Sony FE 16-25mm F2.8 G Hands On Review

Is daveid nelyn from the camera store Today we're taking a look at the new Sony emount 16 to 25 f2.8 [Music] Gens this lens from Sony is a mini kind Of compact lightweight lens it is going To be a great pairing with the Sony A7 C2 they're smaller kind of more compact Full-frame bodies now I'd say this focal Length would be excellent for someone That's like traveling in indoors it Could be a good vlogging lens content Creation things like that and Sony has Designed this lens they're saying Without any compromise even though it's A G Series lens not their higher-end G Master lens now this is a 16 to 25 mm Lens so it's a sort of wide and wider Angle lens for full-frame body I believe You said it is a weird FOC L is a little Strange but it's it's designed kind of To complement their lens that they also Announced earlier this year the 24 to 50 Correct another somewhat weird lens There yeah which we didn't really Understand like what that was all about But now it's kind of making sense we're Seeing that there's like filling in These gaps within the Sony full-frame Lens lineup so we're going to get into Some of the features the performance how It Stacks up and also do a little bit of A comparison with the Tamron Lens that Is a competitor to this let's start

Talking about the build and design of This lens so everybody's talking about How compact it is it is pretty small It's actually quite similar in size to The Tamron um but just a a little bit Smaller so the Tamron is 420 G this is 409 G so teeny bit lighter but when you Pair it with the Sony A7 C2 it does have Really nice balance so this is kind of Their more compact fullframe body and we Think this is a great pairing especially Again with that 24 to 50 mil lens you'd Have a really nice kit getting you that Like pretty good mid-range now this lens Has a 67 mm filter thread again the same As the Sony 24 to 50 mm f2.8 lens It has three control Rings you have an Aperture ring that is De clickable you Also have a focus ring and then of Course the zoom ring and then we also Have a dedicated control button so you Can program that to different things so It really doesn't have any compromise in Terms of the lens features the only Thing is you don't have an aperture lock But there's a really good click between Your regular aperture settings and the Auto setting if you want to adjust it in The camera so don't have any worries About bumping that and making it kind of Go out of whack the front lens element Has that Sony standard Florine coating Which is really great for repelling oil Fingerprints moisture things like that

It's also moisture and dust resistant And then the other thing I wanted to Note is with the zoom this lens does Actually extend out now because it's Only like a 9mm throw it's only a tiny Little bit that is one of the many Differences with this Tamron 17 to 28 mm F2.8 lens now when we reviewed this lens I'll have to say that we loved it it has The internal zoom and so that's one Benefit if you don't want to get Grime And stuff like like that in it Dave's Going to talk a little bit more about The optical quality a little bit later But I want to talk about just some of The controls the tamaron lens doesn't Have it doesn't have a control button it Doesn't have the apture ring basically Just has the zoom so it's really really Bare Bones where the Sony lens is a lot More full featured but it's great to see That Sony is incorporating all of these Different controls and customizability On their G Series lenses now if we dig Deeper into this lens you're going to See that there's 16 different elements And 13 different groups making up this 9mm focal range to give us really good Quality images now in fact this lens Compared to the original 1635 2.8 from Sony is better and it's much less Expensive so it's a very worthy option To look into now with this we also have An 11 bladed circular aperture giving us

Very pleasing bokeh for a 16 to 25 lens Now the images you're getting straight Out of camera with this lens without any Corrections at all are really really Good but you throw in Sony's corrective Behavior like chromatic aberration Correction as well as focused breathing Correction and the images you're getting From your camera are fantastic now it's Direct competitor the Tamron 17 to 28 I Reviewed several years ago and I was Really impressed with what this lens was Able to come up with as far as image Quality goes I didn't have high Expectations for it and it really Surpassed those now what I'm finding With this 16 to 25 even though it's a Relatively short focal length I'm very Impressed with what I have for such a Small package now however there is the Usual falloff on the extreme Corners When you're at 60 and at 25 but if you Stop it down a little bit a lot of that Goes away and the lens is very well Controlled I'm impressed with what son Is able to put into this lens and the Quality we're getting out of it one Thing we haven't talked about Dave this Lens has two linear Motors inside of it For the focusing system and it is Designed to keep up with their latest Technology and their fastest camera of Course being the Sony a93 yeah know it Does acquire Focus very quickly now keep

In mind we are dealing with the ultra Wide angle lens so depth of field is Quite broad so the focusing doesn't have To be quite as accurate as an 85 1.4 or Something like that so for video and Things like that we're seeing like Really smooth autofocus it's fast it's Quiet yeah so even though it's a big Ultra wide angle lens right focusing is Still very important and it does have a Crazy minimum focusing distance where Depth of field does actually matter yeah The other thing is for video and content Creators we have really noticed a Difference in terms of the breathing so Focus breathing is basically Non-existent we're not seeing a lot with This lens and then just to top it off With Sony cameras they have their focus Breathing correction software which Works with a selection of their lenses Including this new one now if you to use A third party lens of course you don't Have access to that additional tool so You are going to have to suffer with the Focus breathing if you're shooting video And the other thing too if you're using Third party lenses and if you want to Take advantage of the higher frame Ratees some cameras are limited right You need to use Sony lenses to get the Maximum out of your camera maximum Performance maximum Sony action with Their Sony lens I mean here's the thing

I mean we have some fantastic options on The market I mean Tamron makes a very Good quality I was really impressed with The image quality I got out of this 1728 5 years ago Dave was like over the moon With this and we to be fair like we've Been so impressed with a lot of what Tamra's coming out with for emount you Can save a few shekles you know if you Want to get a lens like this yeah I mean This was an easy recommendation for me Back back then but now that Sony has This lens out here the ability to to Have the extra uh the aperture ring is Very nice to have the fact that it's Clickable and D clickable the the custom All the features the custom button yeah They they didn't skimp on anything as Far as the functionality goes Overall I think if you're someone that Wants a travel lens something to shoot Wider angle perspectives you know Landscapes cityscapes Interiors vlogging I think this is a really solid option Again I love all the features that They've incorporated into it and you Know we don't want to Discount the Tamara lens too much because 5 years ago It was a phenomenal lens and you can Still get a very great option for a Little bit less money if you go with the Tamron but of course we want to know What do you think about this lens is This a full FAL length that you're

Interested in and would you like to get The G Series lens with all of the Features Optical performance autofocus Performance uh let us know in the Comments below and are you already an Existing Tamron 17 to 28 2.8 owner and Is this lens tempting you to upgrade Make sure you follow us both on Instagram this has been Dave and Evelyn From the camera store be sure to Subscribe and we'll catch you again very Soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out the camer down Here

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