Nikon Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR lens review

Good evening welcome to another lens Review thing everyone and on the menu Today the Nikon Z 24 to 200 millimeter F4 to 6.3 VR people have been asking me To review this full-frame superzoom lens For a long time and I'm so pleased to Have finally got around to it this lens Arrived just in time for me to take it On a short holiday to North Wales with Me and that's the kind of thing a super Zoom lens is perfect for when you're With your powers and children and you Just want a long range zoom lens so that You can have fun taking pictures without Fiddling around changing lenses all day Long trying to impress everyone else With all your gear like the middle aged Overgrown man child with too much Disposable income that you are the Typical disadvantages of a super zoom Lens include lower image quality and a Darker maximum aperture and with a Maximum energy of any F4 to 6.3 this Isn't the best lens for shooting in a Dog or getting deeply out of focus Backgrounds its price seems to fluctuate A little but it's about 900 US dollars Or about 900 pounds here in the UK I'd Like to thank Nick on UK for learning me This lens for a couple of weeks for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review it will only Work on Nikon z-mount mirrorless cameras FX or DX let's look at its build quality

First Nikon's mid-range lenses are Generally quite plasticky but well Assembled and this is no exception it May not feel like it's carved out of Granite But the lens does feel solid and It's based on a metal lens mount with a Weather ceiling gasket its dust and Splash resistant but for the best Protection you should also put a UV or a Neutral filter on the front towards the Rear there's a control ring which can be Set to change the manual focus or other Functions it turns very smoothly and to The manual focus response is excellent Very precise as you can see here the Lens suffers from surprisingly little Focus breathing whether you're zoomed in Or zoomed out that is helpful for video Work potentially The lenses autofocus motor is Surprisingly quick and confident it Works real nice I found that eye Detection autofocus was a bit inaccurate Though although to be honest that's Probably more a reflection of the older Nikon z7 camera that I was using as the VR and the lenses title suggests this Lens is image stabilized here's some Footage with stabilization turned off And now turned on this footage was shot On a fairly windy day and as you can see It's working pretty well which will Really help you to get sharper still Images and smoother handheld video work

At the front of the lens we have the Rubberized Zoom ring which turns Smoothly and a little heavily with Almost no stickiness really enjoyable to Use and potentially good for video work The front filter size is 67 millimeters Wide and The Lens comes with a little Plastic Hood overall the build quality Here is a really very nice and at only 570 grams or about 1 and a quarter Pounds it's not heavy Okay let's move on and look at image Quality now I'll be testing it on a Nikon z7 camera with its 45 megapixel Full frame Center in camera Corrections Are turned on for this test at 24 Millimeter and F4 in the middle of the Image we are seeing biting sharpness and Excellent contrast right away Corner Image quality though is way less Encouraging with a lot of softness and Prominent purple fringing stop down to F 516 or f8 for good improvements in Sharpness although if anything that Purple fringing seems to get even Stronger the lens stays their sharp down To f11 F16 though will look softer due To the effects of diffraction let's zoom In halfway to 100 millimeter now the Maximum after has quickly darkened to F 6.3 in the middle of the image we're Still seeing great sharpness and good Contrast the corner image quality looks Way better now that we've zoomed in

Although it's still not the sharpest Image I've ever seen it's good stop down To f8 for just an edge of extra Sharpness but f11 sees no further Improvement okay let's Zoom all the way In now to 200 millimeter sharpness is Still very good in the middle of the Image but contrast is slightly lower Than before and well it's kind of the Same story in the corners really Although contrasting edges look just a Touch softer there stop down to f8 for a Little more brightness and contrast Across the image frame but that's as Sharp as the image quality gets at 200 Millimeter still for a lens with such a Long Zoom range on a 45 megapixel full Frame sensor this is generally a much Better performance than average at the Widest angles you need to stop down for Sharp corner image quality everywhere Else the lens is reasonably sharp so It's a good consistent performance here Okay that's bypass in camera Corrections By shooting in raw and take a look at Distortion and vignetting at 24 Millimeter we get a kind of barrel Distortion you expect on a super zoom Lens and dark Corners at F4 it's top Down to F 5.6 or f8 though to see them Really brighten up zoom into 35 Millimeter and that Distortion really Straightens out zoom in all the way to 200 millimeter and retweeted some pretty

Hefty pin cushion Distortion now and Again dark Corners at the bytest Apertures stop down to f8 or f11 for Those to brighten up again so it's a Typically poor performance for a super Zoom lens here be sure to keep those Problems corrected with your camera Should automatically do for you the Lenses minimum Focus distance is a Pretty short 50 centimeters getting you Nice and close to smaller subjects as You can see the good news is that Close-up image quality remains quite Sharp although contrast is a little down At F 6.3 so drop down to f8 for a bit More punchiness let's see how the lens Works against Bright Lights now at 24 Millimeter we see a little flaring but Nothing too serious zoom in and it gets More prominent but mostly just when Bright lights are directly in the Picture finally let's see about the Quality of this lenses bokeh as I Mentioned before it's actually not easy To get out of focus backgrounds with This lens but when you do they look Averagely soft no obvious problems to Note here really overall this is a Sharper than average super zoom lens You're still getting those typical super Zoom lens compromises a dark aperture And somewhat softer image quality than On a prime lens but for a 24 to 200 Millimeter optic it's doing a fairly

Good job and it's a nice Zoom range Undeniably if you want something a bit Sharper with a brighter aperture you Might also consider the Nikon Z 24 to 120 millimeter F4 which is an Astonishingly high quality optic in its Own right but the 24 to 200 it is a Little cheaper with a longer Zoom range Ah it's nice to have a choice isn't it It comes recommended Foreign 's greatest YouTube photography Influencer well maybe the eighth or Ninth greatest it costs a lot to Maintain my lifestyle Bollinger Champagne followed by Cuban cigars are On the menu for breakfast followed by a Whole two hours a day Seated on my solid Gold Throne editing these reviews while A team of professional physiotherapists Massage my shoulders ah who am I kidding It's actually a lot of work to keep These free independent reviews Trucking On so I want to say a huge thank you to All my patreon supporters who are making Such a big difference supporters get all Kinds of bonus videos and content so Check it out in the description below And ciao for now everyone

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