Sony a6700 camera review

[Music] Howdy You Again everyone it's been a Long time now since Sony last presented Us with a new apsc camera hasn't it I Still have the most amazing memories of Taking an a6300 off to turkey with me 6 Years ago for some heavy 4K video work There was nothing else quite like it Available at the time well here's its Great grandchild the new A6700 priced at $1,400 without a kit lens this is Clearly intended as a top of the range Product to compete with the excellent Canon EOS R7 and Fuji xt5 cameras Although it's actually considerably Lower resolution than both so let's see If its other features can make it as Good or better a choice it features a New 26 map backside illuminated sensor Which apparently has a fast readout also Sony's top-of-the-line Bion XR processor In body image stabilization and a smus Board of other essential features I'd Like to thank Sony UK very much for Loaning me this camera for a couple of Weeks for testing although as usual this Is a totally independent review well Let's look at the camera's body first Which will be quite familiar to anyone Who's handled a Sony apsc camera before Except for a few handy tweaks a Significant upgrade to the camera's Control ability is a new front control

Dial and an autofocus on button at the Rear well those shouldn't really be a Big deal but it's actually the first on An a6000 series camera there's no Autofocused joystick this time though But then again there isn't much room for It on the back I suppose I love the Bigger grip as well the camera feels way Better in the hand than Sony's older Apsc offerings I'm also quite happy with The new mode dial which has a lower Control dial for slipping from still Shooting to video to slow and quick for In camera slow motion shots it's all Just so handy and quick to set up the Camera's overall look though is still a Bit functional it's not as taish as a Fuji camera or as pleasantly chunky and Easy in the hand as a Canon EOS R7 but The Sony camera is small and more Lightweight than either so it really is A case of horses for courses here if I Were looking to do some lowprofile film Making for whatever reason then the Sony Camera would definitely be my first Choice on the side we get microphone and Headphone ports USBC and the seemingly Ubiquitous and annoyingly small micro HDMI port I do wish we'd see bigger and Sturdier ones more often then oh just The one SD card slot it is UHS 2 for Extra speed but for serious professional Work you really should have two slots Here although I do admit none of my SD

Cards have ever had a catastrophic Failure still if you're shooting a Wedding then like a photography boss you Want peace of mind and spoiler Al alert I'd actually be pretty happy to shoot a Wedding with this camera although it Wouldn't be my first choice anyway these Ports all have weather sealing around Them the camera generally seems to be Very well sealed up the camera screen is Typical Sony here so acceptably high Resolution with a slightly funny Brightness and contrast profile that Never quite seems to match what your Final image looks like it's fully Articulating which is very useful for Video makers so you can flip it to see Yourself but but slower to use than a Screen that simply tilts up and down the Touch screen is really intuitive though Responding with new menu options when You swipe up and down or left and right The camera's electronic viewfinder is Pretty large and has 2.6 million dots to It so again good but not ahead of the Competition even if you set it to 120 Frames per second bigger and more Detailed options are definitely Available here although admittedly over On the full frame side of things so need Menu system continues to be far more User friendly than in the past but still Very deep but those menus are highly Customizable and they are begging for

You to set them up to suit your own Needs so do that as soon as you get the Camera for the best control experience That works for you let's take a quick Look at this camera's autofocus and I Say quick because my conclusion is dead Simple it's absolutely out of this world Pretty much the fastest and most Sophisticated available on an apsc Camera although Canon Fuji and necon are Not that far behind the camera's Powerful processor makes use of the new AI algorithm based autofocus system Developed on the a7r 5 making it Brilliantly effective for all kinds of Subject detection and this is where it Stands a few inches above the apsc Competition not that Canon zos R7 is any Kind of slouch it's just that the Sony Camera is well almost perfect even from Far away the camera's eye autofocus System is particularly awesome so 11 out Of 10 here for autofocus essentially the Camera's maximum burst rate is 11 frames Per second whether shooting in Mechanical or electronic shutter mode The buffer lasts about 4 seconds enough For standard Sports shooting if you're Using a decently fast SD card the camera Has jpeg compressed raw HF and HDR Shooting modes but doesn't feature a Lossless compressed raw shooting mode ah No one will really miss that in my Opinion but it might have been nice to

Include it for some people Anyway well that's enough about the Camera's body let's look at image Quality and this is the first time I've Tested a 26 map Sony sensor so let's see What it can do firstly Raw versus jpeg As you might expect the raw image is Catching a little more detail than a JPEG but the jpeg sharpening does Actually look quite Punchy and Attractive while retaining resolution Still turn your jpeg sharpening down a Little I think for best results let's Take a look at high ISO noise levels now And it's all very good news here Especially for an apsc camera as you can See even up to ISO 1600 we are seeing Excellent image quality high resolution And low noise certainly a little lower Noise than the Canon R7 and Fuji xh2 When I looked back at the test results On my hard drive it's at ISO 3200 that We begin to see some noise creeping in Is 6400 looks a bit slushy and ISO 12,800 very much so I wouldn't shoot Beyond that unless caught in some Bizarre emergency overall while this Camera can't offer quite the same detail At lower isos than a Canon R7 and Fuji Xh2 or xt5 due to its lower 26 mapel Sensor its high ISO noise performance is Noticeably better making up for that Somewhat this is actually one of the Best lowlight performing apsc sized

Sensors I've ever seen so well done Sony I love it okay let's take a look at Video quality and this camera really Flies when it comes to video work I Think the designers really optimized it For it let's start with 4K 25p footage We can see here that the camera captures Tons of detail at 4K it's actually Downsampling from a 6K signal here we're Only really beginning to see noise at ISO 1600 is 3200 is the quality Threshold for me here though any higher And the picture just becomes too grainy But let's crank up the frame rate to Over 9,000 by looking at 4K 120p yes with a rather heavy 1.5 or six Times crop this camera can shoot 4K at That amazing frame rate unsurprisingly The footage is much grainier now and ISO 800 and even 1600 are looking a bit more Rough and Ready which could be an issue If you're trying to get as much light Into your camera as possible to handle a 120p frame rate ISO 3200 and Particularly anything beyond starts Looking pretty terrible so if you want To shoot at those very high frame rates You should invest in a bright aperture Lens to get that light into your camera Here's some more info about this Camera's video shooting experience when It comes to Rolling shutter the camera Is just okay in its 1080p mode we see More of a Jello effect at 4K 25p and

It's about the same at 120p I've seen worse than this before But it's still a bit of an issue that Really is the next barrier for camera Sensor manufacturers to smash through I Think the readout speed the camera has Loads of Handy shooting profile modes Including 10bit 422 internal recording As well as slog 3 and cotone profiles Making this a highly proficient video Shooting camera oh and there's even an Option to shoot at 20 40 frames per Second if you're happy with 1080p full HD footage kind of amazing here Especially if you can get footage of Yourself juggling or rather lame two Apples the camera captures great detail In this mode but the image is a little Noisy as you can see this was shot at ISO 1600 so you should keep the iso Levels down as low as possible another Potential issue for video makers lies in The camera's overheating problems which Unfortunately are about as serious as The Canon eosr 5 camera I tested back When that came out I tested it at 4K 25p 4K 60p and 4K 120p in my tests in the normal default Settings the camera will shoot at 4K 120p for 6 minutes 4K 60p for only 7 Minutes and 4K 25p for only 16 minutes Which is absolutely terrible however if You set the automatic power off Temperature to high then the camera can

Do far better you'll be able to shoot 4K 120p for almost 22 minutes 4K 60p for Almost 30 minutes and 4K 25p will last For well over an hour so it's absolutely Vital that you set the automatic power Off temperature within the camera to High otherwise you'll quickly run into Big problems oh and one very nice Advantage to this camera is that it has No recording limits so setting aside Overheating limitations you can record Video as long as you like without Interruption one potentially useful Feature for certain users is the Camera's autof framing feature first Seen on the Sony zv1 camera it is cool Allowing you to PL your camera on a Tripod and have the frame follow you Around the place a quick and easy Solution for Solo filmmakers or be it's Not the highest quality option and well That's about it for now undoubtedly the A 6700 is spectacular and a huge upgrade To the a6600 and any other a6000 era Camera it's autofocus is out of this World the camera's sensor is sharp and Detailed but not noisy the camera's body Is small its video potential virtually Unmatched in apsc land but it does have Competition the Fuji xt5 is a bigger Slower camera but with much higher Resolution and the Canon EOS R7 is again Bigger and better for Stills photography I think but not as good for video work

And it certainly has nowhere near the Same lens options as the very healthy Sony e-mount all three cameras are about The same price and they neatly have Different users and audiences in mind I Think apsc or super 35mm crop sensored Cameras are still very important and Popular for video makers and can offer Fantastic image quality at a lower price And with smaller lenses than full frame So despite any small niggles I think Sony have done a brilliant job with the A6700 and I hope a few more apsc cameras Might be on the way from LM soon the Lens selection to support them is Certainly there on e-mount this camera Comes highly recommended but as usual do Consider the competition [Music] Also okay thanks for watching and two Things firstly if you haven't already Check out the new playlist on my channel Which list my reviews Now by camera Mound and in other cool ways to help you Browse the lens reviews for your camera And secondly thanks to my patreon Supporters of course patreon supporters Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content And early access to videos as well as a Warm fuzzy feeling inside him for Playing such a big part in keeping this YouTube channel Trucking on ciao for now Everyone

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