Tamron 70-180mm f2.8 Di III VC VXD G2 lens review

Tamron 70-180mm f2.8 Di III VC VXD G2 lens review

Howdy again everyone it doesn't seem Like long ago that I was testing the Handy tamon 70 to 180 mm t2.8 lens a Clever fast telephoto Zoom design that Managed to be a lot smaller and lighter Than traditional 70…

Nikon Z 70-180mm f/2.8 lens review

Nikon Z 70-180mm f/2.8 lens review

Howdy You Again everyone and today it's Time to check out another new nickon L Their Z 70 to 180 mm f2.8 this is Intended to be a lower budget fullframe Bright telephoto zoom lens for their Mirorless Zed Mount…