A Remarkably Cheap 35mm F1.8 AF Lens

Well about 4 months ago TT Artis Released their first ever autofocusing Lens I think and here we are with what I Believe is the second one and this time It's a 35mm F1.8 apsc autofocusing lens now do we Need another 35mm uh I don't know but this one for The money is going to be hard to be Because it comes in at a very very Competitive $150 US so let's check it out now this Lens does come in a box but I can't seem To find it perhaps I just got it loose In the mail as this is a pre-release Copy of the lens but I've been handling So many lenses lately that I may have Misplaced it it did come with a USBC Ported rear lens cap and a plastic front Lens cap lens construction seems to be Aluminum and glass it's good it's not as Premium as some all metal lens bodies it Feels just a little simpler and less Refined and there's not much going on Here in the design department but it's Adequate starting at the rear there is a Metal Mount electronic connections no Weather gasket no weather ceiling as far As I can tell the body again is simple The lens specs etched in that like a Font here a focus ring occupies most of The body now the focus ring is smooth It's electronic so it rotates freely it Does feel good but again not overly

Refined or premium I think if they had Done a different grip or maybe put some Design elements on this lens it would Have made things a little more Interesting around the front there is a Relatively small front lens element TT Artisan logo minimum focus of 6 M lens Specs and 52 mm filter thread as far as What's inside I have no info on that so If you are curious I'll add a link to The description of this video so you can Read more about it mounted on my a6100 This is a compact easy to pack easy to Carry around combo it feels well Balanced and it doesn't look that bad And because I knew there was going to be A lot to photograph on our trip over to Switzerland I just threw this into my Backpack and I figured maybe I can grab Some shots with it and I did so all of These are from my a6100 uncorrected Straight Out of the camera let's see What this lenss can do Ready Set Go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] All right so this lens is very similar To that 27 mm f2.8 if I'm remembering it Correctly that was just released uh Optically this is pretty good it's sharp In the center Center sharpen the corners

Colors are great uh really not many Complaints with the f1.8 you do get some Nice bouquet as well I'm not going to Spend too much time on the Optics I Won't do any sort of comparison with the Sigma because really if you're shopping For this lens and you're looking at this Lens there are four problems that you Need to be aware of and some of you may Consider these deal breakers Others May Dismiss all four of these and still pick This thing up because it's not bad uh But let's go over those four things Number one this lens does exhibit Barrel Distortion straight out of the camera if You are just shooting and uploading Straight out of your camera then you can Expect to see some curved lines if You're shooting at a brick wall for Example easily correctable in post but If you don't like editing in post then That may be an issue number two is the Chromatic aberration performance it's It's not horrible it's not the worst That I've seen it's not the best that I've seen either it's not as good as Some of the newer sigmas that are coming Out this lens is kind of somewhere in The middle where it's not horrible again But it's not amazing either I would rate It let's say a 6 out of 10 in terms of Chromatic ibration you do see it pop up On high contrast areas number three is The flare performance on this thing is

Crazy I've never seen flare like this Before in my life it's like a figure Eight it's crazy and nuts and my might Be cool if you want something different And something unique but it might be Distracting also it does affect the Contrast of your image uh but it Certainly does come out with bright Light sources and this lens did not come With any sort of lens Hood number four Is you guessed it the autofocus Performance now I'll start by saying That this lens is significantly better Than the first one that they released a Couple of months ago because that one Was very loud noisy when it came to Autofocus this one is nice and Relatively Quiet you hear the faint sound of those Motors moving I'm guessing it's some Sort of stepper motor so it's an Improvement in that regard and I also Think that it's a little bit more Responsive than that other lens it's a Little bit quicker however there are Moments where the autofocus on this lens Just simply doesn't want to focus on What you want it to focus on now with Most of these camera bodies they do a Very good job of picking up eyes so even If you have some stuff around you have Bushes whatever it is leaves they can Pick out an eye and they can focus on The eye but with this lens that seems to

Be a bit of a challenge but beyond that I also had a lot of photos that were Ever so slightly out of focus from my Samples and that just came from me Quickly snapping them and not paying too Much attention to where the autofocus Landed but it didn't land where I wanted It to and I noticed that too when using This lens that usually you have a whole Bunch of green little boxes pop up green Boxes pop up with this one but far fewer Green boxes pop up sometimes it picks up Like the corner of something on a high Contrast area but not the main object And in general tracking performance was Not quite up to something like a Tamron Sigma Sony Etc now if you are planning On using this lens for a simple YouTube Setup where you're just recording Yourself in a room it probably will do Pretty well in fact here it is mounted On my a7c and in my YouTube studio now You'll see some crazy vignetting because This is not designed for a full-frame Camera but as far as tracking Performance I mean it's not quite as Quick and sometimes it goes a little bit In and out but this this is perfectly Usable if you're going to stay in place And talk about whatever you want to talk About and not move too far forward and Back this is a perfectly capable lens And it's also very quiet it's not making Tons of noise unlike some other ones so

I'm going to make that same conclusion That I did with the original first Autofocusing TT Artisan Lens it's not one that I'm going to run Out and buy and use to replace all of my Existing Sigma lenses however I will say Again for the money this thing is Remarkably good and if you compare a 35mm f1.8 manual focus lens versus this This is way way way easier to use and I Will take those few couple of shots that Are out of focus over the many more that Would be out of focus if I was trying to Manually focus each and every shot and Think of all the time that you saved so So this is definitely the way of the Future when it comes to TT Artis I think Other companies as well should follow Suit the autofocusing performance I'm Guessing is probably only going to get Better with each new lens and each Iteration and also because it comes with This USBC doc lens cap I'm guessing that TT Artis will release for more updates That will continually improve hopefully The performance of the autofocus systems I could see this maybe as being the Ultimate budget autofocusing lens setup You get an a6000 for 300 bucks get this Thing for 150 and you're in 450 and You're away off and Away shooting Awesome stuff and recording awesome Videos so uh there is some potential With this Lun for sure and hopefully it

Gets better over time special thank you To TT Artis for sending this thing out Pre-release for review thank you guys so Much for watching stay tuned for more Have a nice day bye-bye