Sony FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM II lens review

Howdy once again folks and today it's Time for something potentially quite Special the new Sony Fe 16 to 35 Millimeter F 2.8 G Master Mark II it's Exclusively for Sony's e-mount mobile S Cameras full frame or aps-c and it's About 2 700 in us or about 2 400 pounds Here in the UK even though fast Ultra Wide angle zoom lenses are so useful and Full frame ones particularly difficult For manufacturers to design still that's A huge amount of money so I'm really Keen to see how well it performs I'd Like to thank Sony for learning me a Copy of this lens for a couple of weeks For evaluation although this is as usual A totally independent review and it's Truly standing on the shoulders of a Giant because the original version of This lens was pretty stupendous but Lovely build and image quality Chief Complaints about it where it's large Size and unimpressive image quality when Zoomed in especially in the image Corners so only claimed to have fixed All of that with this handy update and The first thing I'm happy to report is That it is indeed a reasonable size Now By no means small but still a big Improvement over the large previous Version and it weighs less too at 547 Grams or a bit over a pound that's at 20 Weight reduction of the older version so No complaints there either Sony have

Also worked to give the lens a fairly Even center of gravity no matter how it Zoomed In which could also be helpful For people shooting with electronic Gimbals the lens is also dust and Moisture resistant with good ceiling you Get quite a number of controls on the Lens for starters and auto manual focus Switch and a couple of the increasingly Ubiquitous Focus hold buttons then There's an aperture controlling it can Be set to turn smoothly for video work Or it can be set to work with clicks Something that many still photographers Prefer you can also lock that aperture Ring either in or out of automatic mode Helping you to avoid accidental changes Then comes the lenses very smooth Turning rubberized Zoom ring it turns Without any stickiness to it then there Comes the rubberized manual focus ring Which stands extremely smoothly and is Fairly responsive to being controlled as You can see here the lens shows almost No Focus breathing whether you're zoomed In or zoomed out however the lens's Distortion projection does warp a little One of the many upgrades this new lens Has is a total of no less than four XD Linear autofocus motors which is pretty Insane on an ultra wide angle lens as You would expect resultingly the Autofocus Works quickly silently Smoothly totally accurately absolutely

No problems here at all whether you're Shooting in AFS or an autofocus Continuous mode Sony say they wanted a Focus system that could keep up with Anything even tracking when shooting in 4k at 120 frames per second The Lens Comes with a nice quality plastic Hood Shallower than before which is reverse Mountable the front filter sizes large 82 millimeters wide something else I Should mention is that this lens does Not have its own image stabilization but Sony's full frame camo bodies virtually All have stabilization built into them Nowadays anyway oh and to the front Glass element is fluorine coated Repelling water and oil making it far Easier to wipe off fingerprints and dirt Overall it's well and truly 10 out of 10 For build quality here the lens is a More reasonable size than its Predecessor it's really solidly made and It's jam-packed with excellent Thoughtful features for still Photographers and most particularly Video makers a nice evolutionary upgrade Okay let's look at its image quality now I'll be testing it on a Sony a7r III With its 42 megapixel full frame sensor And Camera Corrections are turned on Let's start at the widest angle of 16 Millimeter and the brightest aperture of F 2.8 in the middle of the image we see Incredible sharpness and contrast and

The corners look excellent too if a Little dark stop down to F4 or F 5.6 for More brightness and perfect resolution From corner to corner the lens stays the Sharp down to about f11 for that F16 a Bit of softness does creep in due to Diffraction overall though an amazing Start at 16 millimeter so let's zoom Into 35 millimeter this is where Sony's Original lens was a little weaker on the New lens though straight from F 2.8 Sharpness and contrast to remain pretty Incredible in the middle and excellent In the corners too except for just a Touch of blur right in the very extreme Edges but stop down to F4 for the image To become absolutely perfect from corner To corner again it's only at f11 that a Touch of softness Creeps in due to Diffraction and F16 becomes noticeably Soft overall this lens gives an Incredibly and evenly sharp performance With fabulous contrast that inspires Lots of confidence in whoever might be Shooting with it this really is just as Sharp as it gets okay let's turn off Those in camera Corrections and take a Look at Distortion and vignetting at 16 Millimeter we see a bulge of barrel Distortion being projected in the Middle With very dark Corners stopping down to F4 or F 5.6 pushes back that vignetting But the edges never truly get bright the Distortion evens out at 23 millimeter

Zoom into 35 millimeter and we're Treated to some obvious pin cushion Distortion and again dark Corners until You stop down to F4 or F 5.6 so you will Definitely want to keep image Corrections on with this lens the lens Can fix as closely as about 22 Centimeters which is fantastic at 35 Millimeter a big improvement over the Previous optic at F 2.8 that close-up Image quality sees ghosting and some Color fringing let's stop down to F4 Though under sharp image emerges again And at F 5.6 that close-up quality looks Brilliant okay let's see how well the Tested lens works against bright and Light here we're treated to another Improvement of the original lens as the Mark II version displays almost no Flowering or glaring here which is Really quite an achievement while we're Working in the dark let's take a look at Coma levels in its further good news Here too at F 2.8 we've seen virtually No smearing on right points of light at All well let's look for sun Stars Instead they only really begin to emerge When you stop down to f11 stop down to F16 or F22 and they look a little Stronger but still somewhat subtle let's Take a look at the quality of this Lenses bocker it's another Easy Pass Here auto focus backgrounds consistently Look nice and smooth whatever focal

Length you're shooting at and finally Related to bokeh comes longitudinal Chromatic aberration just a touch of it Is visible at F 2.8 stop down to F4 and It's totally gone overall then well you Might have to pay a small fortune for The privilege of owning this particular Camera lens more than I can afford Anyway but its owners will certainly not Be disappointed as it's clearly one of The sharpest and best performing Ultra Wide angle zoom lenses in the world and If you want the best you simply have to Pay for it it's an especially Accomplished design for video makers but Stills photographers will love it too Having such consistently great image Quality no matter what setting you're Shooting at combined with a bright Aperture nice Zoom range and enjoyable Close-up shooting make it an Evolutionary yet still brilliant upgrade To Sony's original 16 to 35 millimeter Lens so if you can afford it and you Absolutely need the best possible zoom Lens on your Sony system then this one Has to come highly recommended [Music] Thanks for watching everyone and I do Hope you find these reviews helpful if You do and you'd like to support this Channel while also getting some sweet Exclusive videos Early Access and other Content then check out my patreon page

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