Fujifilm X100 VI MOVIE MODE review IN-DEPTH

Hi I'm Gordon from camera labs and this Video is all about the movie Capabilities of the Fujifilm X16 yep you might assume this camera is More focused on stills photography but With this latest model Fujifilm has Greatly improved the video capabilities But if you're more interested in the Photography side of things I've got a Separate in-depth review all about them That's linked here which also talks About the design in the controls so That's going to let me concentrate just On the movie mode for this video that You're watching now before kicking off Though I've got a quick correction for That first video where I said that all Accessories from earlier models should Work on the x16 including cases I've Since discovered that this only applies To fujifilm's own accessories is Anything else that screws into the Tripod thread such as third party cases Or L brackets will no longer work as the Thread has now moved on this new model So be warned okay now on with the movie Capabilities the x16 offers 1080 4K 4K q And now 6.2k recording modes at a Variety of frame rates but with various Crops and quality it'll film uncropped 1080 or standard 4K from 24 to 30p but It incurs a mild 1.1 times crop when Filming in either 50 or 60p I believe That the standard 4K mode involves pixel

Binning a separate 4K HQ mode is Available from 24 to 30p which incurs a More substantial 1.23 times crop but It's over sampled from 6.2k worth worth Of data for potentially better results The x16 also lets you film in that full 6.2k resolution again from 24 to 30p and With the same 1.23 times crop all the 1080 and 4K modes including 4K HQ are Available in 16×9 or wider DCI shapes Although 6.2k is only available in 16×9 And there's no open gate option if you Prefer slow motion you can film 1080 From 100 to 240 P again with that 1.23 Times crop and with the footage Automatically slowed in camera to a Choice of frame rates for example Filming at 240p and encoding at 24 will Give you a 10 times slowdown while Filming at 200p and encoding at 25 will Slow by eight times let's have a look at Some footage of bright and Pier that I Filmed with the x16 for this review Starting with 1080 at 25p which again is Uncropped widthways now his 1080 at 50p You'll see the mild 1.1 times crop to The field of view I was a bit surprised To see it do this at 1080 50p but there You go now let's return to 1080 25p Before switching to standard 4K 25p Where you'll see a boost in detail a bit Not as much as you'll see in the HQ mode Next for standard 4K at 50p which like 1080 at 50p incurs that mild 1.1 times

Crop before we turning to standard 4K at 25p and now switching to that better Quality 4K HD Q mode again at 25p Obviously the view is now tighter with Its 1.23 times crop now making the lens Roughly equivalent to 43 mil but looking Beyond that magnification difference It's clear how the details are now Crisper and there's less mu to worry About 4K HQ is definitely Superior to Standard 4K in terms of detail and Reduced artifacts but you do have to Deal with that substantial crop frame Rates that only go up to 30p and in my Test quicker overheating and finally for Six . 2K at 25p which when played on a 4K timeline like this is going to look a Lot like 4K HQ footage with the same Crop and limitations but thanks to Having a higher resolution to start with You can effectively zoom in by about 1.6 Times while maintaining 4K quality these Different crops actually provide the x16 With three effective focal lengths when Filming in 4k choose standard uncropped 4K and you'll have the standard 35 mm Equivalent coverage that you do on Photos choose 4K HQ mode and the 1.23 Times crop will bring you to 43 mil Equivalent or film in 6.2k and on a 4K Timeline you can enlarge that footage by Up to 1.6 times effectively giving you a Zoom between 43 and 70 mil without Losing any quality so these modes

Essentially equip the x16 kind of with a 35 to 70 Zoom when filming in 4k just Before moving on a quick comparison Between the X100 6 at the top and the Earlier X100 V at the bottom both Filming 4K 25p I'm playing them normal Width but they're cropped vertically so I can fit them both on the frame here You can see the older V is actually Capturing crisper looking 4K here but The X100 6's optional 4K HQ mode will Beat them both on detail plus you're Getting benefits of Ibis and longer Recording times on the new model let's Now return to 1080 at 25p on the x16 in Order to make some slow motion Comparisons starting with 1080 at 100p Which on my 25p timeline represents a Four time slowdown here you'll see not Only the impact of a 1.23 times crop but A softening of details and Alpha 1080 at 200p for an 8 times slowdown on my 25p Timeline again sharing the same crop and Reduced quality of the 100p version note That there's no sound recorded in slow Motion modes clearly 4K HQ in the 6.2k Frame that it's generated from are the Video highlights of the X100 6 and they Are the preferred choice if you can Accommodate the crop and the maximum 30p Frame rate to further illustrate the Differences here's a clip that I filmed With the x16 in standard 4K handheld Using Ibis alone where you may notice

Some softness or muire in the finest Building details and now for a 4K HQ Version again handheld with Ibis and While the 1.23 times crop may bring you Closer to standard coverage there's no Denying how much crisper the image has Become but what about recording times on The previous X100 V you were limited to 15 minute Clips in 1080 or just 10minute Clips in 4k worse it was very Susceptible to overheating after only a Few minutes of filming coincidentally I Filmed the b-roll of my initial x16 Preview video with the X100 V and found It a very frustrating experience having To pause regularly for the camera to Cool down so I'm delighted to report That the x16 no longer has any recording Time limits and while overheating can Still occur it now happens after much Longer set to standard 4K I managed to Film an hour and 19 minutes on a full Charge before the battery ran out and That was without any overheating I also Managed to similar time when I had the Camera set to 1080 25p unsurprisingly The 4K HQ mode is more demanding but I Still managed to record just over half An hour of it before the camera Overheated at this point roughly half of The battery remained so the longer Recording times make the X100 6 much More practical than the X100 V okay now Hold on to your lunch as it's time for

Some rolling shutter tests starting with Standard 4K in 25p on the x16 where you Can see it's actually fairly well Behaved in terms of skewing let's now Switch that for the 4K HQ mode where Oversampling means slower readout in Turn resulting in increased rolling Shutter now it's not the worst I've seen By any margin but the standard 4K is Definitely less susceptible and for good Measure now for 6.2k where you'll see a Similar amount of rolling shutter Compared to the 4K HQ mode not Surprising since both are starting with The same crop and pixel count moving on The x16 inherits the built-in neutral Density filter or ND filter as its Predecessor this is deployed manually From a menu or a customized button and It reduces the incoming light by four Stops this should allow you to film Video at more motion friendly shutter Speeds in daylight conditions at least If you can close down the aperture by a Few stops as an example here's a clip That I filmed without the ND filter Where on the conditions of the day I Needed a shutter speed of 400 per second And that's resulted in Fairly choppy Looking footage here and now for a Version filmed with the ND applied where I could reduce the shutter speed to 50th Of a second for more natural looking Motion blur it's a very handy feature to

Have although of course you can still Screw on separate filters onto the x16 If you're using the optional filter Mount accessory now for video autofocus Starting with a single AF area and the Aperture opened fully to F2 as I moved Side to side you'll see some occasional Hesitations but on the whole it's quite Good performance without any Overshooting or wobbling to worry about You'll also get an idea of Boker at Close range Here how about presenting to camera here I've set the x16 to face detection and Again open the aperture to F2 where There's mild but still attractive Separation from the background as I Change my position you may notice the Camera sometimes takes a brief moment to Catch up but it always gets there and Again avoids overshooting or wobbling Here's another example but filmed Indoors this time again at f2 where You'll see similar tracking performance Certainly if you're standing mostly Still or can pause for a moment I'd say It's easy to use the x16 for presenting To camera with trustworthy autofocus Even if you can't see the screen from in Front of the camera if you do need to See yourself when filming you'll need to Connect an external HDMI monitor or of Course check the View using the X app on Your phone the biggest upgrade on the

X16 over it predecessors is having Built-in sensorship stabilization or Ibis for short this completely Transforms the camera for handheld video So here's a clip I filmed in 4k 25p Without any stabilization where the view Is of course wobbly and this is Effectively what you'd get with previous Models but now here's the view with Ibis Enabled where you'll see a substantial Reduction in wobbles now if there are Some straight lines near the edges you May notice a little bit of warping but If you're reasonably careful you will be Able to capture decent looking stable Footage if you need additional help you Can enable digital stabilization or dis Working alongside Ibis here to steady The View further or be it with a mild Reduction in the coverage note the Digital stabil ization is not available For 4K HQ or 6.2k as they're already Cropped and finally for the optional Movie boost is mode here which is Designed to further lock an image when You're not panning or walking here you Can see that it's visibly keeping the View steadier almost snapping into place When you recompose but while the Stabilization is working well when I'm Static once you start walking with the X100 V I found that it stabilization Proved less effective such as this that I filmed with Ibis alone vlogging

Becomes an even greater challenge not Just for the stabilization but since the Screen doesn't face forward and the lens Simply isn't wide enough when held at Arms length here I'm holding it as far Out as I can and you're still faced with My Giant floating head of Doom shame as The rendering actually looks really nice In the background here and if you were To attempt to walk while handholding it In a vlogging style you'll see that the Ibys just isn't up to the task even if You were using the optional wide lens Adapter For smoother results when walking you'll Need better technique than mine or use a Gimbal and if you're wondering how the Building microphone sound well be Listening to them right now I'm Handholding this from about 50 cm away With ibys alone sorry the image is a bit Too tight and finally you can use the X16 as a standard USB webcam without any Drivers I tested it on YouTube live Where it delivered a 1080 60p stream Over USB regardless of what I had the Camera set to I didn't get to try try a Longer stream but I can confirm that the Camera indicated it was being powered Over USB when streaming to my MacBook Here's how it looked hi this is a quick Test with a Fujifilm x16 using it as a USB webcam directly into my MacBook and Doing a YouTube live stream I'm using

The microphone in my laptop and I'm Using the camera to work as a standard Webcam okay now for my verdict for the Movie capabilities of the camera with a Few extra clips thrown in for you for Video Shooters the x16 represents a Substantial upgrade over its Predecessors the new 4k HQ and 6.2k Modes May incur a crop but capture Visibly more detail than the previous Models and crucially you can now record For much longer before overheating Becomes an issue meanwhile the presence Of Ibis transforms the camera's Usability when filming handheld and While it struggled to effectively Stabilized walking footage in my own Tests it did prove effective for more Static composition a bit like simulating A tripod but handheld limitations with The Ibis when walking coupled with the Lack of a flip screen or a wide lens Means that few if any would attempt to Use the X100 6 for handheld vlogging in Front of the camera but if you're behind The camera and the coverage works for Your subject you can enjoy some pretty Goodlooking results if you mostly intend To film video though there are of course Better options out there such as the Wealth of interchangeable lens models Including those from Fujifilm itself While the DJI pocket 3 remains my own Personal favorite for handheld vlogging

But if you're a hybrid shooter who Captures both photo and video you'll Find the x16 more flexible than any Model in the series to date I've been Personally traveling with the previous X100 V for over 2 years now and while I Love it for photos I rarely end up using It for video but that all changes now With the x16 which for some trips really Could do it all and that's it for this Review of the movie capabilities once Again if you're interested in the design The controls and photo side of the X100 6 then do check out my other in-depth Review that I've linked to here and let Me know in the comments if the x16 has Now become your ideal compact camera Assuming of course that Fujifilm can Fulfill early and continued demand for It thanks for watching consider giving Me a like and a follow if you find my Videos useful and I'll see you next time Bye-bye

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