Canon RF 16mm F2.8 STM Review

[Music] Welcome back to your V TV viewers it is Chris Nichols here and today we're Playing with the lens that we've Actually been wanting to review for Quite some time it's finally going to Happen it's the Canon RF 16 millimeter F 2.8 now what's really amazing about this Is yes companies have made Ultra wide Primes before but not this Compact and Certainly not for mirrorless and Certainly not at such a low price point So today we're gonna be shooting this on The Canon R5 just to push the lens a Little bit we're going to hopefully find Out is this lens just too good to be True or is this an affordable compact Little gem that deserves a spot in your Camera bag a Calgary icon returns I Never left [Music] Thank you Well I want to get the shot looking Through the evf but I don't want my toes In the shot so I'm you know being Graceful look at that [Music] Now in this shot Jordan says it looks Like I have angel wings but he wants to Remind you of the audience that I am Certainly No Angel let's get on to the Handling on this lens very compact 165 Grams and that's basically a 12th of a Knock so it's very Compact and

Lightweight now because it is compact That means we get a small filter thread 43 millimeters but it also means that The lens itself doesn't have a lot of Space for controls so I effectively have One control ring and a selector switch To go between Focus or control I guess That would basically be my autofocus Manual focus control as well right I Mean click it forward and I've got Manual focus click it back and that Disengages that I'm actually not using The control ring very much though I find On R5 bodies I want to set aperture and Shutter speed with the dials on the body But it is nice we do have the option There so this gives us a good Opportunity to test out the close-up Capabilities here often compact wide Angles can actually let you get really Close this is no exception I mean I'm Only getting about a quarter life size Reproduction that's not amazing but I'm Getting within five inches from the Sensor that is pretty incredible and Really lets you have a lot of fun Playing with perspective getting really Close to objects it's quite fun to see On a lens like this So we got a really nice sunny day for a Change that gives us a good opportunity To test both Flair and sunstars two Things which are very important on Ultra Wide landscape lenses so shooting

Towards the sun actually first off very Impressed some loss of contrast not Major but really no ghosting no flare It's handling that really nicely the sun Stars I thought for such an affordable Lens would suck but they're actually the Opposite as you can see here they're Quite beautiful now yes this is an ultra Wide so small specular points the light Will be quite small but if you were Doing a cityscape full of street lights Or you know anything like that you can Get some really nice dramatic Sun stars Out of this lens so of course we have an Affordable lens it means we have an Affordable auto focusing motor four set Lens it's an STM motor I mean I'm Finding though it's not having to move a Lot of glass so it's very quick from Near to far focus and back I mean There's no problem there but I am Hearing sometimes a little bit of noise A little bit of a clicking noise I think maybe in a vlogging situation That might be an issue which otherwise This lens would be absolutely ideal for But again it's not a huge amount of Noise now with an affordable wide angle Like this is there a weakness when it Comes to breathing unfortunately yes and That's where you know as you focus the Lens from near to far you'll actually See your field of view change quite a Bit for video this means your focus

Pulls are gonna have a lot of breathing As you can see here in this example but I could also see it being an issue for Landscape photography or even the macro Kind of stuff that we talked about where This lens can focus really close if I Wanted to do focus stacking or I'm Moving my focus through different planes And then I'm going to stack it all Together and post afterwards my field of View again is going to change so much I Am going to have to account for that Okay let's talk about bokeh next because Surely a lens this affordable that has Done so well as it has throughout all The other tests has got to suck here Right well No we gotta keep waiting actually Because the bouquet is really quite nice Uh you can see here shooting F 2.8 in The corners with specular highlights Wide open a little bit of cat's eye Really not much and that goes away Almost immediately as you begin to stop Down when the lens is stopped down here You can see it at F4 our specular Highlights are still nice and round no Polygonal shape whatsoever the only Thing I will say about the bouquet is it Does have a bit of a soap bubble effect For sure and that sometimes gives us Harsh transitions from in focus to out Of focus but considering they're looking At an ultra wide where our transitions

Are going to be you know quite subtle it Really has really beautiful bokeh Rending overall so I don't know I don't Know what I'm going to complain about I Gotta keep looking so I mean you could Watch Eternal Sunshine one of the Greatest movies of all time on the big Screen and support in independent Theater at the same time or you could Just click on the card joins put them up And watch our rendition wood nickels Which is like 10 times better ten a tenth a tenth oh Time longitudinal chromatic aberration This is where we get those color fringes In the foreground and background out of Focus areas not something we'd honestly Worry about too much on an ultra wide Lens like this but again if it's present It's very hard to fix in post on this Lens as you can see in the example There's a little bit exists or a green Fringing the background a little bit of Magenta Fringe in front but again it's Pretty minor very well controlled Exactly what we expected so let's take a Look at our lens chart here talk about Sharpness so first off in the center Focused at F 2.8 you can see not bad for Detail but when we stopped down at 5.6 There's a noticeable Improvement so Looking at those Corners though they're Very soft wide open stopping down to 5.6 Is what you're going to want to do to

Improve them I think this lens if you Are going to show on something like a Higher resolution R5 body if you want Maximum detail you'll definitely want to Stop down but I'm certainly not upset With the shots that I'm getting at F 2.8 So I know how else to put it I mean this Canon RF 16mm F 2.8 is a affordable Little gem I mean what can we really Complain about could be sharper wide Open autofocus Motors maybe a little bit Noisy but otherwise this is actually an Awesome little travel walk around lens This would be a great landscape lens fun In the city if you're shooting Architecture I mean really this is a Fantastic lens for such little money we Have filters in our bags that are more Expensive the bag is more expensive than This lens in a lot of cases you know it All strikes me about this is at least For first party lenses this is the way To go right unless you really want an Ultra wide Zoom for RF this makes a ton Of sense and yeah you could look at Adapting older SLR lenses but they're Bulkier they're not optimized to the Mirror's body you got to use adapters I Mean this is just a no-brainer now there Are some third-party lenses out there You know stuff that even goes wider 14mm F 2.8 and stuff like that but those are Largely going to be manual focus only no Electrical connection and you know

Honestly there are a lot of cases more Expensive and certainly Canon's not Going to help any third-party Manufacturers going forward so I really Think that this represents very Interesting very unique value on the Market right now and hey if you're a Canon aps-c RF user like maybe pick up a Brand new R50 or something like that This would also be a really fun lens You're still going to get you know just Below a 26 millimeter which is very Useful and again it's Compact and it's Affordable so it's not going to be a Burden to carry around so I hope this Helps you guys decide whether this is a Good lens for you but I really do think It probably is if you're getting an RF User leave your comments below let us Know what you think remember you can Always check out the samples that we Shot Link in the description Below don't forget to check out Eternal Sun trying to smell this mine wooden Nickels you owe it to yourself thanks so Much for joining us we'll see you guys Soon for another episode of DP Review TV [Music] Foreign [Music]

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