Arrowzoom Acoustic Damping Wedges Review | Making Your Space Acoustically Sound

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbot you may notice right Now that the sound is not very good now That's in part because I'm recording on The camera mic but in large part it's Because this is what we're trying to Address and so for this video I'm going To be using just the on camera mic Because we're trying to solve the Problem of the Acoustics in the room now Starting in the beginning of 2023 I was Able to move into my new office here at The church and I started doing some of My filming here it's a beautiful space a Large office but it's got a serious Problem and that is that there are hard Services everywhere the floor the walls The ceiling and there is a very large Window that dominates the wall opposite Of where I'm typically facing while Speaking while recording as a byproduct Sound bounces around a lot there's a lot Of echo in here and even using Microphones particularly earlier in the Year there was a very obvious Echo that Remained don't know what to do so they Reach out to the wise for counsel and The counil so I've tried to address that Through kind of ordinary means I put Down a large aerial rug that helps to Absorb some sound here from instead of a Hard surface something that's a little More sound absorbing I've got a little Bit more furniture in here and I've

Tried to be a little bit more creative With my microphones however it hasn't Completely solve the problem so what We're going to do today is look at a Product from a company that is their Expertise is sound dampening and uh you Know kind of designer acoustic panels to Work within a space like my office I'm Going to be experimenting with the Aeros Zoom Pro wed style acoustic panels like This and these are 10x 10 in terms of Inches and I've got 48 of them that I'm Going to experiment with in trying to Put them at a few different locations And seeing if we can damp the sound in Here and maybe make things a little bit More acoustically Superior now I Wondered when these were being shipped To me how that they were going to arrive Because you know once fully deploy they Are significant in size but they are Cleverly shipped in a vacuum sealed Package that allows them to condense Down into a very very small footprint 48 Of them fit into just two packages this Size opening them up allowing them to Sit for 24 hours adding a little bit of Water and then throwing them into the Dryer for a little bit while to fluff Them on up and then allowing them to sit For a little bit more and to where they Are fully kind of deployed at this point And ready for Mounting so I've now installed the

Panels throughout the room on the upper Sides of each side of the room to help To reduce some of the sound waves that Are bouncing around in here as is Recommended I varied the pattern going Vertical and then horizontal uh that Al It does a couple of things it makes it a Little bit more effective at you know Touching sound waves in different Directions but then also varying that Pattern makes it more visually appealing And that's particularly true if you can Do it more in a grid the kind of Configuration of my office didn't really Allow for me to do that but you can see That varying that pattern makes it look Better one little tip that I found as a Part of mounting them I mounted them Using the included double-sided tape Which is really really sticky and it Makes it very difficult to just get it Off with your fingernails on the the Side you're wanting to remove for after You've put the front side onto the back Of the panels themselves so I used Tweezers to help to get that off and it Helped speed things up a whole lot so The question is does it work so let's go Back for a moment and listen to the clip That I did before installing the panels Hi I'm Dustin Abbott you may notice Right now that the sound is not very Good now that's in part because I'm Recording on the camera mic but and now

Let's listen to how things sound all Other settings being equal in the room After I've installed the AOS Zoom Acoustic panels deployed at this point And ready for mounting so I've now Installed the panels throughout the room So I'm obviously not going to stop using Microphones or anything but you could Tell a big difference in the amount of Echo that was there after the the words Were spoken and so already you can hear A tighter kind of acoustic environment And if I add on my typical microphone Arrangement to that I'm very encouraged At moving ahead the sound quality in This room is going to be a lot better I Can already notice a big difference I Don't use this obviously just for Filming but I do a lot of teaching and Counseling in this room and so as a Byproduct I've already noticed a huge Difference where it just fuels more Intimate you know less kind of in an Echo chamber and that is going to pay Off big dividends obviously moving ahead And I will note that Aros Zoom has a Wide variety of other products that can Allow you to take things even further Like door ceiling kits things like that If you're looking to really completely Ely acoustically seal a room so finally Let's talk about price so the price for The 48 pieces like I had that's 10 X 10 X 2 or 25x 25 cm by 5 cm in depth so for

48 of those the price point is $299 you can get a little bit of a Discount on the code below uh also That's about 400 Canadian if you're Looking to buy in Canadian dollars However if you don't need that many for Example you can buy them individually You can also get them in packages of 12 And 24 so that's the scaling is 12 24 And then 48 and so hopefully that will Help you to decide whether or not it's An investment that is worth making for You but if you're looking to make for Example your home theater room or an Office or maybe a music room you're Wanting to make that more acoustically Sound then certainly these are the type Of products that make a huge difference I'm Dustin Abbott and if you look in the Description down below there is more Information there if you want to follow Up on as always thanks for watching have A great day and let the light [Music] In

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