Best Mirrorless Cameras in 2022 – Photography & Video

Mirrorless cameras are the future They're smaller shoot faster and look Better and currently are the best way to Do video of any kind so in this video I'm going to show you the best Mirrorless cameras out there whether You're just curious about new cameras or Looking to get serious also if you want The best pricing and the most up-to-date Pricing on any of the cameras that we Talked about today then i highly Recommend checking out the links in the Description down below for the best Pricing and the most up-to-date pricing So make sure to check that out all right Guys so the first camera on this list is The zve10 which is in my opinion the Perfect beginner camera out there and It's also the best social media camera You can get today the zve10 has a really Simple design philosophy it's one button To switch between photo video in slow Motion and two separate record buttons For photo shutter and video record the Design is dead simple and gets rid of All the clutter that you normally see on Cameras but also it has one really Unique feature it's a one click button To actually add more blur to your Background to get more of that bokeh in That pro camera look and the zve 10 also Allows you to wisely transfer your Photos and videos straight from the Camera to your phone to edit and post on

Social media and one thing that i love About this camera is the fact that it Has a compound internal mic it's Actually three mics that work as one to Give you a stellar onboard microphone It's almost as good as an external Microphone but by not having to put an External microphone on your camera not Only are you going to save cash but also You're going to be able to keep your Camera much smaller which is a big plus If you plan to vlog with this camera the Zve10 is quite literally an all-in-one Camera package although the zve10 is a Very small and compact camera that's Very easy to travel with however small Camera definitely means small batteries If you're going to be using this camera All throughout the day i definitely Recommend picking up a couple of spare Batteries however they're pretty cheap On amazon for about fifteen to twenty Dollars for a two pack one of the Reasons that the zve10 is such a popular Camera amongst any type of user is the Fact that it does not only high Resolution video but also high Resolution photo the zv e10 has a 24 Megapixel aps-c size sensor which is Plenty of resolution for both pro use And casual use it can shoot raw photos At 10 frames per second now this is Easily fast enough for any kind of fast Moving subject lifestyle photos or even

Sports photography and because this Camera shoots raw photos you can do some Pretty heavy duty editing but what about The video this camera does shoot 4k up To 30 frames per second and full hd up To 120 frames per second for that juicy Slow motion goodness and on top of that It also has cinema profiles built right In for heavy color grading this camera Does shoot 8-bit 420 color so something To be aware of but if you're a video Creator a social media user or just a Casual user have no fear there's still Plenty of horsepower in this camera but Before i forget let's talk about Autofocus in the zve10 it's really good At tracking faces and objects which Makes vlogging and handheld shooting a Breeze however the one thing that i Think some of you guys might have an Issue with is the sony colors in this Camera the colors aren't particularly Vibrant and i always find i need to push The skin tones a bit towards orange and Red but it is a pretty simple fix when You're editing your photos and videos And this isn't really something that Should stop you from picking up the zve 10. it's just something to be aware of And personally i don't think you can go Wrong with the zve10 this is a great Camera if this is maybe your first Camera this is a phenomenal camera for Someone that's focused mainly on social

Media the simplified design is going to Make your life a whole lot easier and Having high resolution photos and high Resolution video is going to allow you To create exactly what you want with a Lot less issue however if you're someone That's looking to get serious you might Feel a bit hampered by the 8-bit color And the dull in-camera colors for you Guys i actually recommend the next Camera on our list which is the fuji Xs10 the fuji xs10 without a doubt is One of the most unique looking cameras Out there but not only that it's also a Great budget camera for professional Users the fuji xs10 has film emulation Filters built right in that emulate the Look of vintage film now this feature is Perfect for someone who wants a unique Look to their photos and videos but not Only that this feature is going to save You a ton of time and energy when it Comes to color grading your photos and Videos for professional use it's really Nice to just have something that looks Good right in camera and be able to send It out to a client right away and if You're new to cameras this is kind of Like cheating because you don't really Know your stuff yet but you're going to Get really good looking images now what Makes the color so interesting in the Fuji xs 10 is not just the film Emulation but also the horsepower behind

The color science the fuji xs10 does 10-bit color at a 200 megabit data rate With f-log you can quite literally get This camera look like anything and if You're someone that wants to go for that More cinematic look this camera is only Going to help you get there faster now i Know i've talked about color science With the fuji xs10 quite a bit so let's Talk about frame rates and what this Camera can actually shoot now video is Where this camera gets really Interesting it does 4k up to 30 frames Per second sadly there's no 4k at 60 for That you have to move up to the fuji xt4 Which is a little bit more expensive but The xs10 has some truly mind-blowing Slow motion modes it shoots full hd at Both 120 all the way to 240 frames per second in full hd that is Over 10 times slow motion it's Absolutely insane this is a dream come True for any kind of creative shooter For product commercials epic fashion Slow-mo or music video the fuji xs10 Delivers blazing fast photos it gives You a ridiculous 20 frames per second Using the electronic shutter mode now if You've been shooting for a while you Know what an insane shooting speed that Is this camera can literally do it all However one thing to note to get 20 Frames per second you have to shoot in Electronic shutter mode which has a very

Tiny crop of 1.25 this is a super small Crop that you most likely will never Notice but if you want the full sensor It only does 8 frames per second in Normal mechanical shutter mode but the Crop on this camera really shouldn't Stop you from picking it up and once Again you get all of this with stellar Fuji colors however the fuji xs10 is Really not a perfect camera because There is one place i am just not Impressed with this camera and that is The autofocus it does a great job in Single focus mode but when it comes to Tracking with autofocus the hitbox is a Bit slow and it doesn't track nearly as Fast as a sony or canon camera now the Autofocus isn't terrible i'd still give It a 7 out of 10. but i realize the Autofocus alone will probably stop a lot Of you guys from coming over from sony Or canon in my opinion it really Shouldn't i think the colors and the Features in this camera are super worth It even if you get slightly slow Autofocus and one thing that i Definitely want to talk about is the Design of the fuji xs10 it looks pretty Vanilla to be honest it abandons most of The fuji vintage look that most of their Cameras have it kind of takes the best Parts of the canon r series and the best Parts of the sony a6000 series it puts It into one camera but the internals are

A fuji camera you get fuji color science You get fuji frame rates but it feels And handles kind of like a canon or sony Which i think is a really good thing if You're thinking of coming into this Camera from a canon or sony you won't Really miss much and the fuji xs10 also Has in body stabilization for smooth Handheld shooting i recommend this Camera to anyone who's a casual shooter A creative shooter or a professional Shooter because you're going to get Phenomenal in camera colors with the Fuji color science the body and design Is pretty familiar so you're not really Going to miss a beat and the frame rates On this camera are ridiculous the only Thing you're really sacrificing is a Little bit on the autofocus front but What if you don't want to make any Sacrifices in color slow motion frame Rates what if you want it all well let Me introduce you to the sony a7 s3 the Best mirrorless camera on the market Right now the a7s3 is really geared Towards professionals looking to shoot High-end projects like commercials music Videos or any kind of cinematic content But what makes the a7s 3 unique is that You can do all of this without Completely wrecking your finances or Your life on a super expensive camera The e7s3 is also a great camera deal the First thing that you have to love about

The a7s 3 is the ridiculously fast Shooting rate in photo mode it only Shoots at 10 frames per second but it Has an insane frame buffer of a thousand Photos you can quite literally shoot 10 Frames per second for an hour straight And this camera will not stop however it Is a 12 megapixel sensor and i think Most photographers would probably want a Little more resolution but that's okay Because the a7s iii is really a video First camera and it has one of the Coolest video features out there and That is 4k at 120 frames per second and It does this without cropping the sensor 4k at 120 frames per second with no crop Is a feature that a lot of filmmakers Have been waiting their whole life to Have in a consumer level camera plus if You're a slow-motion nerd like me this Camera also does full hd up to 240 Frames per second this camera is a dream For someone who wants to shoot a lot of Slow motion now something that i have to Mention there is a competing camera the Canon r5 which also does 4k at 120 and It has better colors but the camera has Severe heating issues and it's not a Camera that i'm really recommending to Most people right now now 4k at 120 Isn't the only thing that makes the a7s 3 special what i really care about in a Camera are the colors and the day rates For video so i can create whatever i

Want i want my camera to be as flexible As possible although i still love the Fuji colors the a7s iii has 10 bit color You can easily manipulate your colors to Look cinematic commercial more like a Music video without any loss of image Quality plus this camera also has 12-bit Raw using an external encoder so if you Guys want to use something like the Atomis-5 the atomist ninja to get raw Video out of this camera that's also Something you can do and definitely Something that's probably pretty Attractive to most professionals and you Have to admit that's a lot of horsepower In a small 3500 camera however i think The biggest reason that most people Should probably think about the a7s 3 is The low light and the autofocus the a7s Iii line has always been famous for its Low light performance but on this camera It takes it to a whole new level the a7s Iii actually has a native iso of 640 and 12 800 which is actually a really nice Improvement because the previous a7s Models actually needed you to have your Camera at 3200 iso or 1600 iso to record S-log and i'm happy to say the 12800 iso Looks just as clean as the 640. and as For the autofocus it's still pretty Stellar when it comes to tracking Autofocus it's really accurate it's Quick to recover if it ever misses a Shot you can easily put this camera on a

Gimbal and just forget about it the Autofocus does a really good job Tracking your subject and i wish there Was more i could say about it but all You really need to know is the autofocus Just works on top of that the a7 s3 does Have in-body stabilization but it also Has software stabilization using the Sony catalyst software so for the most Part i feel like the a7s iii pretty much Wins the camera award when it comes to Best mirrorless camera it absolutely Crushes the competition for the canon r5 And the r6 i actually prefer canon Cameras in terms of menus physical Bodies and color science but the a7s iii Gives you so much more horsepower that It's hard to argue plus it's slightly Cheaper but at the end of the day you Can spend all the money you want on a Camera but if you don't know how to Properly use it you'll never really get The results that you want so if you want To start improving your photos and Videos within the next seven days make Sure to check out a free training in the Link down below this is my seven simple Secrets that will show you how to get Dramatically better photos and videos Within the next seven days once again This is a completely free training so Make sure to check it out in the Description down below You

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