Best Vlogging Cameras in 2023

When it comes to vlogging you Specifically need a camera designed for Capturing fast-paced and on-the-go Action and every vlogging camera needs Three specific features that allow you To focus on being in front of the camera While the camera does all the hard work So in this video I'm gonna help you find The perfect vlogging camera based on a Real world experience so you can get the Right camera so let's talk about the Nikon z30 the z30 is the perfect size For someone who's always on the go the Body is nice and compact yet it still Has a really deep grip so the camera Feels robust in your hands and it Doesn't feel like a tiny flimsy vlogging Camera it's really great for handheld Shooting and the lens that the Nikon z30 Comes with also has vibration reduction To help smooth out any video footage and It also has a flip out screen so that You can see yourself while recording and The Nikon z30 has shockingly good Internal audio I'll talk more about the Audio because it's very important later In this section but just to let you guys Know this video isn't sponsored so if You want to check out any of the cameras We talk about today make sure to check Out the links in the description down Below for the best pricing and the most Up-to-date pricing on all the camera Gear we talk about today when it comes

To the technicals of the z30 it has a 20 Megapixel aps-c sensor which is actually Less megapixels than the other camera It's competing with but that lower Megapixel account is actually a hidden Advantage for two reasons the z30 Records 4K up to 24 and 30 frames per Second with slow motion at 120 frames Per second in full HD and it does all of This with zero wobble or Jello effect That most mirrorless cameras have Because the z30 has fewer megapixels to Process it doesn't have that Jello Effect and because of the lower Megapixel count the z30 is shockingly Good in low light I shot outside with The z30 in New York for an entire week And I never had issues with grainy or Noisy footage in the dark but the one Thing that most people don't talk about When it comes to the z30 are the colors The z30 has really saturated in Punchy Colors right in in camera so you really Don't need to do a bunch of color Grading or extra work to get your video Footage to look good and it's especially Helpful for skin tones so no more yellow Or purple skin there is a flat profile If you do want to add a little bit of Color grading or touch up your colors But it's pretty Limited in the flat Profile if you do mess up a shot with The wrong color balance or the wrong Lighting it's pretty hard to save that

Shot in color grading however if you're A camera nerd like me and you demand the Best out of your camera I do have a Camera later in this list that has a lot More horsepower and has much more color Editing options but as I mentioned Earlier audio is super important because You can have the prettiest video but if The audio is bad no one can hear you and It ruins everything and I'm happy to say The z30 has really Solid Audio that Sounds as good as an external shotgun Mic even on busy streets when it comes To vlogging you need to keep your camera As small as possible so not having a big Bulking mic on top of your camera is not Only going to save you money but also Just weight in general and it's going to Make vlogging easier but that's not all A good vlogging camera needs if you're Someone that's always moving around While filming the truth is your camera Is actually doing 90 of the work Especially when it comes to autofocus The Nikon z30 does have face tracking so When you're in front of the camera it's For sure going to keep you in focus and It does a pretty good job with autofocus When shooting other things besides Yourself it also has the ability to use The touchscreen on the back for tap Autofocus you can simply tap an object And the focus will immediately snap to That object overall the z30 has a really

Nice compact body with all the features That you could possibly want for a Vlogging camera this next camera was Designed from the ground up specifically From vloggers everything from the Physical design to the menu system Everything was made for vloggers and That is the Sony zve10 the zve10 is Actually really close to the high-end Sony professional cameras but you they Took all the specs and put it into a Vlogging camera and that's because it Covers the three key things that every Good vlogging camera needs the first Thing you'll notice about the zve10 is That the physical design is super Minimal it has one button to switch Between photo video and slow motion mode With two separate record buttons one for Photo and one for video plus it also has A flip out screen so you can see Yourself while recording and the audio Is also really good in this camera but Once again I'll talk about it later in This section so what about the specs First up the cve 10 has a 24 megapixel Aps-c size sensor similar to the Nikon D30 and it shoots beautiful 4K at 24 and 30 frames per second and the 4K is Actually down sampled from 6K so you'll Actually get the quality and detail Level of a 6K image but in a more usable 4K file type plus it also has slow Motion in full HD up to 120 frames per

Second for five times slow motion when It comes to shooting cool b-roll for Your Vlogs capturing all of that in slow Motion really helps to elevate your Vlogs style the one thing that the zve E10 does a lot better than the Nikon z30 Is a cinematic color grading profiles The Nikon z30 only had a flat profile That gives you some room to adjust your Colors but not a lot the Sony camera However actually has log profiles and Cinema profiles built right in which Gives you a lot more dynamic range and a Lot more room to adjust your color so Even if you mess up your shot you shoot It on the wrong color balance with bad Lighting you can still save your shot But like I said earlier you need more Than just pretty video for a good Vlogging camera because there's two more Features that most people ignore if You're moving around a lot while Vlogging you need to make sure that you Have really solid autofocus and while The Nikon z30 was pretty good the Sony Zve10 is absolutely 10 out of 10. Sony Has without a doubt the best auto Focusing system in the camera industry And the Sony zve10 is no different I Know autofocus is in the most glamorous Thing in your camera but Sony cameras Actually have 8i as an artificial Intelligence based autofocus so they're Super accurate and they never really

Miss even in low light conditions where Most cameras struggle and speaking of Low light Sony cameras are also Phenomenal in low light because of the Sensor design in Sony cameras while the Nikon's E30 was pretty good in low light The Sony cameras across the line are Amazing you can easily shoot as high as 10 000 or 20 000 ISO with these cameras And you will have zero issues this is Really important for vloggers that are Going to be shooting in dimly lit or Challenging lighting environments so Wherever you're shooting you can be Super confident there's a Sony zvee 10 Is going to give you Stellar footage and The one thing that I have to remind you Guys of is the audio because the audio Doesn't work the video doesn't work and The Sony zv10 has really Solid Audio it Actually has three compound mics built Into the camera that give you about the Same level of quality that you would Normally get from an external shotgun Mic now I don't think it's quite as good As a Nikon z30 but the Sony's V10 is Definitely close and most of you guys Probably won't notice a difference and Overall the Sony zve10 is a phenomenal Vlogging camera because it has the three Key things you need for a logging camera Great video quality great autofocus and Phenomenal design the only thing that's Really holding it back is size both the

Nikon z30 and the Sony zve10 are really Small cameras by any standard but They're not small enough to always keep In your pants or in your jacket pocket And you usually have to carry them in Your hand or on a camera strap but if You're someone like me and you want a Vlogging camera or something to capture Your life that's always on you the next Cameras are definitely something you'd Be interested in and these are point and Shoot cameras these are cameras that are About the same size as your cell phone With way better photos and videos and my Two favorite point-and-shoe cameras are The Sony zv1 and the Sony zv1f both Cameras are pretty similar with a few Major differences so you have to pick Which one is right for you and some of You guys might be wondering why I have Included a Canon camera a Panasonic Camera or a Fuji camera in this section And there's a really good reason for That that I will explain later in this Section both the zv1 and the zv1f have a 20 megapixel 1 inch sensor which is Smaller than the z30 and the zve E10 but That's pretty standard for point and Shoot cameras now both cameras do record At 4K 24 and 30 frames per second so you Get that nice crisp footage for your Vlogs the main difference between the Two cameras is that the zv1 has a 24 to 70 millimeter fixed lens with an

Aperture of f 2.8 which is really good In low light so no matter what kind of Challenging conditions you're shooting In you're going to get a really great Image and it still gives you plenty of Flexibility with your Zoom range you can Get a wide shot and a close-up shot with That one built-in lens the zv1f however Only has a fixed lens which is a 20 Millimeter F 1.8 now this lens is Actually even better in low light but There is no Zoom however the 2 20 Millimeter is actually perfect for Vlogging selfies group shots it's the Perfect wide focal length for shooting And it's actually a little bit wider Than your iPhone or Android phones and The one thing that I love about the Sony Zv1 and 1f is that the audio is Top Notch it's not quite as good as the z30 Or the zve E10 but it's definitely Better than your iPhone or Android phone Because they still have compound mics Built right in so even with the internal Audio you're going to get a really Stellar sound quality without having to Spend extra money on a mic but both Cameras do have an input for an external Mic if you do want to upgrade because The internal mics aren't quite as good As the previous cameras now both cameras Will give you really accurate autofocus Because they are Sony cameras and Sony Without a doubt has the best auto

Focusing system in the camera industry Right now and it has been for the last Five years both of them will give you Very stable footage because even though They don't have built-in stabilization They do have digital stabilization so The footage is still going to be super Smooth and the cameras are so light that It's pretty hard to get shaky footage With them now one difference between the Two cameras that most people miss and They make the mistake of getting the Wrong camera is that the zv1 does shoot Raw photos because let's be honest Sometimes you gotta shoot photos but the Zv1f only shoots jpeg photos so for Someone that does want to shoot photos The zv1 is a much better deal but when It comes to video color grading both Cameras have a log profile so you get Way more dynamic range and way more room To play around with the colors in your Video and when it comes to design it's Actually really similar to the zv E10 Which is the camera that we talked about Earlier it's a really simple Straightforward design for vloggers with Minimal switches minimal dials so you Can just focus on shooting with your Camera without the technical stuff now Like I mentioned earlier I'm not putting Canon's Panasonic or Fuji on this list Fuji and Panasonic do make cameras that You can Vlog with but they're not really

Meant for that and they're not really Ideal for vlogging and they also cost a Lot more money Canon however makes two Phenomenal vlogging cameras the Canon M50 Mark II and the g7x Mark II and Mark III however they cost just as much as The Sony cameras but They're older they're almost four to Five years older and it doesn't make Sense to pay the same amount of money For older technology in my opinion if You want a point-and-shoot camera that You can keep on your person at all times Similar to a cell phone but get way Better quality the Sony zv1 and the zv1f Are a definite camera that you should Pick up and if you like any of the Cameras on this list make sure to check Out the links in the description down Below this video is not sponsored so it Helps the channel out and helps keep me Having a job so if you do check them out Thank you so much with that being said Guys I'll see you in the next video and If you have any questions whatsoever hit Me up in the comments down below and I'll see you guys next time

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