Canon EF lenses on Nikon Z! Megadap EFTZ21 adaptor review

How do you again everyone and today I'm Doing something unusual and testing out An adapter yet it's an adapter that has The power to fulfill years of dreaming And wondering what it might be like to Mix up your camera equipment and fix Canon lenses onto a nickon camera this Is the Mega dap EFT Z21 and is the latest in meaps range of Adapters for nickon Zed cameras Including a Sony E and like a mount Adapter but this Canon EF to Nikon Zed Adapter allows autofocus functionality Aperture control stabilization if your Camera has it exf information a Customizable control ring the full Works Quite frankly using a Canon digital SLR Lens on your mless nickon Zed Mount Camera with this adapter should be just Like using a native nickon lens and that Was broadly exactly my experience with This adapter it worked very well Although I'll look at the autofocus Performance a bit more closely in a Moment to me this is a bit like seeing Sonic the Hedgehog appear on Nintendo Consoles for the first time Canon on Nickon although bear in mind it really Is only older Canon EF lenses for Digital SLR cameras that will work and Of course you need a nickon zed Mount Mirrorless camera the adapter will be $300 when it comes out and I'd like to Thank megap for sending me one of these

For testing although as usual this is an Independent review And to clarify this Is of course not an official nickon Product the adapter's build quality is Fine it has some basic weather ceiling As well as that customizable control Ring and function button it fits onto Both camera and lens very easily and Securely no problems here now I don't Actually own many old Canon digital Aslar cameras anymore contrary to Popular belief I don't actually have 10,000 camel lenses Gathering dust in my Office here I'm on a low budget so I get Rid of the ones I don't use let's start By testing it though on a challenging Lens a Canon EF 85 mm f1.8 with its USM Autofocus motor here you can see that The adapter achieves autofocus quite Happily although not as quickly and Confidently as if you were using a Canon Camera it's running at probably half Speed so that'll be good enough for most Locs but I wouldn't use it for Sports Photography obviously and I'd be nervous Using it to shoot a wedding or anything Like that here you can see though that The adapter presented no problems with Subject tracking and continuous Autofocus mode seemed fine to me also And here's one more example of the Adapter at work outside in good light Everything seems to be ticking along Just fine there the further good news is

That if we move our subject indoors then The focus speed seems just about as fast And finally I'm using a lens with an Stdm autofocus motor here the Canon EFS 10 to 18 mm STM and that seemed to work A bit faster and more efficiently than The USM lenses so that's good news also Everything else with the adapter worked Absolutely fine image stabilization XF Information the lot so I can recommend This adapter if this is the kind of Setup you want to use just bear in mind That Canon lenses with USM Focus Motors Will probably focus a bit slower than Expected but still nice and Accurately

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