2022 Ford Maverick Hybrid XLT 25,000 Mile Update – The Good, the Bad, and Would I Buy Again?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here to Give you my 25,000 mile update on the 20202 Ford Maverick XLT hybrid that I Happen to be driving now I gave you a Review about a year ago but I've now hit I've actually passed about almost two 2,000 mil ago past the 25,000 mile Threshold and so I've been wanting to do Film an update to let you know how Things are going what I'm liking about The truck and what has kind of cropped Up as being issues along the way so First of all a checkin on how my mileage Is going now you might be able to tell Out the window that it is the dead of Winter here in Ontario and so I actually Got the vehicle at the end of April so Still some cold temperatures in Ontario At that point intermittently and and so This would be the second winter that I've gone through that obviously does Get take a hit on the overall fuel Economy particularly when it's extremely Cold as it does get here sometimes and So at this point I am averaging 37 m a Gallon overall and so that includes all Types of driving including towing uh Towing a utility trailer for a variety Of different functions and so um not bad For a truck overall particularly for a Vehicle that is so incredibly versatile For doing so many different things also Just in terms of general maintenance at

This point I have had a zero issue with Things like brakes no brake service Needed after nearly two years um I'm Still on original tires though I will Note I do use winter tires and so that Means that my original summers only get You know used for here about 7 months of The year 8 months tops as opposed to Being used constantly now on the brake Front one of the advantages of the Hybrid Power train is that if you're you Know trying to drive efficiently a lot Of your braking actually is regenerative Braking which doesn't involve the Mechanical brakes at all and every now And then it's actually good to step on It a little bit harder just to make sure That you're not getting rust on those Rotors and it's good for them to be used But because of that I fully anticipate It's going to take much longer than my Typical cycle on a vehicle before I need To do any kind of brake work breake Brake maintenance so updates as far as Some of my issues and complaints at this Point I have had overtime some Intermittent Bluetooth related issues Mostly that either my uh phone would be Connected and then it would just Randomly disconnect and then I would Have issues with reconnection or just When you're getting in the vehicle not Connecting this took a while to resolve But fortunately one of the over theair

Updates for the entertainment system did Fix that Bluetooth issue and so at this Point everything works stable and Consist consistently as it should so it Was an issue if you're thinking about Buying this vehicle in the future it Probably won't be an issue because it Has been resolved via firmware I also Had what I think to be more of a vehicle Specific issue where I was having an Intermittent issue with my interior and Approach lights and so when I would come Up to the vehicle and unlock it with the Key fob um sometimes I would have no Interior lights getting in and of course You know as that would be particularly Annoying going into the winter where it Gets dark quite early and so there's a Lot of times where you're driving in the Dark because it was intermittent it took A little while to diagnose I took it in Took the vehicle in and brought the Complaint on a couple of times but Because it wasn't doing it at the time Uh when I actually had a schedule Appointment they weren't able to Diagnose it so I ended up going to the Dealership during a time when there Actually was it was actually doing the Issue so it was an unscheduled Appointment but I just came in and told The service department okay here's what I've been talking about they sent a tech Out he saw what was taking place

Schedule appointment and they were able To do some flashing and updating of Certain systems and through that it Seems to have solved that problem I Haven't had any issues with it after That Point my other kind of critique that is Probably largely centered around the 2022 model at being the first year for a Brand new vehicle was that there have Been a ton of recalls at this point and I think I'm at at least six recalls and While obviously all of that I haven't Actually experienced any of the issues That were covered in the recall and it Doesn't cost me anything because it's All done under warranty obviously but it Does doesn't change the fact that I've Had to have at least six it actually in Some cases has been it's probably been More like seven or eight service Appointments because there's been a few Occasions where they ended up not having All the parts that they needed and so it Had to be a secondary followup so that's Days without having my vehicle it's days Of interruption and so as a byproduct You know that's it's just been a bit of An annoyance and so fortunately again I've not experienced any of those issues That were covered there but it there is There has been a lot of recall so Fortunately that's a fairly brief list Of complaints about the vehicle or

Issues that I've had so some of the Positives that I want to report at a you Know now a long-term update on the Vehicle the first of those is that the Interior is holding up really really Well I have I've used this truck hard I've done a lot of major construction Projects and so unfortunately there's Been a few times I've gotten things as Terrible as tar on the seats and had to Really try to clean that and you don't Clean tar up with just a nice General Detergent you typically have to use Something that's a little more Aggressive I've gotten lots of drywall Dust in here I've done many trips to the The dump and so you know that unique Filth that you bring back into your Vehicle all of those types of things but The interior has always cleaned up Really well there's no evidence of wear On the seats uh even you know moving in And out of it a lot of times as you do Over the period of course of time so Kudos to forward this interior as noted It has some stylish elements but it's Not a high-end interior in terms of the Material but at the same time it is one That is proven to be tough and stable And still looks good now in the middle Of winter it's desperately in need of a Detailed cleaning which is hard to do in The middle of winter sometimes but at The same time I do give it high marks

For holding up at that point another Thing that I'm continually reminded of Every day during yet another winter with The vehicle and that is that both the Seat and the steering wheel warmers are Fantastic these really do a great job And people who uh come in the vehicle That you know haven't ridden in it Before they almost always comment on Number one how quickly the seat warmers Warm up and number two how hot that they Get and of course nicely there are three Different stages and so even though it Is it gets hot fast and it is very hot On the highest setting you do have the Option of toning that down and so I Really give it high marks on That as noted already it continues to be An extremely efficient vehicle there is No other truck on the market that really Is comparing to this when it comes to Overall efficiency and unlik a pure EV You obviously have none of the Limitations in terms of of char charging Or you know range hesitation it is not Unusual at all for me to get Particularly during the the summer Months for me to get upwards of over 500 Miles per tank which is incredible when You consider how small this actual the Tank actually is and so it has great Range it is extremely efficient and if You happen to be working around town it Is it's it's really amazing the kind of

Mileage you can get I've also been Really impressed by you know the many Times that I'm pulling a trailer or I've Got a full load in the back and yet I'm Still dropping into electric mode and You know using no fuel at the moment and Still getting you know for you know the Trip that I'm driving getting really Really good efficiency results that's Really impressive to me and so kudos to Them after all of this time the vehicle Still continues to be very nice to drive The suspension is riding really well you Might be able to tell a little bit of Bounce in this as we get towards the Later part of winter as we are right now This is uh Late February our roads heave a lot and So they're incredibly rough but despite That this vehicle does handle it really Well I'm going over a section right now Where I'm really reminded because it is Just one bump after another but the Vehicle drives really nicely continues To ride well and there's not been any Introduction of squeaks and rattles into The chassis or really into the interior Bits either and so that's something that Is held up really well over Time other positive positive is that There really have been no actual Mechanical issues I went back through my Service receipts yesterday and Preparation and doing a little bit of

Research ahead of this review and I Noted that as I look back it's all of my Receipts are either just doing typical Oil change type work and then it's the Recall based stuff that I've already Mentioned but I've had no actual service Work needed on any extra issue outside Of that and so that is a a huge kudos to Them another thing I've been reminded of Here in in yet another winter is that While this is a front-wheel drive only And the hybrid model continues to only Come in uh only front-wheel drive at Least through the 2024 model year and While I would continue to like there to At least be an option to have an All-wheel drive uh option if you're Choosing the hybrid powertrain I will Note that paired with a good set of Winter tires that I've never yet gotten Stuck once in this vehicle even in other Situations where other people for Example trying to get out of uh you know On this particular day from the shot you Can see that the snow was deep and this This particular parking lot that I was In and I watched other people trying to Get out and they were taking six seven Passes you know trying to work their way Out of this because there's a bit of a Grade leaving it but when I went to I Was you know a little bit nervous coming Up to it but I in one shot the Maverick Just pulled steadily out of there and I

Had zero issues and so it has continued To be a really stable platform in Driving in Winter even though it is Front-wheel drive only it's a confident Winter vehicle the final thing that I Will point to and this is something that I I recognize is subject to change in The maybe even near future but that is At least to this point this vehicle has Held its value incredibly well now That's at least in large part because There continues to be more demand than What there is supply for the Maverick Particularly for the hybrid version but I noted I I did some research on autot Trader yesterday and I found that right Now I would have no problem selling my Truck for at least as much as what I Paid for it brand new and so you it's Hard to argue against that kind of Economics from a value proposition when A vehicle that you bought new almost two Years ago is still worth every penny That you paid for it and more now Obviously that is most likely to change At least somewhat when there is Sufficient supply of new vehicles on the Lots but at the same time I have a sense That this is probably a vehicle that's Going to hold its value quite well Because it seems to be aging well and it Has such incredible utility and Practicality to it so bottom line is After nearly 2 years and about 27,000

Miles I still think very often as I'm Approaching my truck I love that truck I Love the color of it I love the the way That it drives I love its efficiency and I really love the overall utility of the Vehicle I have done so many things with It things that I never would have Dreamed of doing in a car and even if I Owned a you know similar size SUV things That I wouldn't dream of doing in a Vehicle like that so the question is is After nearly 2 years of ownership and About 27,000 mil is this the kind of Vehicle that I would buy another one of And the short answer to that is Absolutely I love the vehicle and everyone that has Been exposed to it they seem to really Like it as well and of course right now They're still rare enough on the road That whenever I see another mavic driver It's funny how we just instinctively are Doing a little bit of wave a nod to each Other recognizing that we're some of the Lucky people that are driving what is Both a very inexpensive but also very Very cool vehicle I'm Dustin Abbott and If you want more information you can Reference back to my original review but I hope that this is giving you some Practical Insight on how I like the Ford Maverick 2022 XLT hybrid after nearly 2 Years of use as always thanks for Watching have a great day and let the

Light [Music] In

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