Nikon Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone and let's get Straight into reviewing the living day Nights out of what I'm sure will be the Bright telephoto Workhorse lens of Choice for professional Nikon Miller Shooters for years to come the Nikon Said 70 to 200 millimeter F 2.8 VR S It's only for Nikon Z Mount mobileless Cameras full frame or abs-c and it's on The shelves now for a rather expensive Price of 2 700 US dollars or 2 600 Pounds here in the UK a lot of money Obviously but this kind of bright Telephoto zoom lens is the bread and Butter optic for all kinds of Professional Shooters offering a nice Little medium telephoto Zoom range and An aperture of f 2.8 for getting Pictures and darker situations and Lovely autofocus backgrounds in your Portrait and subject pictures I'd like To thank Nick on UK for learning me this Lens for evaluation for a couple of Weeks although as usual this is a Totally independent review While Cannon decided to shorten and Lighten their own new 70-200 millimeter Lenses Nikon have opted for a more Traditional approach here leaving you Whether the lens that zooms internally With all the advantages of that but is Still quite large and heavy weighing in At over 1.3 kilograms or about 3 pounds

Perhaps a missed opportunity to lighten Things up there still the lens looks Cool and its build quality is very nice And solid being a mixture of metal and Heavy GT Plastics with a metal tripod Mount attached the bottom of which can Be removed it features a fair bit of Weather sealing including a generous Gasket round to the rear mount and it Also can be used with Nikon's 1.4 times And two times teleconverters the lens is Very controllable on the outside towards The rear we get Focus controls and a Smooth moving customizable control ring As well as a couple of extra Customizable control buttons in front of That Nikon's gimmick keyboard admin Admittedly kind of cool OLED display Sets on the top able to show you various Settings you're shooting at then comes The rubberized manual focus ring it Works really nice and responsibly with The lenses Focus motor and some further Good news is that the lens seems to Exhibit no visible Focus breathing as You focus in and out except for perhaps Just a slight zoom in when you're Focused as closely as possible the Lenses autofocus Motor Works quite Quickly silently and accurately tracking Well it'll probably be even more Confident than this on one of Nikon's Latest camera bodies then comes the Large rubberized Zoom ring as is often

The case with an internally zooming lens It works very smoothly with no Stickiness to it and it's fairly quick To turn the lens has its own emit Stabilization built in here's some Footage with it turned off and is now Turned on as you can see it's Fantastically effective actually holding Your image really nice and firm an Essential feature on a telephoto lens The front of the lens has a rubber trim To it to prevent damage from accidental Knocks and it comes with a lockable Plastic Hood which is nicely flocked on The inside the front filter size is 77 Millimeters overall the build quality is Excellent here in just about everywhere Imaginable although it does feel a Little heavy in use okay let's look at Image quality now I'll be testing the Lens on a Nikon z7 camera with its 45 Megapixel full frame sensor in camera Corrections are turned on for this test At 70 millimeter and F 2.8 we see razor Sharpness and excellent contrast in the Middle of your images the image Corners Are just a touch softer but still Excellent stop down to F4 for a tiny Boost in corner sharpness brightness and Contrast the lens taser sharp down to F11 although at F16 softness emerges due To the effects of diffraction let's zoom In halfway to 235 millimeter it's the Same story here really at F 2.8 image

Quality continues to be razor sharp in The middle and a little softer but still Very nice and the corners stop down to F4 or F 5.6 for those Corners to see Nice little increases in resolution Let's Zoom all the way into 200 Millimeter at F 2.8 the middle of the Image isn't quite as bitingly sharp as At wider angles but it's still looking Pretty nice here to be honest Corner Image quality isn't looking so great Anymore though stop down to F4 to see More brightness in the corners but no More sharpness however the middle of the Image now sees a nice little extra punch Of contrast the middle of the lens stays As sharp as these top down to F 5.6 and The corners are well still not fantastic To be completely honest f8 sees just a Marginal Improvement but stop down as Far as f11 and diffraction begins to Affect the contrast and that has 16 the Sharpness is affected too so overall the Lens puts in a very strong performance Here although the corner image quality At 200 millimeter leaves a little to be Desired to be honest though it's not the End your Corners at 200 millimeter will Very often be up to focus anyway more so Than at wider angles okay let's turn off In camera Corrections and take a look at Vignetting and Distortion at 17 Millimeter and F 2.8 we don't really see Any Distortion but some vignetting can

Be spotted stop down to F4 for those Corners to brighten up zoom in to 200 Millimeter and some pretty clear pin Cushion Distortion becomes apparent and Those image Corners look a lot darker However stop down to F4 and they Brighten significantly you should Definitely leave in-camera Corrections Turned on with this lens the lens is Very good minimum Focus distance of 50 Centimeters means it can get you pretty Close to smaller subjects here at F 2.8 Close-up image quality is a little Softer than at normal distances but Still quite respectable stop down to F4 For a nice Improvement and sharpness There let's see how the lens works Against Bright Lights now at the widest Angles it's a great performance with Barely any visible flaring or glaring to Be seen however Zoom in and things Deteriorate and bright points of light In your images will cause quite a few Issues as you can see a vitally Important question for a lens like this Is the quality of its bokeh something That older 70 to 200 millimeter lenses Struggled with in the past most of the Time though your backgrounds look fully Gorgeously smooth with this lens just Occasionally difficult backgrounds like Foliage can show a touch of messiness Though And finally related tobacca comes

Longitudinal chromatic aberration do you Want the good news or the good news the Lens doesn't seem to display any at all Nikon Mr beats here they should have Labeled the lens as being apachromatic Which is a badge of honor for geekia Optic enthusiasts Like Me overall as You've seen the Nikon Z 70 to 200 Millimeter F 2.8 offers a great Performance in almost every way if not Quite a perfect one it may not have the Sharpest image Corners at 200 millimeter Or the best resistance to flaring once You're zoomed in but apart from that it Is bitingly sharp with nice looking Blocker and low chromatic aberration its Build quality image stabilization Autofocus and low Focus breathing are All greatly desirable also the price is High and I wish the lens could have been Just a little smaller and lighter but It's still an excellent Workhorse optic And professional photographers will not Be disappointed in it at all so it has To come highly recommended Finally I tested it sorry it took me so Long to get around to this pretty Important land Nikon Shooters I want to Take a moment now to say a huge thank You to everyone who's supporting me over On patreon at a time when ad revenues Are low it really does make a huge Difference I love making these videos But they're a lot of work too check out

My patreon page down in the description Below for some exclusive bonus content And ciao for now everyone [Music]

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