Why Everyone Loves the Fujifilm Instax Mini 99

Hey it's David Evelyn from the camera Store and today we're taking a look at The Fujifilm inst mini [Applause] [Music] 99 this is the Fujifilm INX mini 99 and This is probably one of the most Full-featured instex cameras that we've Ever had Now Dave is usually all about Lots of resolution big super telephoto Like power cameras this is kind of Bringing things Back to Basics but I Think we're going to sell you on this I Mean Fujifilm insta program is is a huge Portion of what Fujifilm is all about And they're having great success with it It's never really been my thing they Have multiple different cameras in Different sizes this is the Mini version So it prints out sort of like business Card size or credit card size images so We'll see how I feel by the end of the Review when I think about this whole I Think we're going to have a lot of fun There's some customizable features that We haven't seen before and this is just A really interesting design for this Type of camera so let's go have some fun All right let's try it [Music] [Applause] Out let's get into some of the physical Features of the insto mini 99 so first Of all it is a square camera that can

Produce the 2×3 in images now the Controls are very simple and they're They're almost almost too simple at some Point I mean if we look on the top dial Of the camera here there's no shutter Speed apture priority if you want your Photos to be lighter you turn to the L If you want to be even lighter you go Light plus and just like that there's a D for Dave which is darker and D minus Is more like my my high school report Card but D Minus this other top dial is where all Of the other cool color effects come From so there's actually LED lights Inside of the camera and this gives you Some different color modes as well as a Light leak mode it's pretty cool we also Have the ability to have like a vignette Style so lots of creative control making This kind of that fun experience now When you look at the lens it does extend There's no Zoom to it but you do have Different focusing ranges so the closest You can focus is just over 9 in and then You can also go all the way to Infinity So you have to adjust accordingly Depending on how far your subject is Certainly to get the best results I mean It's kind of fun this camera I mean the Vignette is at the front here the little Vignette switch here which is going to Darken the corners of your photos for More desirable effect I just keep it on

I find it you know it's a perfectly Perfect looking images so why not now The it is a square camera and something Cool they've done is put two shutter Buttons so I can either hold it this way Or if I'm holding it sideways I have a Shutter button right here as well we Also like that it has a little LCD Screen on the back of the camera this Tells you how many frames you have left What mode you're in and then what your Flash control is as well now if you want To mount this onto a tripod for a self Timer shot or a bulb exposure you can go Up to a 10-second exposure on this if You wanted to there is a qu2 socket on The side here and you can put a plate on There but you won't be able to open up The door so Fuji has given us a little Knurled knob screw that on and it's not Just a handle it allows you to mount a Tripod plate that we can still open up The door if you're using it on a tripod And if you are using on a tripod you Have a self timer mode so if you want to Hop in the frame do some I guess selfies With this camera you can do that as well So overall you know the controls are Pretty basic right but this camera is All about fun I'm trying to remember That all the time when I'm using this Camera I have to say Dave is sparking a Lot of Joy while he's having fun he Loves the light leak mode I think you're

Really enjoying that the more perfectly Perfect I can make the photo the think More I enjoy this camera so Dave what Did you think about the experience Overall well I mean I went into this day Really not expecting much you weren't Really thrilled I was like we're going To do an Instax camera he's like okay I Was never a big fan of them and you we Sell a ton of them and I can see the Allure of it but it was really not my Thing cuz I'm all about resolution give Me more resolution sharper faster lenses This is what I'm all about it's Interesting because when I was reading The specs on this wasn't taking it too Seriously but it has a sport mode which Made me laugh a little bit but you're Limited to 1/ 1400th of a second shutter Speed on this and everything is decided For you you have no control over that But it is kind of fun that you can play Around a little bit more with this I Mean in this day and age of cameras that Could shoot 10 20 30 frames per second This camera if you really want to will Shoot about 10 frames per minute this is Like Back to Basics it's all about the Creativity having fun and then you get These like magical little prints I mean And that's exactly what it boiled down To is that I found myself always smiling When I'm shooting with this camera right I'm always having fun with this camera

Turn is it going to turn out you know And the 90 seconds it takes for that Print to develop is it going to be what I thought it was going to be and and the Delight leak uh option that I chose is That going to give me the effect that I Want but I was always having fun with This camera and I think that's what Fuji Has got really going for with the Instocks it's all about fun and with This camera you can expand upon that a Little bit more with practical effects I Think this is kind of cool because it Almost teaches what photography is and How some of these effects that maybe You've seen on Instagram over the years Actually came to be that it's an actual Amount of light that's impacting what Your exposure is going to be getting Some images that you don't necessarily Get with a digital camera and then of Course the most magical part about this Camera is the result that you get it's One OFA kind like this image becomes Just something special in its own unique State yeah you're never going to Recreate the exact same shot because Every shot is going to be completely Unique and there's that certain level of Excitement and I I'm I'm feeling it a Little bit more now right you know you Take the picture and the you can't wait For the photo to develop and that 90 Seconds that it takes to develop at room

Temperature you're just like oh what's Happening what's happening is it going To be good or bad is so excited yeah so I would say with this would you film Inst Stack's mini 99 camera it's all About just having fun and you know the Film you kind of have to savor it the Film does get kind of pricey you know as You're as you're purchasing film so you Really want to make sure that you're Happy with the shots that you're Photographing um but but then when you Do you end up having like this Collection of these again one of a kind Images I mean 100% I mean walking around With this camera with my kids last week Every time I took a picture they were Running over to me to find out wait for This picture to come out and take a look At that they don't do that with digital They're not excited at all they're Mostly annoyed when I'm shooting with a Digital camera but this there's Something magical about it totally it's Like the magic maybe a little bit of the Nostalgia as well um but again just Having some of those extra controls on This particular camera I think make it a More enjoyable experience but of course We want to know what do you think about This insta's photography business is it Something that you're interested in does This camera catch your eye and make you More curious about it let us know in the

Comments below if you're a serious Photographer are you going to go out and Buy one of these and have some fun with Photography follow us both on Instagram It's been Dave and Evelyn from the Camera store be sure to hit that Subscribe button and we'll catch you Again very soon [Music] Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out the camer store.com down Here

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