Canon EF lenses on Nikon Z! Megadap EFTZ21 adaptor review

Canon EF lenses on Nikon Z! Megadap EFTZ21 adaptor review

How do you again everyone and today I'm Doing something unusual and testing out An adapter yet it's an adapter that has The power to fulfill years of dreaming And wondering what it might be like to Mix up your…

A $139 portrait lens? Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 lens review

A $139 portrait lens? Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 lens review

Howdy again everyone the V TR lens Company offers some of the best value Auto focus lenses on the market today And this new lens from them is I think The lowest budget they've ever made so Far the AF…

Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 (Nikon Z-mount version) lens review

Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 (Nikon Z-mount version) lens review

Hi it's me let's get stuck right into a Lens I've been working with for a while On a couple of other systems the viltrox AF 75 millimeter F 1.2 This Time Released on Nikon Z Mount it's an auto…

The Zoom Lens You Didn't Know You Needed: Nikkor Z DX 12-28mm!

The Zoom Lens You Didn’t Know You Needed: Nikkor Z DX 12-28mm!

All the cool kids are vlogging these Days I should take up vlogging [Music] All right All right and um Now what Hey it's Dave from the camera store Today we're talking about Nikon's latest Z series lens the 12…

Sigma lenses on Nikon Z! 16mm, 30mm, 56mm f1.4: a quick look.

Sigma lenses on Nikon Z! 16mm, 30mm, 56mm f1.4: a quick look.

[Music] Howdy everyone and today I've got a Shorter than usual video with a little News and a quick test Sigma have just Announced the arrival of three of their Popular low budget absc autofocus prime Lenses on the Nikon…

Nikon Z9 Review: The Best Video Camera of 2022?

Nikon Z9 Review: The Best Video Camera of 2022?

Today we’re gonna be discussing the video capabilities Of the Nikon Z9, Because despite it being Nikon’s new flagship photo camera With impressive specs in that category, It’s also their best video camera to date, And arguably the most powerful…