The New Sony 16-35mm F2.8 GM II

You guys probably expected this to Happen first Sony updates their 24 to 70 F 2.8 G Master to a Mark II then they Update the 70-200 to a Mark II and now The third lens in the trifecta if you Want to call it that is this 16 to 35 Except this is the new one this is the G Master GM Mark II and in this video we Are going to check it out as with most Recent Sony lens updates the changes are Big but they are not obviously apparent For example this new 16 to 35 millimeter Is 20 lighter than the original and 10 Percent smaller and that's not much Still the improvements are important and They are timely the lens feels great in The hand it's made out of plastic and Glass but manages to feel premium this Lens has linear Motors so when it is off You can hear elements moving around Inside Weight is 566 grams and Sony has gone Through some extensive engineering to Make sure that the weight doesn't shift Around much with an external Zoom so if You are using this on a gimbal the idea Is that you don't have to adjust Anything when moving between 16 and 35 Millimeters starting at the bottom there Is a metal mount with electronic Connections there is a weather sealing Gasket around this Mount and this lens Is moisture and dust resistant with the Help of a bunch of gaskets throughout

Lens specs are nicely embossed here and It's made in Thailand the aperture ring Is typical G Master nice feeling it can Be de-clicked or clicked depending on Where this switch is set and it feels Good good resistance nice clicks good Action there's also an iris lock switch That is really small and that locks you Into or out of a or Auto aperture next Up is the zoom ring and it is smooth It's short good grip it feels similar to Other G Masters out there it does have a Little plastic on plastic sound at the Hard stops But I guess that is hard to avoid with This type of build and again this is an Externally zooming lens so it does Extend out at 16 millimeters and Contracts at 35. in front of the zoom There are two Focus hold buttons a nice G logo and an auto Focus manual focus Switch the last ring is the focus and it Is smooth light but Electronics so it Rotates infinitely in either direction Around the front there is a nice front Lens element with the lens specs minimum Focus of 0.22 meters and an 82 Millimeter filter thread inside there Are 15 elements in 12 groups and of Those eight are Advanced elements it has An 11 blade diaphragm the focus is Handled by 4 XD or extreme Dynamic Linear motors which is now standard Basically for the G Master range and it

Allows for this lens to keep up with Even the a1s blackout free 30 frames per Second now I don't have an A1 but Fortunately I do have this new a7cr Which is also being being released today And in a nutshell it is a cheaper Smaller a7r5 60 megapixels so it should Push this lens to its full capabilities Anyway this lens looks great on this new Camera body it's a nice combo not too Heavy pretty well balanced and I don't Feel much weight shift at all when Zooming in or out with this lens which Is great but when it comes to Performance that is what matters so Let's take a look at some samples with This combo well the images coming out of This lens are crisp contrasty with great Color sharpness is strong across the Frame all the way to the corners Sony Says that this lens is improved in four Areas over the last generation the first Area is resolution in Corners if you Shoot Landscapes or Interiors you will Appreciate just how excellent the Performance is the MTF chart basically Is a straight line all the way across The second Improvement area is in Chromatic aberration and this is Something that I noticed this lens Doesn't have an issue with fringing on a Wide angle shooting into super contrasty Bright Skies you normally see a lot of Chromatic aberration but with this lens

It's like it's not a thing the third Improvement is flaring and ghosting with This Mark II I found flaring to be very Well controlled and ghosting was minimal I did use the lens with the lens Hood so That probably contributed a little bit To it but still a stellar performance The last Improvement is in close-up Performance the minimum focus on this Lens is 0.22 meters and that applies Across the entire Zoom range so that Means you can get close to your subject And get that dramatic Ultra wide look With nice bouquet even at F 2.8 and 16 Millimeters and you get a 0.32 Magnification which is a third of the Way to macro then I have to talk about The autofocus because it is lightning Quick and very accurate it's silent it Tracks perfectly it's an effortless Experience if you are looking at this Lens for video work for vlogging for Showing off your adventures I can't Think of a better performing zoom lens In this focal length Focus breathing is Also well controlled and this lens is Compatible with Focus breathing Compensation if your camera body Supports that the bokeh is smooth and Pleasing you don't get a ton of it with This sort of ultra wide angle lens but If you zoom in to 35 millimeter and Shoot wide open you get some and it's Nice it's smooth pleasing not

Distracting it's hard to review these Lenses nowadays because they are getting So so good honestly and that applies to Really not only the new Sony's but a lot Of the third party lenses as well are Getting to this level that we've never Seen before now I don't really have much Complaints about this lens I do wish That the zoom ring had maybe a little Bit more heft to it or a little bit more Dampening just because I think that it Feels a little too light and the bro is So short compared to even the 24 to 70. I guess maybe that's why it feels that Way because you get a lot more rotation With something like the 70 to 200 than You do with the 16 to 35 But that's such a minute point and I Guess I could complain about the price Tag which is an estimated twenty two Hundred dollars U.S but that is par for The course if you are shopping for a G Master in fact this G Master is cheaper Than the 24 to 70 Mark II and the 70-200 Mark II by 100 and 600 respectively Still if you want to buy all three you Will be shelling out seven thousand Three hundred dollars to snag them all Up which is a crazy number but this is The best that Sony has if you are Looking for a fast Ultra wide F 2.8 Zoom The best one out there for Sony is this One and if you have a higher end Sony Camera body putting let's say a twenty

Two hundred dollar lens on a sixty five Hundred dollar camera body isn't too Much of a stretch uh whereas for me if I'm putting a 2200 lens on a camera body Like my a7c that's fourteen hundred Dollars or fifteen hundred dollars that Seems a little more odd but again I Would argue lenses are more important so Paying more for lenses makes sense but That is going to wrap up my video on This 16 to 35 G Master Mark II let me Know what your thoughts are down in the Comment section if you are interested in Reading More specs about this lens and Checking and verifying prices because I'm recording this video a couple weeks In advance before launch then you can Use the link down in the description to Check that out and read more about it Thank you guys so much for watching Thanks for all of your comments all of Your likes and your support stay tuned For more have a nice day bye

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