24mm f/1.4…for $109?! 7Artisans APS-C lens review

Howdy again everyone I personally love The wide angle 35 millimeter focal Length on a full frame camera Particularly when combined with a bright Maximum aperture well the equivalent of That on an aps-c camera is 24 millimeter And here we have the cheapest 24 Millimeter F 1.4 lens for aps-c cameras I believe ever made the seven art Sands 24 millimeter F 1.4 it's a fully manual Lens for Canon EOS M Mount Sony e-mount Vgx Canon RF Nikon Z and micro four Thirds and its price of 109 US dollars Is astonishingly low I would like to Thank seven artisans for winging one Over to me for evaluation although as Usual this is a totally independent Review as I mentioned and as you'd Expect at this kind of price point this Is a totally manual lens manual aperture Control and manual focus which can Obviously slow you down when shooting at F 1.4 the whole lens is metallic without Weather sealing and the focus ring turns Very smoothly just far enough to shoot Precisely as you can see here the lens Suffers for moderate focused breathing Zooming in and out as you change Focus There's an aperture ring at the front of The lens which also turns smoothly that Is video for video work but for Photography I like having some tactile Clicks in there the Lens comes with a Metallic slip-on cap which could do with

Being a little deeper to fit more Securely it could easily fall off in Your camera bag the filter thread size Is 49 millimeters other than that the Lens handles perfectly okay and just as You'd expect for a low budget lens let's Take a look at image quality now these Pictures are taken on a Fuji xt3 camera With its 26 megapixel aps-c sized sensor And Camera Corrections are not available With this lens and F 1.4 image quality Is really soft in the middle of the Picture with very low contrast and the Corners oh well I'll let the results Speak for themselves here as there's an Entire witch's brew of optical issues to Be seen stop down to F2 for more Brightness in the corners but but no Other Improvement the middle of the Image is looking better now with some Decent contrast although sharpness is Still low F 2.8 sees an improvement There but it's only really at F4 that we Get a sharp image in the middle and the Corners still pretty soft unfortunately Particularly in the very edges stop down To F 5.6 or f8 for minor Improvement but That's as good as the corners get and if We move halfway back to the middle we Are still seeing a soft image with lots Of chromatic aberration the image Quality stays the same down to F16 well That's a bit of a shame this lens is Clearly very soft indeed when it comes

To Distortion and vignetting the lens Performs a little better there's only Negligible Barrel Distortion to be seen Here although vignetting is a little Strong at F 1.4 Corners Brighton aberdaf 2 and F 2.8 as you can see the lens can Focus down to 30 centimeters but the Image quality there remains just as bad At F 1.4 and F2 although I'd have 2.8 You can achieve a usable image the lens Also has a large number of problems when Shooting against bright light at F 1.4 We see tons of flaring glaring and less Contrast than ever stop down to F 2.8 Though for a bit of contrast to return a Pity the lens doesn't come with a hood That would have been helpful while we're Working in a dark let's take a look at Coma levels they are pretty bad at F 1.4 As you can see they're a little better At f2 and F 2.8 and acceptable at F4 Let's zoom out just a little and look For sun Stars they begin to emerge quite Noticeably at f8 here's f11 and F16 Where they get really quite strong and Finally bokeh if I were being kind I'd Say this lens is out focus backgrounds Have character honestly they are some of The busiest I've ever seen even when Backgrounds are quite strongly out of Focus overall well one look at my test Results today reveals that releasing a 24 millimeter F 1.4 lens for only 109 is An experiment which unfortunately has

Failed this time Foreign Well thanks for watching everyone most YouTubers out there have a second Channel for all their random bits and Bobs they like to put together well I Like to put all that kind of thing on my Patreon page exclusively for my Supporters over there thank you to all Of you for helping to keep this channel Going and you can always check out my Patreon page in the description below Ciao for now everyone

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