Sony’s Floppy Disk Camera

Cameras improve every single year for The most part and certainly over the Last 24 years we've seen a lot of Innovation and a giant exponential Growth in specs which is why at a time Like this week where we have two brand New Sony bodies launching and already People are complaining about lack of Dual card slots I figured it was time to Go back a little bit and see what life Was like when we had cameras that Recorded onto single floppy disks like This 144 megabytes So in this video I'm going to do a Little retro review of this which is a Sony mavica Fd83 a 0.8 megapixel Powerhouse from 1999. here is the camera Body and I will say this one for being Only 15 U.S is an amazing shape all the Stickers are intact and looking fresh it Has been well taken care of for the last Two decades ergonomically it's a solid Device it has that retro Japanese Electronic solidity to it back when Manufacturing was about making the best Thing possible with no regard to the Accounting department and this camera Was not cheap back in the day either This model was 799 US dollars but the Highest spec FD 88 was 999 which even This model at 800 if you adjust for Inflation is about 1466 dollars U.S today it's a bigger

Camera it has a unique design even Though the specs are pathetic by any Standard within the last 10 years this Is again a 0.8 megapixel camera max Resolution for images is 1216×912 which is still somewhat usable But as you'll see see in the samples It's not amazing the built-in lens is a 37 millimeter to 111 millimeter Equivalent with a 3X optical zoom and a 2X digital Zoom Max aperture is F2 there Is a built-in flash a microphone a zoom Rocker and a bunch of simple buttons on The back you can adjust the brightness Of the LCD turn the volume up or down Turn the flash on and off cycle through Play Still and movie add picture effects Cycle through programs change display Settings there is a power button here a Power indicator light and a four-way Menu control the menu is very simple It's almost comical how simple this is Compared to any modern camera the Battery for this model is the npf which Is amazingly still very popular today And widely available this camera was Rated at 2 hours or 1200 shots when it Was new but with a brand new battery it Shows me 224 minutes of run time which Is impressive finally this switch Releases the media of choice of the 90s The old floppy disk fortunately you can Still pick these up for about a dollar Each so I have six of them for this

Camera now floppy disks come in higher Capacities but in general they were 1.44 Megabytes each and with a roughly 1200 By 900 pixel resolution this means that You can't really fit that many pictures On one floppy I average between three And five photos per floppy and if you Want to record video well you can but The resolution is 320 by 240 and you get A very short 15 seconds to record before It maxes out that floppy disk so this is The original vine camera before I show You what these sample photos look like Let's talk about a brand new set of Headphones from today's video sponsor Soundcore these are the sound core space One a set of powerful noise canceling Headphones they feature adaptive noise Canceling technology which analyzes External sounds as well as sound leakage To adjust noise reduction in real time Specifically sound core has Focus Focused on voice reduction which is now Two times stronger than the previous Generation and it can reduce up to 98 Percent of engine or traffic noise these Have an all new 8 degree floating axis Design which conforms to the Contours of Any head for a comfortable fit powered By 40 millimeter customized Dynamic Drivers the sound is crisp with high-res Audio and ldac support they charge via USBC and have a fast charge mode which Gives you four hours of playback with

Only five minutes of charging best of All they work wirelessly or with a wired Connection so I can easily edit videos In noisy environments and all this comes For the remarkably low price of 99 U.S So if you guys want to read more about These headphones or check them out they Come in different colors as well check Out the link in the description so I Took this camera and a bunch of floppy Disks with me to Sony condo this year Which was in Snowbird Utah it's an Annual event in which Sony invites a Whole bunch of photographers YouTubers Tech reviewer Musicians Jason vongs out just to Network and to show off brand new Products now I've been to these events Before in the past and usually my friend Taylor Jackson brings some sort of Vintage Handycam with him and he starts Recording everything with some weird Little thing and so when I ran across This in a shop for only fifteen dollars I thought wow this would be perfect I Could take it to condo I'll joke with Taylor a little bit and then I will flip It for massive profits once he sees how Meant conditioned this thing is anyway Let's take a look at these sample photos Thank you Alright so you definitely get that 90s Vintage look to the photos with the Grain the lack of contrast and really

The lack of any ability to deal with Dynamic range and when it comes to video It's even more hilarious here is my Friend Matt Johnson of YouTube Fame Everybody hey everyone I want to wish You all a happy Um holiday season Yes no wonder YouTube was not around Back in 1999 and the thing that's Interesting about this camera is just How slow everything is you really have To think about it like do I really want To waste one of my four photo slots with This picture that I'm about to take Because again it's a hassle and you only Get four slots per floppy So you are making these photography Decisions and you're thinking a lot Through it's not like you can fire away At 30 frames per second and just sort Through it later on and when you finally Do commit to taking that photo just take A look and listen as to how slow it Takes so here we go Ready Set There you go and let's say now you want To review the image that you just took Here we go There next one Next one Yeah it really is something isn't it and Let's say that you want to transfer your Photos to a computer well nowadays you Need one of these which is a little Floppy reader uh and then USB on the

Other end but still it takes about two Minutes I would say on average to Transfer four to five photos from one Floppy disk over to a computer which is Incredibly slow and recording a video That took a few minutes to write to the Floppy as well it's eye-opening but I Have to say I am impressed that a 24 Year old piece of ancient Tech by modern Standards is still here still working Still in fact perfect in terms of Functionality nothing is broken on it That is a testament to durability and Proper engineering but the greatest Thing that I've learned from this camera Is fun it's quirky it's awkward to stand There and swap floppies every four Photos but boy was it fun just to take The pressure off and shoot photos that I Knew were probably going to look not so Great but who cares this was such a Conversation starter it was incredible I Probably met over 30 people with this Camera around my neck and people from All sorts of different backgrounds who At the site of this it pique their Interest and they walked up to me and They said hey what is that or hey that's So cool or hey I remember using one of Those in middle school or in high school And while we can all get caught up in Specs and wanting CF Express more card Slots more resolution no crop 8K 120 Video better grips the list is never

Ending it's refreshing to use something Like this and then go back to whatever Camera that you use on a day-to-day Basis you develop more of an Appreciation of what modern technology Has given you because it's truly Incredible what you can do with a small Camera nowadays anyway thank you guys For watching have a great day bye

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