Sony 50mm F1.4 GM vs Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN Art

Welcome back deep Ruby TV viewers it's An interesting location I'm going to Talk about in a bit but today we Actually have a battle for you we're Gonna be testing out the brand new Sony G Master 50 millimeter F 1.4 against the Sigma art 50 millimeter F 1.4 which we Reviewed earlier now we tested the sigma 15 millimeter art we went to the Calgary Farmers Market but now we've got Something a little bit better to test Both these lenses we're actually at the Calgary boat and Outdoor Show they've Been kind enough to shoot here for a Little battle between the 250s here but I'm also going to shoot a lot of sample Gallery photos for the Sony G Master Here as well as outside where we get Some nicer light either way we've got a Fantastic venue to check out both these Lenses [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] So let's talk about weight and handling Now the sigma art 50 millimeter is Absolutely quite a large lens 72 Millimeter filter thread on that 670 grams you compare that to the Sony 50 millimeter 1.4 which is 516 grams It's like a quarter of a knock only and A 67 millimeter filter thread so

Definitely a significant weight and size Savings when you're looking at the Sony As far as controls though actually very Similar you're going to get a nice Aperture ring you can absolutely click Or de-click that aperturing you can lock It in Auto as well custom buttons are Available and they both have nice manual Focusing rings so this hot tub looks Amazing but I've already been told by The cell staff I'm doing it wrong I'm Supposed to be wearing less clothing and Apparently it's supposed to be full of Water but I do find the actual chair Itself incredibly relaxing anyways Splash all right so when it comes to Autofocus we have to keep in mind that We weren't able to test these lenses on The exact same body we had the sigma art On an L Mount so we tested on the Panasonic s52 so it's not quite Apples To Apples but at that same time the Sigma on the s52 the autofocusing was Very quick from near to far no issues of Course the Sony G Master on the a7r5 That we're testing with its linear XD Motors same thing I mean just super fast Focusing from near to far so I'd call That pretty much a nice tie even though It's not an Apples to Apples comparison One thing to keep in mind though with Sigma lens on a Sony body you're Knocking able to break the 15 frame per Second maximum burst rate limitation

Whereas the Sony G Master doesn't have That issue so if you want the fastest Shooting possible then you'd want to Look at the Sony okay so if you want to Do a flare test in a show where do you Actually find that we don't want to be Outside so well luckily the guys at Tactical Innovations Canada were kind Enough to let us borrow a fourth yeah It's horrible break I will talk to her And stop taking yeah okay thank you okay But how did they do well we take a look At the Sony G Master here you can see I Feel that it actually handles the Contrast really well still retains a lot Of contrast but the ghosting it's kind Of unique you can see it there whereas When you go to the sigma art I would say Maybe not as much contrast as the Sony G Master but the art definitely has more Subtle ghosting so we're going to call It a tie I mean they really do both Handle bright light sources in the frame Quite well okay yes okay I'll stop Talking I'm sorry I'll stop talking so It turns out we're actually finding a Lot of good vendors here that do lens Testing so Cutco knives that's Silverware perfect for our Loca test That's at lunch dual chromatic Aberration where you get those color Fringes in the foreground and background Out of focus areas so actually you know I'm just going to say both together the

Sigma and the Sony they do both exhibit Loca you can see it here side by side But it's basically identical it's not Major just remember that getting rid of Loca and post can be a little bit Difficult so you do have an issue here If you're shooting wide open but they're Pretty equal and they're pretty well Managed so the folks at NRS were nice Enough to let us actually borrow their Lights here to do our bouquet tests that Worked out well so first off look at the Sigma art shooting It Wide Open at 1.4 You can see a little bit of cat's eye we Did see this when we actually tested the Lens earlier Um still very clean soft bouquet nice Transitions from in focus to out of Focus looking at the Sony G Master at 1.4 I would say it's a little bit Cleaner the sigma has some onion rings But the Sony seems to be clean I would Say the Sony's bouquet overall is just a Little bit smoother a little bit more Natural looking really nice transitions Regardless when you stop down to f4 on Either lens you'll notice the bokeh Balls are nice and round we're not Getting sort of strange shapes and that Cat's eye effect goes away in the Corners okay so let's talk about Sharpness next and we've got to talk About two different lenses but do keep In mind although we shot them on

Different bodies they were bow shot on 60 megapixel sensors so similar Resolution for both test charts so Looking at the sigma art 50 millimeter At F 1.4 in the center of the chart Actually very decent amount of detail we Were pleased with that when we first Tested it but if you look at the Sony G Master 50 millimeter at F 1.4 it is Noticeably sharper we just have more Detail there both lenses though do Suffer from a loss of contrast at F 1.4 When we stop down to F4 you can see the Sigma art sharpens up very nicely we get More contrast the Sony I don't really Notice more detail but certainly the Contrast is better I would say when They're stopped down both lenses are Pretty similar but wide open the Sony G Master certainly has an edge when we Look at the corners it's a very similar Story here you can see the Sigma 50 Millimeter art wide open up in the upper Left corner good amount of detail Certainly doesn't prove when we stop Down to F4 we look at the Sony G Master Again I think actually it's incredibly Sharp wide open even in the corners Stopping down really just gives us Improvement in contrast so if you're Looking about these lenses I think it Wouldn't be as big a difference if You're using lower resolution bodies but If you really want to push the

Resolution or you want to shoot the lens Wide open at 1.4 a lot the Sony G master I think is the clear winner here so I Mean it looks like the Sony G Mass 50 Millimeter cleans up in pretty much Every category but one thing we haven't Talked about is the price if we compare The price of both these lenses we can See that the Sony is substantially more Expensive that does have to be Considered if you're not shooting a high Resolution body or you're not going to Shoot wide open a lot I would say save Your money and go for the art lens that Being said the Sony G Master is a Fantastic lens probably one of the Nicest 50 millimeters we've seen it is Worth considering that if you do want an Even brighter 1.2 aperture the Sony G Master 50 Miller 1.2 although larger Isn't that much more expensive on top of This so that's another factor to be Considered all right well hopefully this Helps you guys decide which lens might Be better for you and we did have a lot Of fun at the Calgary boat and Outdoor Show hopefully you did too so big thanks To them for letting us shoot here but do Again like And subscribe the channel We'd appreciate that check out the Socials Instagram Twitter down below and Uh we'll see you guys all soon for Another episode of DP Review TV [Music]

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