Sony ZV-E10 vs Canon R10 vs Nikon Z-30 – Best Camera For YouTube in 2022

So what’s the perfect camera for YouTube Vlogging and everyday casual use well We’re gonna find out with these three Cameras right here so let’s break down What each of these cameras does and Which one is right for you also I’m Going to leave links in the description Down below if you want to check out any Of these cameras and these links will Automatically be updated with the best Pricing available alright guys so the First thing we have to talk about is the Build quality and design of these Cameras now all three of these cameras Are pretty Compact and small and you can Easily fit them in your jacket pocket or Bag the zve10 is definitely the smallest Of the three and also has the most Simplified design it does have a command Dial on the back for changing aperture Any scroll wheel for changing your Shutter so it’s a pretty easy to change Your settings on the fly if you’re Someone that’s shooting a lot of running Gun stuff and instead of a mode dial it Has a really simple one switch to go Between photo video and slow motion mode Which is going to make it a lot easier If you’re someone that doesn’t want to Have to mess around with a lot of Buttons If you’re someone that’s new to Cameras this is probably going to be the Easiest one to pick up and get great Results with and next up we have the

Nikon z30 which is currently my favorite Camera for vlogging in YouTube videos Mainly because it feels like a real Camera in your hands it has a nice deep Grip it really feels like a proper Camera but it’s small and Compact and It’s not that much bigger than the zve A10 in terms of physical buttons and Design it’s got a lot more switches Knobs and do hickeys on it so it might Feel a little overwhelming if you’re new To cameras but Nikon has really cellular Design and after about a week or so You’ll totally get the hang of it it Does however have two command dials for Shutter and aperture along with a mode Dial to switch between different modes On this camera along with and this I Really really like three user presets That you can set up video photo exactly How you like it and just quickly switch Between the three presets and finally is The Canon r10 now this camera has a lot Of hype on the channel has a lot of hype On the internet this is a pretty Breakthrough camera but it’s also the Most expensive and the most complicated On this list right off the first thing You’ll notice about the r10 is that it Actually has an optical viewfinder Whereas zve10 and the Nikon z30 do not Have an optical viewfinder in terms of Design it’s pretty standard two command Dials for for shutter and aperture plus

A mode dial which is pretty similar to The zve E10 however it does have a much Beefier and deeper grip than the than The zve10 or the Nikon z30 which is Going to give you more of that Traditional camera feel in your hands This is definitely the best hybrid Camera on this list for someone that Equally shoots photos and videos and one Thing that I should mention is that all Three of these cameras do have a side Flip out screen so you can see yourself While vlogging and speaking of vlogging All of these cameras are extremely light They’re super compact these are ideal Cameras for vlogging or someone that Needs a small setup for YouTube videos Or if you’re a casual shooter and just Want something that you can throw in Your bag keep in your hand all day as You travel as you go about your day all Three of these cameras will be really Good options however two things that you Have to keep in mind when you’re making YouTube videos Vlogs or just casually Shooting your life is stabilization and Audio now in terms of stabilization all Three of these cameras have digital State stabilization which means it uses Software to stabilize your video footage In my opinion all three of them do a Really good job but I think the Canon R10 definitely stands out it’s the Newest of the batch and it also has the

Best digital stabilization along with That it also has stabilization built Right into the lens which will be super Useful for someone that’s running around A lot vlogging doing High action shots Where you need that footage to be stable The second up is definitely the zve E10 Sony is known for this stabilization and This camera does a great job Nikon comes In third place now this is not bad by Any means it just means that the Canon And Sony are just a lot better now one Thing that’s critical when you’re Filming yourself is the audio because we Have to be able to hear you the best Camera for onboard audio is definitely The Nikon z30 it has really good onboard Audio and it’s really good at muffling Out background noise you can easily film In busy Parks or streets and get really Solid Audio second place definitely goes To the zve E10 it actually has three Mics built directly into the top of the Camera if you don’t want to use an External mic or a shotgun mic that makes Your camera big and bulky the zvee 10 is Still a great choice sadly Canon doesn’t Do a bad job with their internal audio But it’s not fantastic either and this Is probably not a camera that I would Recommend for using the internal audio This is definitely a camera you’re going To need a wireless Audio Mic or a Shotgun mic right on top of your camera

Also something that I should mention all Three of these cameras have the ability To plug in an external microphone but None of these cameras have a headphone Jack to listen back to that audio Alright so now that we’ve talked about The build and design quality because Believe me that goes a long way let’s Talk about the specs and the features And how these cameras actually look so The thing that determines your photo and Video quality is actually your camera’s Digital sensor and the amount of Megapixels in that sensor all three of These cameras have a pretty similar Megapixel account the r10 is 24 aps-c Size sensor which is a smaller sensor And the ZTE 10 is also an aps-c size Sensor at a 24 megapixel count so these Two cameras are 24 megapixels however The z30 is a 20 megapixel count which is Only a 10 reduction in quality but that Allows this camera to be better in low Light and shoot photos at a faster rate Now all three of these cameras are going To give you a pretty similar level of Quality but the thing that’s going to Probably make the biggest impact on you Guys are the colors coming out of these Cameras also known as color science Canon I would say has the best color Science simply because the colors are Warm saturated Everything feels very True to life and skin tones especially

People’s faces look really vibrant and Rich everybody just tends to look Healthy and Young on these cameras the Nikon z30 isn’t that far behind Nikon Colors usually tend to look a little More cool a little more blue but in Terms of skin tones and color richness It’s pretty much on par sadly the Sony Colors don’t look that great and I’ve Said this a couple of times on this Channel all the skin tones tend to look A bit dull a little bit muted and unless You really finesse their colors and take Your photos and videos into an editing Software the colors right out of this Camera aren’t the greatest sorry Sony in Terms of video quality all three of These cameras is going to give you Phenomenal sharp and detailed video Because they all shoot 4K up to 30 Frames per second and Full HD up to 120 Frames per second for that juicy slow Motion goodness if you’re into that kind Of thing but like I said earlier what’s Probably going to make the biggest Impact for you guys are the colors and The Canon r10 actually has 10 big colors Which is technically four times the Amount of color from these other cameras So if you’re someone that wants to do a Cinematic color grade the r10 is Definitely the camera for you however That’s not to say the other cameras Aren’t good because the z30 does have a

Flat profile that still gives you a Little bit of flexibility with your Colors and the cve 10 actually has what Is known as a log profile that’s going To give you the ability to really Finesse your colors and really play Around but also the log profile is going To give you a lot more dynamic range so You can play around in those tricky Lighting situations but if you’re Someone who’s a video snob like me and You really want to be able to adjust Your colors the zve E10 and the r10 are Definitely best bet now I know a lot of You guys are probably looking at these Cameras for vlogging and filming Yourself to be honest they’re all pretty Great and you really can’t go wrong with Any of these but stick around till the End of the video where I’ll talk about What camera would be right for your Particular situation because there are Certain things that would make one Camera better than the other now I know You guys are probably looking at these Mainly for video but they’re actually Pretty fantastic photo cameras as well All three of these cameras give you a Ton of flexibility when it comes to Exposure and colors because they all Have 14-bit raw you can easily deliver Professional level results with any of These cameras and all three of these Cameras have the ability to shoot photos

At an extremely fast rate the Canon r10 Can shoot at 15 frames per second which Is pretty much as fast as a professional Sports camera that would normally cost You like six thousand dollars and it can Even do electronic shutter mode at 23 Frames per second this camera when it Comes to photos is an absolute Beast Plus it has an optical viewfinder the Z30 and the zve10 are pretty much on par With 14-bit raw in a very similar level Of shooting rate the zd10 does 11 the Z30 does 10. it’s not really going to Make much of a difference but if you’re Someone that does want to shoot photos On the low key all three of these Cameras would be phenomenal choices all Right so by now you probably have a Pretty good idea of what camera you like But I want to quickly go over what Camera would be best for different types Of users so you can make sure you get The perfect camera for you if you’re Someone that wants something small Compact size is key and you want a Camera that’s simple you don’t really Want to mess around with too much Tech Zve E10 great photos great videos colors Are a bit meh but you can easily fix Them in post and amazing autofocus plus If you want to fix up your colors it Does have s-long and Cinema profiles Built right in so you can easily perfect Those colors if you want to and next up

Is the Nikon z30 what I love about this Camera is that it feels like a real Camera in my hands it has a nice deep Grip and the button layout is exactly Where I would want it to be for a real DSLR or mirrorless camera but you know It’s a small flogging camera the only Issue with the z30 that I can think of Is the fact that the autofocus is a bit Slow and it’s not as accurate as the Sony or Canon but that doesn’t mean it’s Bad autofocus it’s just not as good I’d Give it a 7 out of 10. and lastly we Have the Canon r10 this camera has a ton Of height behind it and the only Downside that I can really think of is a Little bit of rolling shutter that most Of you guys probably won’t notice and The bad internal audio but I am going to Talk about Audio Solutions in just a Second but overall this camera has Pretty much everything that you could Possibly want Optical viewfinder Stellar Image quality plus and has 10 bit color Although I do expect in the next six to Eight months that there will be a lot of 10 big cameras on the market and the 10-bit color in this camera won’t be as Special and if you want to take your Video to the next level one thing that You absolutely have to invest in is a Proper external microphone I really like The Rogue go it’s fairly affordable or The rode Wireless go which is a wireless

Lavalier mic that you can simply pin Onto your shirt these two options are Probably the only thing I would look at In terms of Wireless Solutions or wired Solutions for audio so chances are if You’re looking at one of these Incredible cameras you probably want to Take stunning photos and beautiful Videos but if you want those results You’re gonna have to learn how to Properly use your camera and use it to Its full potential which is why I came Up with the camera boost course because You could get all three of these cameras But unless you know how to properly use It you won’t really get the results you Want it’s a simple one-week course Without any boring technical jargon That’s going to show you how to get the Most out of your camera so that you can Start producing the results in the Beautiful photos and videos that you Want within the week and it’s actually Got a 14 day guarantee so you could Technically take the course twice before You decide if you like it or not in fact We’ve had over 300 people take this Course and they’ve had Stellar reviews So if you want to take your photo and Video game to the next level make sure To check out the camera boost course in The link down below and if you want to Pick up one of these tremendous cameras Make sure to check out the links in the

Description down below for the best Pricing and the most up-to-date pricing On all three of these cameras with that Being said I’ll either see you guys in The course or in the next video until Next time guys Thank you

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