Best Camera For Photography in 2024

I tested the best cameras for Photography and I realized all good Cameras have five key things in common So in this video I'm going to show you The best cameras for photography and Help you understand which of these five Key things you need for your shooting Style and budget and I'll leave links Down below for the best pricing on the Cameras we talk about today now the First thing we all look for in a Photography camera is resolution and Sensor quality because we all want Stunning photos and one of the best Cameras for this is the Sony a7c Mark I Because not only does it have a high Resolution sensor but it also has the Other five key things you should look For in a camera thanks mainly to its High resolution 33 megapixel fullframe Sensor and a brand new processor you get Incredibly detailed photos and this Camera is also pretty decent in low Light thanks to that sensor and this Covers our first key features and that's Making sure you have a high resolution Sensor for good image quality and the A7c Mark II also shoots pretty fast as High as 10 frames per second which is Great for any kind of action shots or Fast moving subjects but you can also Shoot 44 Raw photos in a row or up to a Th000 jpegs in a row before this camera Needs a break and that covers our second

Key thing to look for is how fast can Your camera shoot and how long can it Shoot for and the a7c Mark II does a Pretty good job and as a side note the A7c 2 also shoots really good video 4K Up to 24 and 30 frames per second with Even 4K at 60 frames per second with a 1.6 times crop in full HD up to 120 Frames per second for slow motion if you Want to shoot a bit of video but the Third thing that you should look for in Your camera and it's often overlooked is Autofocus and the a7c has some of the Best autofocus in the industry the a7c Actually has AI based autofocus that can Intelligently recognize subject matter Like people animals cars insects planes And can intelligently TR rack the Autofocus to that so it's very rare to Miss your shot or get something out of Focus and that's also the third thing You should look for in your camera is Good autofocus because if you don't have Good autofocus your images will not turn Out well now you could have the Prettiest camera with the fastest frame Rates but there's one thing that people Often forget and that's design because You want to make sure the camera body is Right for your shooting style the a7c is Surprisingly compact for such a powerful Full-frame camera with a really nice Makes robust and satisfying hand grip And the bun layout and menu layout is

Super simple making this camera a breeze And a pleasure to use however one thing That it is missing is a built-in flash Which isn't really something you see on A premium camera like this the A7 C2 Also has a side articulating screen that Allows for touch autofocus and touch Functionality so you can use this camera Very similar to a smartphone if that's What you're used to and it also takes Z Batteries which should last you a pretty Long time and these are the same Batteries you see in Pro cameras and if You haven't guessed yet the fourth thing To look for in your camera is the body And design to make sure that it fits Your shooting needs and the a7c Mark II Also comes in at a really attractive Price you get incredible value for your Money which is the fifth aspect to look For in a camera and that is are you Getting a good value for your money and Does it fit your budget so if you're Looking for a powerful camera they can Pretty much shoot anything but you still Get it in a compact body that you can Pretty much take Anywhere With You the A7c Mark II is an amazing buy now some Of you guys might be on a tighter budget And you want a more affordable camera Without having to sacrifice image Quality or features and the Sony a6400 Might be exactly what you're looking for It has a 24 megapixel apsc size sensor

Which is a healthy amount of resolution And perfect for this type of camera but The sensor is also surprisingly good in Low light because most Sony cameras are And the a6400 is also one of the few Cameras that actually still has a Built-in flash which is becoming a Pretty rare thing in premium cameras Like this and it can also shoot 11 Frames per second which is about the Same as the a7c Mark II and it can also Shoot 44 Raw photos or 116 jpegs in a Row before it needs a break and this is Good for once again any kind of action Fast moving subject matter and because The a6400 is a Sony camera it also has Really great autofocus it's not the same Fancy AI based autofocus from the a7c Mark 2 but it's still Ultra reliable With very good tracking and the body of The a6400 is really small small enough To fit into a jacket pocket or just keep On you at all times and it also comes With a pretty decent beginner lens which Is a 16 to 55 mm lens but if you have The money I recommend actually upgrading It to the Sigma 18 55 mm zoom lens for Sharper images and one thing that I love About the a6400 is that the body is all Metal so it's a really robust and Well-built camera on top of that it has A really good bun layout and menu layout But one thing that some of you guys may Not love is that while it does have a

Rear tilt screen for high angle and low Angle shots it only flips up to the top When you're trying to record yourself so It doesn't come out to the side which is Not as ideal but the biggest problem With this is is that when you try to put A mic on this camera it's actually going To cover the screen and sadly the a6400 Doesn't have the same touch Functionality on the screen and it also Has smaller batteries which won't last You as long so you need to make sure you Have a few spares overall if you're Looking to pick up a budget camera that Still provides really solid image Quality the a6400 is a great buy because It has great image quality solid body And design great autofocus it can also Shoot really fast and it comes in at a Great price despite the few shortcomings Now when it comes to photography some People already have a camera that looks Really good instead what they want is Speed to shoot things like Sports Action Wildlife and fashion and if that sounds Like you I actually have two camera Recommendations for you and that is the Canon R6 Mark I and the Canon R7 the Canon R6 Mark I has a 24 megapixel Fullframe sensor and the Canon R7 has a 32 megapixel apsc size sensor the Canon R6 Mark II is a fullframe sensor and Will give you a wider feel to view when Getting your shots basically making your

Wide shots look even wider and this Might be better for something like Fashion something where you want to get As wide of a shot and the r s has an Apsc size sensor which is going to give You a tighter more zoomed in shot and This would be better for Far Away Subjects like Wildlife or Sports in my Opinion both of these sensors have a Really healthy amount of resolution and They're both really good in low light Even as high as 12,800 ISO but the most Important thing about these cameras is How fast they are the r six Mark II can Shoot at 40 frames per second electronic Shutter mode and 12 frames per second in Mechanical shutter mode and the r s can Shoot between 12 to 15 frames per second Mechanical shutter mode and as high as 30 frames per second electronic shutter Mode being able to shoot higher than 24 Frames per second basically means you're Shooting faster than video and this way It's basically impossible to miss your Shot and both of these cameras do have Some rolling shutter but very little now They both have a high resolution sensor And Incredibly fast shooting speed if You're going to be shooting that fast You need to make sure you have your Third thing which is good autofocus and The autofocus in both of these cameras Is incredible it's AI based autofocus to Keep up with those insane shooting

Speeds and has subject detection for Animals people and vehicles and it does A phenomenal job With subject tracking it's really rare To see an outof Focus shot with either Of these cameras and one thing that I Love about both of these cameras is the Body and design it's really solid build Quality with a really nice hand grip the Bun layout and ergonomics is basically 10 out of 10 Canon is known for making Really well-designed products and they Both have a side articulating screen for Touch controls but also touch autofocus And the battery life on both of these Cameras is very very good so if you're Looking for a Powerhouse of a camera That can deliver both Speed and Performance the r six and r s are two of The best cameras that you can get and in Terms of price this is actually the most Affordable price point for a camera that Can shoot at such a high frame rate you Simply need to decide if you want a Full-frame camera or an apsc camera now The most important camera on this list Is a camera that I specifically put on Here for my people The Artsy crowd those Of us who want to do more than just take Photos we want to create Arts we like Shooting film and we want to be Intentional with our photography and for Us we have the Fuji xt5 one of my Favorite cameras of all time what makes

The xt5 so impressive is the 40 Megapixel apsc size sensor which is Actually the highest resolution apsc Sensor out today and this gives you an Incredible amount of detail and Sharpness in all of your photos and Because of the unique design of the Fuji XTR 5 sensor it actually gives you the Image quality and the low light Performance of a fullframe camera but in An apsc camera so not only does it have An incredible sensor but it also has Phenomenal colors especially if you're Someone that likes to shoot film The Fuji xt5 actually has built-in film Emulations that not only mimic the Colors of film but also the contrast Value and tonal property of a film look Giving your images a unique look right Out of camera before any editing and It's also really fast it can shoot as High high as 15 frames per second in Mechanical shutter mode and 20 frames Per second in electronic shutter mode With a 1.29 times crop and these specs Are actually pretty close to the Canon R7 and the autofocus on the Fuji xt5 is Really good if you're using it for Photography and you're someone that's More so slowing down and you're not Really looking for a sports camera Because it doesn't have any AI based Modes for tracking subjects like animal People and vehicles this is more of a

Slower more intentional photography Camera and the autofocus is really meant For that now my favorite thing about the Xc5 is the body and design it has a Command dial at the front and back like A typical camera but it also has an ISO Dial and a shutter dial at the top so You can use this more like a typical Film camera and it also has an aperture Ring on most Fuji lenses so you can Really get into that old school Photography feel be really intentional With your shooting and I personally find It way more fulfilling to take photos Like this than to just whip out my Camera and go snap SN snap snap it's not That fun however one disappointing thing About the xc5 is that it only has a tilt Screen and it doesn't have a side Articulating screen which would have Been better for a modern camera but the Ergonomics and layout are perfect and it Also has a really big battery the Fuji Xc5 is a Powerhouse of a camera that Gives you fullframe quality in an apsc Camera and it still has incredible image Quality great colors really good Autofocus for the type of camera this is Great body and design which is why I Love this camera and it comes in at a Way lower price than most of its Competing cameras so if you're looking For a good deal and trying to get that Film photography feel the xc5 is the

Best camera for that and if you want to Check out the xc5 or any of the other Cameras we talk about today make sure to Check out the links in the description Down below and I'll see you guys in the Next video peace