Our favourite DPReview TV moments (recreated with puppets!)

Welcome back to previous TV viewers it Is Chris Nichols here's Jordan Drake Here and yes of course sadly dprv.com is Shutting down so boo so we thought we Would take a look a nostalgic trip down Memory lane over the last five years our Five favorite moments making DP Review TV yeah I mean it's going to be kind of Like you know on sitcoms they do the Clip show episodes where they look back At the highlights and those always suck Yeah I would skip them so nobody likes This we got to make it better somehow We're gonna bring back these moments With our puppets recreating them in Perfect Fidelity so of course on deeper View tv Jordan and I are always Reviewing the latest digital gear and That's a lot of fun but sometimes you Just need a break and so one of my best Experiences shooting dpv TV Jordan and I Went to vetzler Germany for a press Event we got to see the most expensive Camera ever auction you know I got to Get a photo with Jason Momo and all that Kind of stuff was fantastic but I also Got to take the Leica M6 film camera out With some primes and just explore the Area and it was just one of the best Experiences and I just remember this one Particular morning wow what a glorious Morning the birds are singing too bad Jordan's such a lazy you can't wake up In the morning or else this might be one

Of his favorite memories too okay I Don't know why I'm calling this one of My favorite but it's definitely one of The things I will remember the most Because it was absolutely terrible is we Said if we hit a subscriber goal I would Shoot an episode on the Pentax okay Everybody loves it we got a fresh one Right out of the box but it doesn't have A headphone jack so it wasn't until I Was editing the episode that I realized The preamp was absolutely shot in it the Sound was horrendous welcome back deep Review TV viewers it's Chris Nichols Here so it's like we can't release this What what are we possibly gonna do so we Came up with a solution inspired by bad Foreign film dubs you had to over dub The entire episode favorite that was Traumatized is that why it's your Favorite because I was traumatized just You crying as you tried to get things And let me be frank we did a terrible Job it did not sync up at all as you can See here so this lens is obviously aimed At people that won a 2.8 Zoom but they Wanted it as light and compact as Possible does that mean it compromises To build quality to some degree yes I'm Very fortunate to be able to do the job That I get to do and by far one of the Best perks is getting to travel so much Just see a lot of the other people in Our same industry that we're all friends

With and reconnect and a close second is Just to be able to visit these amazing Places and shoot with new products and One that really comes to mind is when we Took a press event to Atlanta Georgia And there's something about it that's Very similar to my last memory that I Really enjoyed let's see if you can spot It wow I'm having such a great time here In Atlanta Georgia with my good friend Carrie Rose and Levi hallwell's doing Such a great job behind the camera this Place is amazing what Jordan no you Weren't there get out of here go go away That was the best part of the trip so Not all of my favorite moments were Actually captured while the cameras were Rolling one of my favorites by far was Actually shooting the thumbnail for our Backpack Roundup oh right yes we took Every backpack that we reviewed to put Them like end to end on my back it was Like super heavy it worked yeah like and I captured the moment very quickly and Efficiently Serious oh hurry it's heavy okay just One sec hang on it's still in video mode What you're not in a photo mode Sorry it's in 10 second timer oh come on Jordan it's so heavy and comfortable oh It's in small jpeg one sec I I I think I hate you be patient You know it's really hard to narrow down

Just five favorite moments we've done a Lot of stuff we've had a lot of fun over The years but I think a fan favorite for Our viewers and a favorite for us as Well it's got to be the annual best and Worst well what little we can actually Remember of those yes we get quite drunk And we always have a challenge and it's Always this like inner competition Between you and I who's gonna win this Year so last year I had an amazing time We got to hang out with Alex Mitchell we Got to play video games uh I thought I Was gonna lose this year though because We were off to a rocky start hey Chris [Laughter] [Music] Oh Okay that might be your favorite best And worst moment but my personal Favorite is when we were doing movie Trivia and you were asking me Marvel Trivia questions I made a mistake that Has gone down as one of my most infamous Moments in DP Review TV history okay Jordan I think I got you on this one who Directed the 2011 Thor movie okay I know Mr Lawrence Olivier directed a Thor Movie Is is it sir Lawrence Olivier no it's Kenneth branna Oh no [Music] Uh I've just been past a card and it

Turns out that sir Lawrence Olivier's Been dead since 1989. no no no he's perfectly alive he Born in 1907 he directed Thor at the age Of 104. he should be knighted a second Time okay so I have this reputation Largely undeserved for being you know Very Cavalier with other people's camera Gear not using camera straps throwing Things in the air and catching them Again you know spinning stuff around Putting cameras in dire dangerous Circumstances and ironically I have Damaged very few things over the course Of making our show for over a decade Very few but sometimes the most fun is When I'm then Unleashed to be able to Break On purpose oh the internet's gonna hate This So many people are gonna be triggered by This next thing I need more lenses to destroy Jordan [Music] Oh no this is So a bunch of my absolute favorite Moments for DP Review TV have been some Of the cold opens where we do a little Skit or something like that before the Episode and it's funny all of my Favorite ones use voiceover so I was Really having trouble deciding is it the Shutter angle video where I'm struggling With the camera oh why does this look so

Weird why does this motion look so Choppy oh no I've been shooting 24p at 240th of a second the s1h intro where I'm considering having an affair on my Gh5 damn it Jordan what's wrong with you That gh5 gave you the three best years Of its life it is always satisfied every One of your needs always delivers every Time Why do you feel the need to step out on It but I gotta say my favorite was the Fujifilm x-pro 3 intro because I get to Make fun of those ridiculous Manufacturer videos where someone takes Pictures in slow motion and looks very Dramatic Photography [Music] The hunt [Music] The pursuit Finally a tool exists that can help me Realize my creative Brilliance and yet Even more important than my vision [Music] How I look At this understated camera bag and my Trendy leather strap everybody must be Looking at me and just saying wow that Guy's got it figured out I mean where is Everybody There's nobody around you nobody I'm gonna go find somewhere busy where People can check me out properly so when

We test lenses of course we try to get Quite technical in a lot of situations And sometimes it can be hard to also Incorporate just the experience of going And taking photographs as well but when That is a possibility it's a really Great experience and so one that really Comes to mind Jordan and I reviewed the Sony 14 millimeter G master and we got To take it out with Vladimir kabanov Fantastic guy very talented Astrophotographer we went down to the Milk River very deep south Alberta at Night and we had an amazing experience Uh okay this looks terrible the light's Really bad yeah no it's still terrible Yes Jordan we're outside it's pitch Black that's the whole point I've got a Red headlamp on my head to keep my night Vision because we're shooting astral Photos it's supposed to be black well Then why am I even out here filming you Some days I don't know okay this isn't Going to require a reenactment because One of my favorite moments was actually When we shot an episode with puppets our Quest for chowder video which very few Of you have watched the views are Terrible on that so you should probably Go Rectify it but it's a video where Chris and I needed to escape the Amazon Headquarters and we sprinted out to the Rooftop Point Break style jumped out and You know we threw the puppets at the

Ground I was expecting to add Foley like A Splat sound or something like that but The actual sound of the puppets hitting The pavement was so pristine I just left It in Chris we have had some good times That was your best attempt at sincerity During octane on one level but in all Sincerity we have had some great moments And a big part of that has been you at Home sharing those moments with us so Absolutely in the comments below leave What your favorite moments were from Deeper view TV because I know there's a Lot more than just 10. so we would love To hear that and yes although it's sad That we are ending the show here at DP Review We are continuing the show with Petapixel so you do not want to miss That yeah this is usually the part where We say subscribe to the channel you know Don't worry about subscribing to this Channel but jump over to petapixel if You subscribe now as soon as we start Releasing new episodes over there you'll Be first in line to see yes absolutely We really appreciate the support and we Really need that support continuing Going forward because there's still a Lot more favorite moments to come well Into the future so please do that also Check out our socials Instagram Twitter Because a lot of the news of the changer Will be there so keep going that's going

To be continuing that's not ending at All and otherwise as always we really Appreciate you guys joining us for Another episode of deep review TV Thank you

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