm xh2 xh2s to some degree I mean They have a very similar setup as usual With Fujifilm I do like to face an eye

Detect for static portraits or slow Moving subjects it does a very effective Job there you know on the iris I do like The accuracy of that now we did our Famous Jordan running test he actually Gave it a lot of Gusto and energy this Time more than I've normally seen I've Got the camera at 70 millimeters I'm Shooting with Focus priority on to try To get you know as much accuracy to the Focusing shots as possible I'm shooting At F 2.8 and we're doing mechanical Shutter 15 frames a second doing our Bursts here so quite a challenging setup And what I'm going to say is I'm seeing What I've seen on a lot of the other Fujifilm bodies it does a pretty good Job we have a fairly High hit rate but As you can see there are a few shots Where maybe it focuses on his body Instead of his face and it just goes a Little bit soft actually as he got Closer to the camera I was impressed it Actually did a really good job we got Quite a good hit right there but overall This is a decent Auto focusing camera I Do also just want to talk about the General tracking capabilities the xd5 Because I do like to shoot most cameras That I test with a tracking Focus setup And actually for static subjects where I Want to just lock a tracking box on a Subject recompose the camera does a Really good job of maintaining that

Focus there you know I can move a little Bit further a little bit closer or it'll Account for any sort of change in Focus Just for me rotating the camera and it Does that very well but in some Situations I will find the tracking box Still does maybe jump to an area that's Got a lot of detail like busy trees or Something or sometimes just goes to the Background it doesn't happen often but When it does happen it does mean that I Have to then refocus and recompose Happens enough that it's worth talking About you know overall I do think the Fujifilm xd5 has a very solid Auto Focusing experience you know you can Make it work for a lot of situations I Do still think if we're looking at the Competition cameras from Sony and canon In similar price points will give you a Slightly better hit rate a little bit Better Auto focusing experience now of Course a lot of modern cameras are Hybrid cameras so let's go to Jordan Drake and he's going to talk about how The xt5 performs for video as well All right it's Jordan here to talk about The xt5s video capabilities and even Though this shares a sensor with the xh2 It's actually very different video Performance on this camera let's start With 4K so if you're recording 4K you do Have the option up to 30 frames per Second of recording the full width of

The sensor but it is sub-sampled so it's Going to be less detailed and have more Slow light performance than the Oversampled HQ recording that we saw in The xh2 now this does give you the Ability to go to 4K 60 but in that case It does apply a small crop factor to it If you're looking for more detailed 4K This does have a 4K HQ mode and it takes It from the 6K recording Zone which is About 24 megapixels the downside there Is that brings a huge crop in I mean You're looking at just slightly larger Than a micro four third sensor area That's actually being used for this but Just like the xh2 this does suffer from Rolling shutter when you're using those Over-sampled record modes now another Thing I wanted to test with the xt5 once We got a production version is Overheating and here I ran to one of the Real problems that I have with this Camera which is that it's just quite Unstable when recording longer Clips I've used a huge variety of cards and Very often I would have right errors When I was trying to record longer Clips I was eventually able to record 4K 60 Which is the most demanding mode on this And I was able to get 72 minutes out of It which is actually better than the Advertised 60 minutes so I don't think Overheating is going to be a real Concern but even using the latest 1.03

Firmware stability is still a real issue With this camera I mean at the end of The day if video is really important to You I just think it's absolutely worth The extra money moving up to the xh2 not Just for the better recording modes that I've mentioned but it's just a better Designed body that has a headphone jack On it it has a fully articulating screen I do like the three-way for taking Pictures but when I'm filming myself Like right now I'm counting on Chris Framing up and making sure that the Focus and everything is okay on the body There thank you uh on top of that I just Don't really like the classic dials for Shooting video because it gives you Shutter speed and ISO but generally your ISO should be at one of your two base Settings leave it there and your shutter Speed should be at 180 degree shutter And leave it there just the advantages Of the xt5 for photographers don't Really translate for video Shooters so a Lot of people are calling the Fujifilm Xt5 the photographer's camera in the Fujifilm lineup but I do think that Actually does hold quite true I mean This is really the way to go when you Want those manual controls that classic Fujifilm handling and a camera that's Very sexy looking but still very Functional you do have the Fujifilm xh2 And there we are getting similar Ibis

The same sensor the same autofocus but More of that SLR style Body you know a Little bit nicer evf and I think that's Absolutely a great option but if you're Looking for a camera that just has that Classic Fujifilm cachet as well as being A little bit more compact a little bit More spelled a little bit better Designed for shooting on the street then I think this is is the clear winner so The predecessor to this camera the Fujifilm xt4 it was really a departure Right Fujifilm was trying something Different and then I just don't think it Worked very well in the XT lineup so if We just forget about that camera Entirely we can really look at the xt5 As the successor to the xt3 you're Getting those same controls the same Look the same feel everything that you Loved about that camera but now we are Getting better autofocus some Improvements to the body and most Importantly the image quality here this Is really one of my favorite aps-c Cameras as far as image quality goes Overall so Fujifilm xd5 hope you guys Enjoyed this final look at the camera do Leave your comments below let us know What you think Instagram Twitter Subscribe and like thanks so much for Joining us we'll see you soon for Another episode of DP Review TV Foreign


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