Brightin Star 11mm f/2.8 'Fisheye' lens review

Brightin Star 11mm f/2.8 ‘Fisheye’ lens review

Howdy You Again everyone now major Camera manufacturers have seemed Reluctant to Market official fishe Lenses for their various new mirorless Camera systems instead choosing to Surrender that space to thirdparty Manufacturers for whatever reason and The latest thirdparty offering…

7Artisans AF 27mm F2.8 STM Review  | A Solid Prime for Under $130

7Artisans AF 27mm F2.8 STM Review | A Solid Prime for Under $130

Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you a review of a very Inexpensive new lens from company 7 Artisans just this year they have gotten Into the business of making autofocus Lenses a little over a…

Nikon Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S lens review

Nikon Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S lens review

Howdy once again everyone it's a little While since I tested a nickon super Telephoto lens so I'm excited today to Be trying out what is surely their best Shot in that field the Z 400 MM f2.8 TC Vrs…

A cheap 14mm f/2.8 lens that's SHARP?

A cheap 14mm f/2.8 lens that’s SHARP?

I remember back in the day only about 12 Years ago if you wanted a fullframe 14 Mm f2.8 lens then you had no choice but To pay 1 and a half Grand or so for a Canon or necon…

Brightin Star 28mm F2.8 M-mount Review:  Novelty Objet d'Art or Legitimate Lens?

Brightin Star 28mm F2.8 M-mount Review: Novelty Objet d’Art or Legitimate Lens?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you a review of perhaps the most Unique lens that I have reviewed this Year and that is the incredibly tiny Bright and star 28mm f2.8 this is an…

Sony FE 16-25mm f/2.8 'G' lens review

Sony FE 16-25mm f/2.8 ‘G’ lens review

Greetings again everyone and it seems Like Sun's designers have had an Interesting idea to take a bright Aperture Ultra wide angle zoom lens cut It down to size a bit and make it more Portable and a little less…

The SigMONSTER: Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8

The SigMONSTER: Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8

[Music] When this camland arrived at my office I Didn't know who to call first the Insurance company or a physiotherapist I Called the insurance company my wife Called the physio the sigma 200 500 mm F2.8 is a record-breaking…

Fuji XF 30mm f/2.8 R LM WR Macro lens review

Fuji XF 30mm f/2.8 R LM WR Macro lens review

Greetings again everyone and isn't this Just the smallest neatest little macro Lens you've ever seen yes today I'll be Reviewing the living daylight out of the Fuji XF 30 mm f2.8 R Lmw macro with its tiny size and…

Sigma 10-18mm F2.8 DC DN X-mount Review | Can the Sigma Handle 40MP?

Sigma 10-18mm F2.8 DC DN X-mount Review | Can the Sigma Handle 40MP?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott a couple of months Ago I was on camera talking to you about The sigma 10 to 18 mm f2.8 DC DN lens For apsc mirrorless cameras at that Point I was doing the Sony…

A camera lens that can see BEHIND you...!

A camera lens that can see BEHIND you…!

[Music] One way to get your creative juices Flowing is to try a new camera lens and The $150 7and 4 mm fishe could really Get you looking at things with A New Perspective it's for mirorless camera Systems with…