Zeapon Micro 3 Motorized Video Slider Review

Foreign [Music] TV I am Craig Christopherson and today We've got the zeppen micro three slider Now this slider comes in three different Lengths it comes in the 500 the 700 and The 1000 versions whereas the previous Slider that they made the micro two plus Just came in the one size now these Numbers they correspond to approximate Travel distance so the 500 series goes 590 millimeters of travel the 700 goes 770 millimeters of travel and then the 1000 version goes 1070 millimeters of Travel now you can get these both in Manual orientation as you can see that I Have here and then it also comes with a Motor you can purchase The motor later uh let's go over prices Very quickly so the 500 the manual Version of the 500 is 399 US Dollars Versus if you bought the M500 with the Motor then it would be 600 uh the 700 And 700 is 449 dollars the m1000 is 539 Dollars so you can purchase the manual Version as it is or you could purchase The manual version With the motor here and you will save Fifty dollars if you buy it all in one Purchase rather than two purchases Because if you buy the manual version if You and want to upgrade later to the Motorized version then the motor is Going to cost you 250 dollars so you

Could save yourself potentially fifty Dollars in expenses if you decide that You want the motorized version right Away and the motorized version and the Manual version they're the same the only Difference is in fact the motor so There's there's nothing uh difference There's nothing different as soon as you Buy the motor you have the full Motorized version and here is The motor itself it comes in a little Case and this is it and the big Difference here the big difference Between the micro two plus and the micro Three is how easy it is to attach the Motor now we will get into that a little Bit uh down the line when we go through Um similar similarities and differences Of these two versions but right now Let's talk about the micro three its Build its design and its features So it is an all metal design but without The motor it's really not overly heavy I Mean that's absolutely one-handable it Is weighty but it's not overly heavy I Would say and no matter the version that You get whether it's manual or Electronic the 500 700 or 1000 it Doesn't matter the size the payload is The same for all of them so you don't Get an increased payload if you get an Increased sized slider the payload is The same for all of them it's a 12 Kilogram horizontal payload and a 4.5

Kilogram vertical payload now it has Different uh power options so let's at This point bring out the motor because Of course if you're doing manual version Then it's it's all simply in your hands And I do have it currently unlocked here And so if you want to look at you know What it looks to manually slide it is Extremely smooth and you can even just Just one hand it So extremely smooth if you're doing it Manually but you can get the motor so Let's start talking about power options We're going to bring our motor out here Now of course we have the classic npf Style battery and that itself Clicks in Boom there you go it is now powered uh Actually I don't even have to put it on The slider for it to be powered it is Already powered and I can turn the motor On here as you can see so that is one Power option is the mpf style battery Another Power option is to use a USBC Cord the ports here are right here Little fold down flap you just dig that Out with your fingernail so it's got a USBC Port of course you can plug that Into the wall and it will work fine I Have just a cheap little power bank I Didn't uh I wasn't able to power the Unit with my cheap little power bank Maybe you have a power bank that can be Used for more heavy duty Electronics Mine wasn't able to but powering it

Through the wall Um it is no problem at all So it does have the USB C Port as well As well as a shutter cable Port that's Not a power option I'm just letting you Know since we're going through the Different ports on the motor and that Summarizes your power options mpf style You a battery USBC cord and then the Only other slot available is not a power Option but it is for your shutter wire Now just so you're aware if you do Purchase this and it comes in the Packaging there is a couple screws on The bottom that you do have to remove Before you start using the slider and There's a lot of caution tape on there Telling you you know hey watch out those Need to be removed so just a heads up if You do purchase that and you see the Yellow tape and you're wondering what's Going on those screws need to be removed To allow the slider to move they're just In there and you can keep them if you Want in fact I kept them just because if You do want to travel and it's a long Travel maybe you're putting it on a Plane or something it allows you to lock Down the slider so that nothing moves And is damaged in shipping so that's why Those are there now it comes with a lock Unlock knob there is no visual way to Properly identify whether it is locked Or unlocked and as you can see it takes

A little bit of effort to get it to flip Around there's no visual way to get it Unlocked or locked but it works as is Described it locks and unlocks the Function so right now I have it Completely locked and you can see I'm Not able to move the track unlock it Here again a little bit of a of a tough Switch but then we are able to move it The slider is now included uh with a Case before the case was kind of just The box so there was a bag included in The Box I'll again go into that during The comparison you do get a case now and Inside of the case our tripod Stabilization arms and so this is just One of them you get two of them one for Each end and so there's two tripod Stabilization arms and the way you use These is you screw it onto the end one Goes on each end then that is going to Hook up the bottom part is going to hook Up to the actual tripod leg itself and These are included now which is actually A really nice addition within the Packaging these are included So that whenever you're Um whenever your track gets all the way To the end it's not tilting certainly Whenever I reviewed the last one and Used the last one there were instances Of tilt Um on the tripod and so those Stabilization arms are included which I

Think is a nice little touch Now the camera screw on the mounting Base can support either a quarter or a Three-quarter inch Mount and it pops up And down so that it doesn't scratch Anything during storage not to mention The mounting base itself is now much Bigger now let's talk about actually Using The micro three so the motor has control Buttons on it and by the way let's go on To how to mount the motor right now Which is so much easier so to mount the Motor you simply click it into place There's two little screws here that you Just thread in and the motor is mounted You save I mean the micro two plus it Wasn't bad but it was kind of deterring Because it was annoying and so actually I always just used it in manual Operation I never really used the motor On it and in fact even to put the motor On it to go through our comparisons Later on I was kind of annoyed but this Makes it extremely easy and I'm a really Big fan of how easy they have made to Mount the motor so the motor has manual Controls on it so that if you do not Want to use the app you don't have to Nobody's forcing you and that's okay you Can still go manual it's the pretty much The same layout and same controls as the Micro two plus and so for example you Can set up a b points using these manual

Buttons so if we for example double Click the power button it gives us a Little ping there I don't know if you Heard it to let us know that our first Point is set we're going to move it over We'll stop it here we're going to again Double press the power button There you go it is set so now we have Our a b point so we can do a couple Things we can double press the power Button again to allow it to move so Let's go ahead and do that and you'll See it's going to automatically move Between our A and B point so that's how We move it from point A to point B but What if we want it to continually loop Back between our points in a continuous Movement well what we do is we press at Either Direction with the power button In a single press and here it will loop Back and forth between point a and point B if you want to manually set the points You can do that and that is going to be Where that flashing green button comes In if you go ahead and hold that then You can manually transition that into Your your Waypoint but the problem with That is is since the motor is attached It's pretty difficult To move so personally I would just kind Of stick with Setting the waypoints using the motor Itself I don't know exactly why that Feature is included because it's

Harder than just using the motor now you Can Choose and change the speed that it Moves between the a b point during this Movement so if I want to go ahead and Move the speed to full speed here I just Simply tap the power button and here We're going to move at a faster range of Motion and then I can hit it again and It's going to go into its slowest Movement and as you can see there it has Changed now movement with the motor is Extremely smooth however if you are more Of a manual person Hands-On and you want To do it yourself then there is a dial And it has settings one all the way Through five five of course being a Whole lot tougher to move it and one Being a whole lot easier and smoother to Move it and if you are going to do Everything manually and you're not Interested in purchasing the motor then I would suggest dial setting one because Anything more than that let me just take The motor off here so I can exemplify What I'm talking about one you can move It with your finger and sometimes Depending on your surface the slider may Even slide on for example your tabletop Surface but one is is nice and smooth And generally it's not going to move but If we move it up to for example a dial Setting of four where things are going To be more rigid it's going to be more

Difficult to move then we get our slider I don't know if you can see it here but It is sliding across the table as I move The track itself and especially if I Move up into five as you can see it is Just sliding across the table which of Course you don't want now zeppon do have An app that you can use and I've got it Pulled up here because If you don't use the app and you simply Use the motor then you simply have three Different speed settings and that may be Too quick for you that is full speed Setting I can put it down here to the Lowest speed setting I'm gonna have it Come across again so that may be too Quick for you especially if you're Dealing with macro photography that's Going to move possibly too quick so the Good news here is I'm going to go ahead And stop it the good news here is that Zeppen do have an app so I'm connected I've got Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on and the Benefits of the app is that you can set Up to six different waypoints but you Can also change the speed so let's say This is Waypoint a I've set Waypoint a Now by clicking that and then we have Our pan button down here and that is Sensitive so if I go a little bit less It's going to move much slower here if I Go all the way then it's going to pick Up quicker so we're going to go ahead And set Waypoint B

There we go now I have it at total speed Of 50 it's telling you that the time to Travel between your Waypoint A and B is 22 seconds So I can go ahead and hit play and That'll take 22 seconds but if I go Ahead and stop we can put it at 100 Speed and you'll see my play time is Going to be 12.2 seconds and then we can Also set it what's nice about the app is You can slow it way down so if I bring It all the way down to six seconds it's Going to take 178 seconds to complete the movement so It's going to reset and here it begins Very slowly and on the bottom left Corner You can Loop that movement so I've Selected Loop and now I've unselected it So the nice thing about the app is you Can slow it down even more but Potentially the only negative is if you Don't really like using the app then That's the only way to slow it down to This slow of a movement but it is there So I don't want you to freak out saying Oh the motor only has three settings and It's not slow enough for me well that's Okay go ahead and use the app slow it Down I've got it on six percent here and It's moving nice and slow so let's make Some comparisons between the previous Version the micro two plus and the new Current version the micro three so here

Is our old version now of course these Are different sizes the version I have Of the micro three is the 700 and then This is the micro two plus so if I had The 500 these would be almost equal in Distance so I don't want you freaking Out about the difference in size if I Had the 500 the new micro 3 m 500 then We would be very really quite similar in Size so you can see the difference in Motor here the difference in height if I Go ahead and and turn them around This way you're going to see that we Have a new angular design whereas before It was all very straight on if I tilt Them up here you're going to see that The mounting base is much bigger on the Micro three so the micro two what we had Here is a very small mounting base I Don't want you to be to see this is not Part of the mounting base this part Right here it's a very thin mounting Base and on the micro three they have Made that a whole lot bigger they've Made it a whole lot bigger why because They've brought in an angular design Again as I've already mentioned it is a Whole lot easier to switch the motor so Motor off goes like that done two Seconds however long it takes you to Unthread two screws On the old version uh I'm not going to Do it because I don't really want to Drop the motor off but there's two

Screws that you take off then on the Bottom you have to go and unlatch the Actual band itself and then there's Another band that you have to attach to Bring it to a manual version They've made it so much quicker they've Improved the design in every way now Coming back to the micro three it does Have now uh padded bottoms on the legs And these are still height adjustable Although I will say the height Adjustment is millimeters perhaps three Millimeters of height adjustment so if You've got a slightly uneven service Surface Then you'll be able to cope with that But I do enjoy the fact that these Rubber tops these rubber legs do move And they do tilt and so they'll be able To handle surfaces a little bit better Although this Kind of form does only allow you really To shoot off of tabletop desktop type Setting and if you're dealing on any Type of uneven service then of course It's best to put it on tripod and be Safe and be accurate okay let's close This down I want to talk about a couple Suggestions a couple critiques first of All I would like to kind of have a Visual identifier that the slider is Either locked or unlocked on the dial a Simple little red signifier would be Nice now whenever I first saw the design

Of the micro three and I saw the motor I Thought that this would be a little knob To kind of control speed and I think I think that would still be a good idea Because for example we have you know the Power button to pick through three Different speeds but what if we turn This knob here and it just kind of had An outer dial that selected different Speeds right we could have a little like Electronic Signal here or even just mark it on the Dial you know zero to 100 so that way We wouldn't even have to necessarily use The app we could simply just turn the Dial and that would be our new selected Motor speed perhaps I think that would Be a pretty good idea put a dial there And then we have full control of speed I Would really like to see full control of Speed so I'm going to actually take the Mic off of [Music] Shirt here and I'm going to allow you to Hear the difference in the motor so Let's start with the micro two plus the Previous generation here is motor noise On Speed 2 from the micro two plus A little bit of a hum but it's quiet so Let's go speed two on the micro three And let's hear the motor noise in this Version As you can tell it's not necessarily More noise it's just a different type of

Noise so the micro two it had a kind of Lower hum to it and the micro three has A bit of a higher I don't necessarily Want to call it a wine but it's a higher Pitched noise so I wouldn't say it has Actually increased in noise as I see Some other people are saying I don't Think it's increased in noise at all I Think it's just changed pitch and I Think you can still use the micro three In quiet environments and you'll be fine I mean if I put it here I mean maybe I'm About to disprove myself but if I let it Run here and I'm speaking and this is Going on and for example maybe I'm the Subject of an interview well if the Slider is for some reason right in front Of my face I don't think you're actually Going to hear it at all I actually don't Think that the motor noise is going to Pose too much of a problem for you it's About the same loudness the same decibel Volume as the micro two plus motor it's Just in a higher pitch something I am Very impressed with on the micro three Is the smoothness of the slider not only Motorized but manually one problem I did Have with the micro two plus is that Whenever I used it manually there would Be certain areas especially passing Through this middle section whenever the Travel had passed through the middle Section of the slider it's like a sped Up and it lost resistance and then as it

Went to the edge it gained resistance Again and then I could retain that Smooth movement but here if I just take One finger and I just apply the same Pressure all throughout I don't get what I'm going to refer to as any kind of hot Spots where there's less resistance in That rubber band I can keep the same Consistent movement all throughout the Entirety of the range of the slider and To me this is huge especially because It's generally quickest to shoot Manually with the slider and just make Your own movement and so to have no kind Of hot spots of the actual Mount Whenever it travels through have no hot Spots or any changing pressures or Resistance is extremely nice and of Course what you're looking out for in a Slider movement is very very smooth Setting up the motor is ridiculously Easy I'm not deterred to do it I don't Mind switching it at all like I used to Kind of be deterred to to switch it Before and so overall this is I would Say a very nice Improvement the micro Two plus I greatly enjoyed I used it a Whole lot the micro three I will use Even more because they've genuinely made It better in every single way So the M500 399 M700 449 and 1539 if you'd like to pick it up the Description is down below I hope I have

Properly informed you today about the Micro three if you want to pick it up That's up to you if not there are links Down below to go check out Dustin Abbott's reviews go to his channel Instagram shop whatever you want to do That's your choice other than that I Hope you have a wonderful day and Remember to let the light in foreign [Music]

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