Canon EOS R100 camera review

[Music] Howdy again everyone only a few months Ago now I was testing out the new Canon EOS R50 an awesome little camera which For a short time was the least expensive Canon RF Mount mirrorless camera with Its awesome 24 megapixel aps-c sensor The R50 is 800 US dollars or 900 pounds In the UK with a kit lens hot on its Heels though comes the r100 with its Even lower price of 600 US dollars or a More expensive 650 pounds here in the UK With a kit lens okay that's still hardly Chump change but Canon's RF system Really is their future so if you want to Get on a bus this is the most affordable Way to do it and I'll admit I had more Fun testing this camera than I thought I Would and as you can see from these Sample images it can certainly take some Great pictures although as you might Have heard by now the camera certainly Has its limitations I'd like to thank Canon UK for loaning me one of these Cameras for a couple of weeks for Testing although as usual this will be a Totally independent review in order for Canon to keep the camera's price down They've had to cut all kinds of Corners Which is what you'd expect them to have To do it does have a 24 megapixel aps-c Sized sensor so its pictures can look Nice and detailed well if your lens is Sharp enough we'll look at its image

Quality in more detail a bit later but It's an older Canon sensor without the Impressive performance of the R50 sensor And this camera also has an older Canon Processor which again can translate to Worse autofocus video and high ISO image Quality now the build quality of this Camera is a bit better than you might Expect considering its position in the Bottom of Canon's pile it's tiny size And lightweight make it an enjoyable Pleasure to shoot with and there are Plenty of rubberized surfaces to give it A quality feel the key issue for me Though is it's low controllability to Due to having only a few control dials To work with and surprisingly no touch Screen interface yes in 2023 while I Actually quite enjoyed shooting with This camera it's obvious Canon missed a Bit of a trick there well a major trick In the smartphone age a new camera Without a touchscreen really feels like An uncomfortable anomaly one which I Hope has never repeated again no matter How low budget the camera is in question Shooting Stills or video footage in Fully manual mode can be a bit of a pain As a result the camera's buttons are Nicely clicky and responsive though Another annoyance with the screen is That it's fixed in place that's more Forgivable in my opinion but still in The age of selfies another questionable

Decision I will say this though that Screen is bright and decently high Resolution the viewfinder is really Quite small but it does look quite nice Too pretty sharp and bright interesting Also is the regular hot shoe instead of Canon's newer design which means you can Easily use older speed light flashes Without needing an adapter the little Built-in flash is not very powerful Though the camera uses Canon smaller LP E17 batteries which should last you a Good 300 400 shots I was quite satisfied With how long it lasted actually Although they don't give you the most Exact indication of how much power is Left the camera has a single SD card Slot for memory when it comes to Auto Vegas performance this camera uses one Of Canon's older processors the digic 8 So it's not as fast accurate or easy to Use as the R50 or indeed virtually any Other New Canon camera but honestly it Still worked surprisingly well for me it Doesn't offer animal or vehicle subject Detection but you still get human face And eye recognition which works fine Even when using a challenging lens and As for shooting animals the camera still Offers General subject tracking which I Did actually find Works quite well I got Plenty of nice sharp animal pictures With this camera even with a bright Telephoto lens the focus system is fine

It's just not as good as Canon's newer Cameras that's all the camera's maximum Shutter speed is a fairly quick 1 4 000 Of a second and it can shoot as fast as Six and a half frames per second the Camera also has a wireless transfer Ability as well as a microphone socket USB C port and micro HDMI unfortunately You cannot charge the camera's battery Through USB overall the camera's build Quality is better than I thought it Would be it feels solid and it holds Lovely in your hand despite its small Size but its functionality and Controllability are basically pretty Smartphone era a particular thing is the Lack of an articulated touch screen All right let's check out the still Image quality available from its 24 Megapixel sensor as you can see here raw Images capture tons of detail while jpeg Images even after I'd tweaked all the Settings clearly see some over Sharpening reducing fine detail let's Look at high ISO noise performance now At ISO 800 we're beginning to see some Noise and a loss of detail and ISO 1600 Is looking a little rough ISO 3200 is Looking really quite poor and well I Wouldn't bother using anything higher Than that so that's a below average Performance for a modern aps-c camera Really which portrays Canon's older Center and older processor here the EOS

R50 camera produces much cleaner images Than this which you can see in my review Of it okay let's see about video quality Now and we'll start with a 1080p output It's a little soft as you can see here Already at ISO 800 and 1600 we are Seeing noise but the image is still Usable unfortunately the same cannot be Said for ISO 3200 or darker as you can See here well how about if you're Shooting in 4k the camera can do so but Only with a significant crop as I show You here something else to mention is That when shooting 4K you are stuck with Contrast detection autofocus which will Be much slower than when shooting in 1080P but anyway let's look at those ISO Levels the 4K footage is capturing just An average amount of detail at ISO 100 At ISO 800 the footage is already Getting a little noisy and 1600 looks Rough and well you don't want to use ISO 3200 or 6400 at all so overall the Camera's video quality is basically Quite outdated nowadays but still not Unusable if shot at lower ISO levels one Thing the r100 does feature is digital Stabilization for handheld video footage Not to become confused with in-body Stabilization digital stabilization Crops into your image a little however I Didn't find it very effective on the R100 you've been watching footage Without any stabilization well here's

The results with normal stabilization Not very much difference as you can see And now with enhanced stabilization Which crops in a lot but still doesn't Seem to really help that much along with A lack of an articulated screen that's Another reason why vloggers might wish To try a different camera again like the R50 let's take a look at rolling shutter In 1080P whatever frame rate you're Shooting in it's noticeable in 4k it's Disastrous unfortunately okay well I Think that's enough now you've probably Got the measure of the r100 by this Point Canon have given this camera a low Price tag but they've cut off too many Corners here to really make it a viable Alternative to Simply spending a bit More money on the varsely superior R50 In fact the R50 is probably my favorite Lower budget camera of all time so I Suppose it's at least tough competition I'd say in virtually every case you Should save up and get that instead However I do have to admit I still had Fun with the r100 when shooting Stills It can still get you some lovely photos And it looks beautifully small and the Autofocus system while a bit dated Nowadays still worked perfectly fine for Me so I wouldn't say it's a bad camera By any means it's just a few years out Of date and is dominated by the shadow Of the R50

[Music] Thanks for watching everyone and a huge Thank you to my patreon supporters who Really are making a big difference to me Keeping this channel going supporters Over there get all kinds of exclusive Bonus content and Early Access so check Out my patreon page in the description Below and ciao for now everyone

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