Canon RF 100-300mm f/2.8 L IS USM lens review

Howdy again everyone and today I'm Really excited to be showing you another Incredibly expensive yet also Potentially incredible Canon super Telephoto lens the new RF 100 to 300 Millimeter F 2.8 L is USM it's for their Mirrorless RF Mount cameras full frame Or abs-c and it's nine and a half Thousand dollars in the US but eleven And a half thousand pounds in the UK so A shopping trip to New York might be in Order if you want to get this one I'd Like to thank Canon very much for Learning me this lens for a week for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review Once this Lenses deal then well a few years ago I Tested out this monster the sigma 120 to 300 millimeter F 2.8 Sports lens and Unsurposingly the images it was able to Get were amazing its massive size and Weight of almost three and a half Kilograms made it a bit of a nightmare To carry around with you though and here Is where Canon have worked magic with Their new lens theirs is shorter and it Only turned a half kilograms much Lighter to carry and to shoot handheld Oh and of course it zooms out further Too which is a specially useful but Still the kind of out of focus Compressed backgrounds you can get at 300 millimeter and F 2.8 are really Quite astonishing this lens could be a

Real monster for sports and Event Photography wedding and portrait Photography video work and short-range Wildlife photography Professionals in Any of those fields might well lap this Thing up and Wealthy avatars will have Just enormous fun honestly it's so good To have a lens like this which doesn't Weigh too much although it's still Shooting for a long time will be Eventually a little tiring here is the Lens itself it's big but not gigantic And quite a handsome monster too the Lens is based on a metal Mount of course And is a extensively weather sealed it Comes complete with a very sturdy Adjustable tripod collar and on the Sides we get the usual array of super Telephoto focus and stabilization Controls including Focus preset and the Usual freeze stabilization modes normal Tripod and mode 3 which only kicks in as You take the picture which can make it Easier to track your subject here's the Stabilization in action this footage Taken on a slightly windy day is Unstabilized and here I turn the Stabilization on considering we're Shooting at 300 millimeter this looks Very good to me about five stops Equivalent of stabilization I think Vital for shooting telephoto then comes The rubberized Focus ring which turns Very smoothly and responds fantastically

Well to be in turned here you can see That the lens displays virtually no Focus breathing when you're zoomed in And only a tiny bit when you're zoomed Out which will be useful to video makers You won't be surprised to know that this Lenses autofocus system is one of the Best available today it really is Lightning fast silent and very accurate It had no problems for me and tracking Moving subjects such as animals or Attractive wives on country lanes so Paired up with one of Canon's hottest Sports cameras like the R3 I have no Doubt it would cover any kind of Sports Action unquestioningly next comes the Rubberized Zoom ring it turns very Evenly and easily although it makes us Cratching wishing sound as you do so and In front of that come to controlling and Lens function Focus preset buttons the Front of the lens and the lenses hood Are trimmed in rubber for extra bump Protection I really like the lenses Front filter size of 112 millimeters Even though that's a huge size for a Filter and they'll be pretty expensive It's still hugely reassuring to know That you could put a protect active Filter over that front element in fact I Was surprised Canon didn't do that with My loner copy they must really trust me It's also good to be able to use other Filters here like circular polarizers

The Lens comes with a high quality Shoulder strap case also overall this is Exactly the kind of top level build Quality and functionality you would Expect of a lens in this price range and It's a dream come true to use All right let's see if the image quality Can match up I'll start by testing it on A full frame camera my Canon EOS R5 with Its 45 megapixel sensor and Camera Corrections are turned on I tested the Lens thoroughly here and the results are Dead simple on full frame at every point And the lenses Zoom range straight from F2.8 it is razor sharp with excellent Contrast from the middle of the image Into the corners from 100 millimeter all The way to 300 millimeter the lens stays Their sharp down to f11 where a little Softness Creeps in due to diffraction And it gets softer again at F16 for the Same reason a perfect performance on a High resolution full frame camera here Okay well let's see how it does on a More challenging 32.5 megapixel aps-c Sensor on my EOS R7 camera at 100 Millimeter and F 2.8 the lens's Sharpness is not quite as perfect as it Was on full frame but it's still Excellent Corner image quality is very Slightly softer again but still pretty Good stop down to F4 though and Sharpness becomes pretty much perfect From the corners and back into the

Middle the lens stays there sharp down To f8 but from f11 it starts getting Much softer again due to diffraction Let's zoom into 300 millimeter it's a Similar story we see sharpness and Contrast which are very good at F 2.8 But not quite perfect and it looks the Same in the corners however stop down to F4 for sharpness to look excellent again From the corners and into the middle and Add F 5.6 sharpness is perfect once Again stop down to f11 or Beyond to see Softness due to diffraction so it's a Great performance on high resolution Aps-c although you do have to stop down A little for the best results here okay Let's turn off in camera Corrections and Take a look at Distortion and vignetting At 100 millimeter there's a virtually None of either to be seen although at F4 The corners do look a little brighter at 300 millimeter we see a touch of pin Cushion Distortion here and vignetting Is a little more noticeable at F 2.8 Again at F4 the corners brighten up Still a good performance here the lens Has minimum Focus distance is 1.8 meters Which is about average but not Spectacularly close here at F 2.8 Close-up image quality is a little Softer but at F4 the excellent sharpness Returns let's see how the lens works Against bright light at the widest angle There's virtually no flaring of any kind

To be seen here which is excellent zoom In and a little pops up but it's nothing Too serious let's take a look at the Quality of this lenses bokeh and Absolutely vital question for a piece of Kit like this and as you'd expect there Are precisely zero problems here even Very difficult backgrounds such as Foliage are rendered Softly and even in Transitional zones talking about Transitional zones let's see about Longitudinal chromatic aberration at F 2.8 it is apparent as you can see here But at F4 any traces of color finishing On bokeh Highlights is gone overall well Canon's latest super telephoto lenses Continue in their tradition of being Incredibly expensive but also completely Out of this world when it comes to both Build quality and image quality Functionality and general usefulness Anyone who can afford it will be looking To get their hands on this lens and I Can imagine it becoming an optic that Makes the lives of a lot of event Sports And portrait photographers easier it's Really going to make your images jump Out from the competition so there's Nothing else left to say here but that It comes highly recommended Foreign Do you think I enjoy the drudgery of Having to test these incredible Wonderful camera lenses I don't enjoy it

I love it and I'm going to be doing it For a long time to come but it's still Very time consuming and costly to do and That's why I love my patreon supporters So much they make such a big difference To keeping these lens reviews going from Little cheap manual focus lenses to Expensive behemoths such as these check Out my patreon page in the description Below supporters get all kinds of Exclusive bonus content including Special videos pictures and Early Access Take it easy everyone [Music]

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