The Best Telephoto Lenses for Full Frame Mirrorless Cameras (Featuring Birds, Bikes and Balls!)

Hey it's Dave and Evelyn from the camera Store and today we're having a little Roundup on some big super telephoto [Music] Lenses today we're going to take a look At Super photo lenses from some of the Top full- free mirr list brands Including Canon Nikon and Sony now we Had a blast coming off the scenarios to Shoot these lenses and they're all about Fun they're about capturing some great Images and getting this big super reach Which is really unaffordable if you step Up into the next generation of lenses Yeah we had a great time with all of These lenses giving them a lot of time To see how they perform we put them in Scenarios that both made these lenses Excel but also challenged them as well I Mean these lenses you certainly you get Reach but you go light Gathering ability Which makes some challenging shooting Situations now of course we are testing These lenses with using fullframe high Resolution sensors so they are capturing A lot of detail so will these lenses Resolve the detail and how well do they Perform we're going to get into it we're Going to start off with the Sony 200 to 600 MIM f5.6 to 6.3 lens now this is an Image stabilized lens and is the oldest Of the trio it was the first one to come Out in this focal range for full-frame Earless cameras and this is Sony's G

Series lens although we are getting the White finish and a lot of professional Features you have custom control buttons You have really great throw in the Focusing and the zoom and Dave and I Love this lens at first glance with it We took it playing soccer at the Red Bull Stadium in New York we also had This lens for doing birding photography So Dave had this at Frank Lake he had a Wonderful experience with it and it's a Solid option for Sony full-frame cameras Every time we use it we enjoy it it's a Great performer in fact it was ahead of Its time when it was brought out and That's because of those linear highth Thrust actuators it's able to keep up With even the latest autofocusing Systems but it is just a fun lens to use And it performs really well so we Curious to see how it perform against The New Canon and Nikon lenses well Let's talk about the Canon 200 to 800 mm Lens the newest kit on the Block here by A month over the Nikon now what you get With this lens is the longest reach 2 800 mm range is a very big reach and It's even more technically challenging To shoot this range now it is the Slowest of the lenses when it comes to The aperture 6.3 to F9 on the long end That really shook a lot of people the Wrong way and they first heard about it But let me tell you this lens is very

Good optically now this is the largest Of these three lenses and it's an Expandable telephoto so when you twist That Zoom range from 200 to 800 the lens Gets physically much longer where the Other two lenses are all internal Zooming which provides better weather Ceiling as well now this lens does come With a tripod collar also comes with all Theol controls you expect from a proper RF lens we do have a nine bladed Aperture which gives us really nice Looking bokeh as well as very good Stabilization which is a very big factor When it comes to talking about these Lenses now I had the chance to go out And shoot with this lens and when it Comes to shooting small birds you just Can't have a big enough Zoom recently I Was out at Engle bird sanctuary and I Was able to photograph some beavers Actually I was very excited about Because you don't often see them on the River so I was really nice to be able to Capture it with a lens I could really Get in some crazy good details and very Sharp shots close up I really quite like This lens from Canon it's the big white Lens what we're used to but it's not an L-s series lens it's more budget Friendly but it gives you some amazing Reach I'm really happy with the results I'm getting from it last but certainly Not least is the nikore Zed Mount 180 to

600 mm F 5.6 to 6.3 VR lens and this is Actually the most affordable lens of the Trio that we're talking about before we Get into it I want to introduce you to Our Guest that we had to test this lens We met up with a guy named Spencer Wilton who does endural and Motocross Racing so let's hear from him so we're Out here in wiess and this is Spencer Wilton who decided to join us today to Do some cool stuff now we met because You were here in Calgary for the Enduro Races earlier in the summer can you talk A little bit about what you do yeah my Name is Spen Wilton from Calgary 25 Years old and I race dirt bikes Professionally I'll try to ride over Anything on my bike so this summer I Wheelied the roof of Almo jumped a Lamborghini we we just try to do Anything that's out of the ordinary on a Dirt bike this was such a fun test with The nyore lens it gave us a little bit Of action and it was also kind of a Cloudy darker day so really good test For this lens now with this nyore lens We are having this 180 to 600 millim Focal length so it starts a tiny bit Wider than the others at the wide end But it also has the brightest aperature It's 5.6 to 6.3 through the range and This lens was awesome I paired it with Both the Zed 8 as well as the zed99 and The performance of it was fantastic the

Autofocusing speed I was really able to Lock on quickly to both Action Sports as Well as Wildlife when Dave and I were at The Calgary Zoo it has internal Zoom it Has a control ring it has some Customizability to it and it also has a Quick release foot which I really like The design of this lens is Awesome The Key thing that I wanted to get across Dave with this Roundup is no matter Which of the three systems you're Shooting with it is great that they have An option that's the super telephoto Range they're all great performers we Were so impressed with how well they did In terms of autofocusing speed 100% I Mean all these lenses perform very very Well I mean we've done autofocus tests We've done sharpness tests and you're Really splitting hairs about which ones Better I mean there're so we arguing at The zoo right like here take a look at This no take a look at this yeah it's It's tough but we've been spoiled by Sony for a couple years now they have a Fantastic 2 to 600 which is very well Received I've used it a lot I mean Shooting rugby for instance and my Daughter it's been perfect this is a Great lens for that but now Nikon people And Canon people have something that They can celebrate as well with a very Comparable lens now with the cannon you Have that extra reach if you wanted to

Go that far but there's a trade-off that It's an F9 and we really need to worry About not necessarily the Aesthetics how It looks cuz the depth of field is Pretty shallow still and you can still Blow out the background when you're Shooting with these lenses however you Got to watch your shutter speed that's The biggest thing yeah and I mean we do Have the advantage of having both inbody Image stabilization as well as Optical Stabilization with all of these lenses And so if you're someone that's still Coming over from a DSLR system I think You'll be pretty amazed with what you're Able to do with it it's kind of Unexpected and this is why in the Fullframe mirrorless lens lineup we are Seeing a lot more lenses that are a Little bit slower and you know it's it's Great to see though that you still get That great performance and and I just Can't get over the sharpness of them too No it's fantastic the other part is the Cameras themselves right we now we're Shooting at higher isos cleaner than Ever because because even in daylight in A day like today where it's beautiful Outside I'm still going to be shooting At like 1,600 ISO but the new generation Cameras can accept that very nicely and You're getting remarkable image quality And so I'm not worried about that Anymore that F9 but overall these lenses

Are fun I mean you go out they don't Weigh you down they're not super heavy Lens they still fairly compact like most Of them all weigh around 2 kg which in The grand scheme of things it feels Light like it's lighter than you would Expect yeah and so there are lenses of That range if you want to go up to if You're fortunate enough to have like the Money for a 600 F4 in any of these Brands that's great and those lenses Will outperform as far as sharpness goes And as far as it looks go but there are Several photographers who have the Luxury of owning 600 f4s and these Monster lenses that are in the five Digits but I find most these Photographers are buying these lenses as Well or switching these lenses outright Because they love the flexibility that It gives them if you have a 600 F4 you Have to be that human Zoom you have to Be the one who walks back and forth but With these lenses so much easier to deal With yeah and again if you're doing Stuff like Community Sports you're Shooting birds you're doing you know Photography of action and you want to be Able to have that range and that Flexibility this is just such a Phenomenal option and a great pairing With these full-frame mirrorless cameras With Sony in particular I have to Mention that there are some other

Third-party options but the Sony one is One that keeps up the best with their Autofocusing system and we're seeing the Same thing with you know the RF compared To Old EF lenses this is why you'd want To upgrade like if you're still adapting Old stuff that's great it works okay but You'll really notice that Advantage when It comes to how well it focuses how Quiet they are and just like the Mechanics of how those lenses work yeah Now there are certain things that I like Over one lens over the other and Different tolerances I mean I do how Like how Sony and Nikon the throw Between their 180 to 600 or 200 to 600 Is about 90° and so you can quickly go From one to the other the cannon I found It's like 180° to go from 200 to 800 so It's a big throw there and it's Something to kind of get used to and I Found myself using that lens in sort of Two zones like 2 to 400 or 4 to 800 I do Really like that the Canon has the Additional 800 millim reach if you Really want to get that far get those Really tight detail shots it's cool even When you're at a place like a sanctuary Or a zoo or something like that and you Want to be able to even just see those Details of what they're doing that 800 Is such a exciting thing to have I mean We were fortunate at the zoo the wolves Are very active when we were there and

We got some great shots with that 800 Mil being able to get in that close now The one thing that does bother me with All three of these lenses is the tripod Feet I'm glad they have a tripod collar And a tripod foot but why are they not ARA Swiss I mean I think all major Manufacturers should do ARCA Swiss Sigma's got it right tamron's got it Right why do we not see ARCA Swiss Plates on all the majors yeah no I know That really bothers you Dave but you Know let's end this on a high note Because I think most of the features That we've had in these lenses have been Phenomenal and really it's been just a Fun excuse for Dave and I to do some Really fun shoots you know we went to The wild Institute Calgary Zoo we were Able to shoot with Spencer Wilton you Got to check out his Instagram and YouTube channel of course and then in The past we did the Red Bull Stadium What else did we do Dave you got the Beaver I got the beaver I can't complain About the beaver doing some uh birding And stuff like that overall you have to Look at these lenses as a lot of fun at A very reasonable cost I mean you get The reach and the range that you just Normally can't get to without spending Huge amounts of money but we have a lot Of fun with these lenses yeah and They're all pretty close in price like

We said earlier they're all well under $3,000 Canadian and you know I think It's a very good option especially if You're someone that is getting into like Wildlife you know you're doing sports Shooting that kind of thing um this is Such a great pairing for all of these Full-frame mirrorless camera systems but Of course we want to know what are your Thoughts on these lenses as well as the Systems in general from Sony Canon and Nikon let us know in the comments below If you like what you see make sure you Like And subscribe it's been Dave and Evelyn from the camera store we'll catch You again very Soon [Music] Hey thanks for watching our most recent Episode if you like what you saw and you Want to check out more recent episodes Click up here and if you're a Canadian You want to shop local check out the Cameras down here

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