How to (Easily) Update the Firmware on a Samyang or Rokinon Lens

[Music] Foreign Episode is brought to you by into the am A clothing brand from Southern California that wants to outfit your Passion whatever it might be their Everyday comfortable fabrics and Designs Are great whether you are working from Home working out or even just chilling Out I love the fit and fabric on their Everyday t-shirts and you can choose More funky Styles created in Collaboration with local artists like This killer fractured King hoodie use The code Dustin tin or follow the link In the description to get 10 off Site-wide including their monthly T-shirt Club visit into the Forward slash dustin10 for more Information Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here to Give you a little tutorial today to show You how to do a firmware update on one Of the more recent samyang AF lenses one Of the things that samyang has done is That they have been quite consistent in Updating the firmware on these lenses And as a byproduct they do get steadily Better as time goes by and I've seen for Example autofocus really improve on some Of the earlier lenses now they continue To refine the lenses in terms of Performance and getting rid of bugs you Know maybe adjusting to new cameras

Equipment to come out but also in the Case of for example these vaf lenses That are designed to have an electrical Connection to new accessories as they Are released they are firmware updates Also will allow you to use those Accessories more successfully and so for Example the new manual focus accessory To come out on the front of these there Is a firmware the most recent firmware Updates for these lenses allows Compatibility full compatibility with That and so it's very useful to have That now to do a firmware update you're Going to need obviously the lens itself You're going to need a computer of some Kind and you're also going to need a Third component component which is the Samyang lens station Now the lens station run you roughly Fifty dollars sometimes you can you know Package it in with a lens depending on The retailer you're going to want to Have this if you're going to own the any Of these samyang lenses because it just Adds to your versatility and your Long-term success with them so very Simply you're going to download a free Piece of software from samyang that is Called their lens manager software You're going to mount this onto it's Basically just like a bayonet on a Camera you mount it onto that and then There is a USB a style Port that will

Plug into the computer or laptop that You're using and then we'll switch over And take a look at the software side to See the steps for updating the firmware So quick look on how to do a firmware Update using the samyang lens manager And their lens station first thing You're going to need to do is you come To the lens connection page once you Load the program I want to hit the lens Connect typically it selects the right Port in advance and so once it does that It's going to connect and in this case We're connecting into the 75 millimeter T 1.9 so we can see here that we're Looking for a firmware update possibly Here so the first thing you're going to Do is you're going to click the download Link that actually loads a website and It gives you an option to take a look at The various lenses and so obviously You're going to want to navigate over to The correct lens you're going to click Download in this case we had version Three we saw there's a version four That's available I'm going to click Download at that point The Next Step You're going to want to do is that You're going to want to actually extract To make sure that that actual firmware File is available and so you can quickly Click extract all and I'm going to put It just in there and I've already done This step so anyway but you'd normally

Just follow that step once you've done That you can then hit the load lens Firmware file and so in this case I'm Going to navigate back up and I need to Look at the 75 millimeter T 1.9 version 4. I'm going to click that and so it Says it's Reddit now I click the update So the third of the three steps there And so it takes roughly about two Minutes for it to load that So once that's completed it will tell You to reconnect after you have connect That so I'm going to hit OK it's going To disconnect it brings me back to this Lens connection stage I can reconnect at This point and once it has communicated With that we will find that now it's Showing version four of that firmware Update one other thing before we close Off here is if you go down to this Custom SW it gives you the ability to Change your custom settings on these Lenses in this case with the ve AF Lenses there's a few more controls for Me I like I have a certain priority that I like for their mode custom mode Switches and so I like apture control in Mode one and then immediately go into Manual focus in mode number two so I'm Going to save that and away we go for That and so then at this stage you just Want to disconnect the lens before you Actually physically remove it so just Like that very simple just takes a few

Minutes and after that you have a lens That now has upgraded compatibility Upgraded flexible ability and it's a Very quick fix if you want more Information on this you can take a look In the description down below there's Also links there to purchasing for Example the lens station if you're Wanting something like that and also Throw a link to where you can download The lens manager software from samyang As well I'm Dustin Abbott as always you Can find linkage also in the description To follow me on social media to get Channel merchandise to become a patron If you haven't already please like And Subscribe thanks for watching have a Great day and let the light in [Music] Foreign

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