Freediving in Tahiti with the Oceanic+ iPhone Dive Housing and Apple Watch Ultra

Hi M from DP Review here and I am really Excited to be sharing a first look at The oceanic plus iPhone dive Housing I'm here in Tahiti with a group Of all female photographers and Videographers who've been brought Together by the amazing team at warm Collective I am a PFI and wave certified Free diver so this week I'll be using The housing to take some images some Videos and I'll also be comparing the Experience to a GoPro setting up the housing is Incredibly straightforward and you Receive step-by-step instructions from The app throughout the process I was a Big fan of this pre-dive checklist which Walks you through all the parameters you Need to take your iPhone through before You begin installing it inside the Housing the housing itself is equipped With a proprietary vacuum seal ensuring That leaks or water damage are not Something you have to worry about Admittedly I did go a bit out of order Here for our first day we were up at 5:00 a.m. so I had pre-loaded the Desicant and already put the iPhone into The housing as I initiated the steps the Springloaded tabs were really intuitive And the case accommodates various Generations of iPhones when you get to Step five closing the housing you Complete the remaining steps using the

Bluetooth functionality and the control Buttons on the outside of the Housing the twist lock was also very Clearly labeled to designate locked and Unlocked States and here is where the Vacuum seal technology is initiated the Dialogue screen guides you through this Process and once you complete this step A final sanity check dialogue appears Making sure that you've got that safety And you don't have to worry about it Before you get into the Water Day two of diving with the oceanic plus IPhone dive housing so you have the Ability to easily access your Gallery and you can use the Bluetooth Functionality to swipe between the photo Modes yeah so it doesn't look like you Can play video but you can go through a Gallery mode of all of your captures Which is pretty Cool a quick point point I want to make About the form factor and ergonomics of The housing I found it to be really easy To travel with however for free diving Specifically a bit cumbersome especially When I'm not diving on a line and an Open ocean the wrist strap was also too Big even at its tightest setting so I Found I had to manage a lot of drag and Positioning of my grip during Dives ultimately I am really excited About the possibilities and how

Accessible the oceanic housing will make Underwater photography for everybody to Enjoy the connectivity with the app Really stood out to me as Well so let me show you how to set up The dive parameters on the Apple Watch right now I have it set to Snorkeling mode however if I want to Change it to free diving mode I would Just head over to settings then you can Hit dive settings and you can change Your dive mode from this view so so for Free diving it has all of these really Helpful features where you can set Parameters such as Target depth your Total dive Time a sequential depth alarm which I Find extremely helpful this feature Allows me to get hatic alerts the deeper That I'm going and I can set that again By Increments and then surface time which Is another really interesting feature This will allow me to time the intervals At the surface that I need to rest in Between Dives so again you can turn this On set it use the haptics to get the Alerts as you're getting prepared for Your next dive you can also set total Session Target time and then hunt mode Which will then dim the Apple watch Ultra display when you're diving deep And hunting so that you don't disturb Any of the

Wildlife thank you so much to the team At Huish Outdoors for sharing this Pre-production model with me to test as Someone with a smaller frame I do prefer Something like an action sports camera That's really compact for free diving Specific activities that said between The housing the Apple watch Ultra Functionality and the app Oceanic has Really brought something to Market that Is unique and will allow so many people To experience the water and share their Stories and that is something that I'm Really excited by as always feel free to Join in the conversation and we will see You soon

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