Neewer FS-150B COB LED Video Light Review | Best Budget Option?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you my first review of a piece Of equipment from the brand newer this Is the fs 150b and in a nutshell this is A small and lightweight 130 W bolor Light rated up to 72,000 Lux at 1 M Distance it in employs Co or chip on Board technology that allows the light To be both lighter but also brighter at The same time so the question is is this Budget light is it worth considering if You're looking for something for a Studio setting if you're looking for Something to light a set for example if You're wanting to record video different Things like that we're going to dive Into that today and try to break it down For you so to give you some of the basic Specs as noted this is by color and that It can be controlled in in increments From 2700 Kelvin up to 6500 Kelvin so Going from very warm to very cool in Terms of the lighting effect it can be Dimmed at 1% increments from 1 to 100% But it also has uniquely something that I haven't really seen before it has four Different dimming curves and so as a Process of doing that dimming you can Actually create different lighting Effects right from within it depending On how you control it you can control The light itself through various means There are some physical controls at the

Back that you can always do it just kind Of the straightforward way there's also Bluetooth app control that you can Control it that way also if you're Running multiple lights doesn't even Have to be this exact same one but just Ones that are compatible with newer 2.4 GHz technology you can uh pair into Groups and so that you can control Lights uh together or you can control Them independently depending on your Preference but you can remotely control Them from other such Lights by using Their 2.4 GHz uh technology there as Well it has as you can see here it comes With a standard reflector but it is a Very typical Bowen Mount which means That there is a huge variety of Different accessories you can use to Modify the light output to shape the Light everything from soft boxes to Snoots to barn doors etc etc and so that You can shape this light in the way that You want and so having that Bowen Mount Is obviously hugely important because it Just opens up a wide variety of Accessories from you can buy some from Newer but of course there's a lot of Brands that sell those Bowen Mount uh You know Accessories now the maximum um Power Output is 130 watts and as noted there Is it is rated at 72,000 Lux at a 1 Meter distance I did some light test

With a uh a Luxe meter I'll get to that In just a second the light itself is Lightweight it weighs in at 3.78 lb or 1.7 kg very easy to carry around it Comes with the reflector I've shown you But it also comes with a very nice uh Carrying case that has you know custom Shaped foam inputs it allows you to Carry everything there conveniently and You know has handles on it and because The light itself is lightweight it's I Found it quite easy to just kind of pack Out to various locations it does include A power adapter it is compatible with You know vmount or with other battery Type things but obviously those are Going to be separate accessories and It's it's not a matter of having a Vmount somewhere on the light itself You're going to have to run cabling to It to power it off that I will note that The actual power input itself is Actually XLR so it does allow it to lock Into place you know the nice thing about That is you're not going to Inadvertently pull that out the downside Of course is somebody trips over a cord At some point probably the whole stand's Going to come over rather than the power Cord removed so you know give and take When it comes to that there are 12 Different scenes that can emulate Different things and we'll take a look At a couple of those in just a moment

And rather than being plastic like some Competitors this is an aluminum alloy Chassis to it the fan itself is uh very Quiet in fact one of the things that I Found in my test I've actually used this You know I've been testing it on set for About a month at this point so a lot of My recent videos have actually been lit By this and throughout all of those Those videos so recording you know I've Probably spent at least an hour and a Half on camera running this light and During that time I actually not heard The fan ever have to come on and so as As a byproduct if it did come on it was So quiet that I didn't hear it on set at All now I compared this to another Similar 150 wat uh light that I was Testing at the same time and so the 150 Watts doesn't relate to the output it Has it relates to the the input and when I actually tested the power draw I found The power draw to be at 163 watts and Then but as far as the light output even Though I had similarly specked a light That I was comparing it against one that I've had for a while I found that this Particular light the newer light Probably because of having the chip on Board technology that the other light Does not it was number one it was Brighter it was brighter not only at the One meter distance I actually tested it Closer to like a half meter and so I got

It significantly higher figure as you Can see here but when I I I put the Competing light there it was about a 20 Th000 uh Lux difference between the two Which is obviously significant but more Importantly when I got about 10 ft away Probably probably a more standard Distance 3 m when you're actually Lighting something on set I found that I Still had a a significant difference There that I was still getting a lot of Lux for one thing but I was also getting The Lux about 2538 Lux higher than what I got on using The the competing light and so obviously It not only is brighter up close but It's also what I have really really Found is that it's really good at Keeping a more focused lighting beam Which is really important if you're you Know if you're just using the kind of The standard reflector because it means You're getting a lot of light but you're Still getting it relatively focused Whereas I've had some issue in times Past unless I put barn doors or Something like that on a light it's not As Focus as what I like that the spread Is too broad and so in this case if You're looking for something that's a Little bit more it's not quite a Spotlight with just the standard Reflector on there but it's a little Closer to that in terms of performance

Now a pro and con here obviously as you Look side by side this light is Significantly smaller and that's part Again part of the chip on board Technology it is significantly smaller Than the competing light but the Difference is also just for all fairness Is that this has an external power brick If you're going to run you know just the Typical AC power whereas the competing Light just plugs into the the back of it With just a cord and so it all of the Power brick stuff is internal on that so You know depending on your application That's either a pro or a con now Obviously if you're wanting to run the Light off remote power you know vmount Battery or something similar then having A smaller and lighter is is obviously Useful no matter what the as already Noted that the light pattern is is quite Focused and it's focused enough that Even at a 10 meter or not 10 meter but 3 Meter distance or so 10 ft I found that The light was almost too intense even at Fairly small levels which is great that There's a lot of power there that just Means that I could diffuse that light And so I've been using an umbrella and There is a standard umbrella Mount that Not all competitors have right there uh It's easy to use and so throwing an Umbrella on there has softened the light And made it more flattering for that

Kind of application now I also tested Some of the different scenes and you can See some of them here things like Lightning uh candle light there's the EM Emulating a TV screen as you can see Here and then broken bulb uh there's 12 Different scenes some of them work Better than others there's nothing that Really kind of stood out to me as being Exceptional I mean basically all it's Doing is it's modifying intensity of the Light you know either being flashes the Color temperature of the light and and So I mean it's it's pretty standard Stuff that a lot of lights have but and That can be gimmicky unless you actually Need it for kind of an effect on scene But as noted some of them work better Than others the app itself is seems to Work fine I was able to get fairly Reactive control over things not a big Lot of lag in there and the app itself Seemed to me to be relatively Straightforward I noticed that it in the App Store it did not have a great rating But as far as my own personal experience You know having used a lot of these Different control apps it's actually Better than many that I've used before So I have no real complaint on that Front and as noted already the fan does Seem to remain quiet and I've never had It pop up as being some kind of issue on Set so a couple of negatives to um just

To kind of round this out there is no DMX control and so if you're wanting to Put in a kind of a fixed wiring Situation where you can control it off Of a board somewhere you're not going to Have that option with this light you Know it's one of the ways where it Betrays that it's a little bit low low End and then of course not only does it Have that external power brick that can Be a little bit of a pain to navigate But it also has comes with no kind of Like cable management nothing to tuck Into and so you're probably going to Need to you know use You know um zip ties or gaffer tape or Something if you're wanting to actually Control cable management to you know Make sure that nobody's tripping over it Or something like that so my conclusion Is is that I'm actually quite pleased With it just as a light particularly as A video onset light it has a great Amount of intensity I feel like it's it Is definitely brighter than equivalent Lenses or equivalent lights that I've Used before I also like the fact that It's a great light to use a little bit More of a distance you have a little bit More flexibility of where you can place It and still get a good Lux value on the The Target or on the set it's not going To be as good if your goal is to have a Really wide spread now you could put

Barn doors on there remove the standard Reflector and just kind of really open Things up and and get a broader spread You can put it into a soft box and I do Feel like it would handle something like A soft box better because it is has a Good amount of intensity and so those Can be positives but I think this light Works really really well if you want a Little bit more of a focused light and Of course obviously it works really well If you have a limited budget you can Almost every any day of the year get This well under $200 and sometimes Closer to the 160 range and so that Makes it a really strong value as far as Having a a light like this there are you Know some competitors that can be twice As much if not more and so as as far as Just getting the job done and with a you Know a very decent construction and a Lightweight design I think that the Newer FS 150b it checks a Fair number of The boxes that you might be looking for For a budget set light I'm Dustin Abbott And if you look in the description down Below you can find buying links there if You're interested in looking a little Bit further as always thanks for Watching have a great day and let the Light [Music] In

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