The Best Value Lens of 2023: Viltrox 20mm F2.8

VTR knows how to make a great lens and Really over the last couple of years They have become a formidable opponent In the third-party lens Choice selection Market that we have for Sony emount just Recently I reviewed their 75mm f1.2 for A PSC and I think that that is probably The best portrait lens that we've seen In years and this one is going to make Waves in a different way this is a 20 mm F2.8 designed for fullframe Sony Mir Lless cameras and the thing with this is That it is an exceptional value at $158 us has autofocus pretty good build Great Optics there's a lot to like with This lens so let's check it out it comes In a small white box inside there is a Warranty card user manual carrying pouch And the lens itself plastic front and Rear lens caps and a plastic but solid Feeling Rose pedal lens Hood the lens is Exceptionally small and lightweight Coming in at 158 G G so it costs just $1 Per gam construction is plastic and Glass and in terms of feel it is just Above average it doesn't feel as premium As some sigas or Sony's but it doesn't Feel as cheap as some makes either Starting at the rear there is a metal Mount with electronic connections There's also a USBC Port here for Firmware updates no weather ceiling Though lens specs on top and kind of a Cheap feeling manual focus ring here

This is electronic so it rotates Infinitely in both directions and it has Good dampening but they could have made This feel a whole lot better by Rubberizing this grip as it just feels a Little too much like cheap slick plastic Around the front there is a small front Lens element and a lot of specs this Lens which is apparently an STM Asph if image size of 43.3 mm front Filter thread of 52 mm and a 0.19 m for Minimum Focus inside there are 10 Elements in eight groups and a seven Bladed Di diaphragm mounted on my a7c It's a nice easy to carry compact setup This feels like an apsc setup but it Isn't there are no switches or buttons To mess with on this lens and the STM Stepper autofocus system on it is good It's not silent but it's fairly quiet Take a Listen one of the problems with the Full-frame Sony ecosystem system has Always been the lens prices you can get A cheapish camera body but the lenses Will rack up credit card bill debt Faster than Twista can wrap take for Example the Sony 20 mm f1.8 lens which Is very very good it's $800 though this Thing is $158 which means you can buy Five of these and still rack up less Credit card debt than buying one Sony 20 Mm f1.8 and I understand the built up Hype around this lens we are used to

Seeing lenses in the 150 range that are Manual cheap optically mediocre and Designed for a PSC this is for fullframe It has autofocus it's built well it's Welld designed and seemingly bargain Priced but let's see how well it Performs all of these are samples Straight out of my Sony a7c let's check Them out let's start with sharpness in The center wide open there is really Nothing to complain about the image is Sharp with plenty of contrast and even The corners look pretty pretty good albe It a little dark because of vignetting Is it as sharp across the frame as the Sony 20 mm f1.8 no but it is about 85 to 90% as sharp and I think I may keep Coming back to this thought that for the Money you really can't complain colors Are vibrant even on a foggy Misty day Like this one detail is resolved and Preserved well in terms of chromatic Aberration there is some it's fairly Well controlled but it does show up in High contrast areas the vignetting which I mentioned before is significant enough To be noticeable but it's very easy to Fix in post so I don't worry too much About it the barrel Distortion however Is a strange wavy line it's a pin cush Barrel combo that might be a little Challenging to correct if you absolutely Need straight lines bouquet is Relatively smooth you do have to get

Really close to your subject to get any Bouquet but with the minimum focus of 62 Ft that is easy to do foreground bouquet Is also rendered nicely as long as you Avoid those High contrast areas that Create aberration flare performance is About average there is a slight loss of Contrast and some blue flares but it is Nowhere near the worst that I've seen Overall for a 20 mm the performance is Good if you aren't picky about things You will be plenty happy with this lens Attached to your camera now it's not a Replacement for a clinically perfect Lens but it is a whole lot better than Any cheap manual lens option and I have To talk about the autofocus which is not Mindblowing like some of the new new Sony camera lenses that we've seen Recently but it is reliable it is pretty Accurate not the fastest in the world Though it's just a little on the slow Side it doesn't track a subject quite as Well as a Sony but again if you've never Tried the Sony you wouldn't complain With this lens I didn't have to throw Out many samples for missed focus and I Was never in a situation where I was Stuck trying to focus on something and It just wouldn't do it and outside with The noises of your environment all Around the autofocus mode motor seem to Be pretty quiet the 20 mm focal length Is my favorite on full frame it's just a

Little bit wider than the 24 mm and with Active stabilization you have plenty of Room to crop in and still have a nice Field of view this is a lens that you Can easily Vlog with as well as it looks Properly proportioned at an arms length Away even with a stabilization crop so This lens is a great release now it's Not going to sway me from my favorite 20 Mm which is the sigma 20mm F2 but again This lens is $700 us this one is $158 us It just does not make sense yes there Are some quirks with this one the Optics Maybe are not quite as perfect Clinically as the sigma but the value That you get here you really cannot Match and I have to say that for 2023 I Think that this is the best value Release bang for buuck lens that I've Seen all year long along with the recent Sales on some fullframe bodies you can Pick up a camera such as the Sony a73 For $1,300 add this lens and for $450 You have a powerful combo just a few Years ago you would have paid 2 Grand For that camera and $800 for the Sony Lens oh how times have changed it makes Me really excited for what V TR does in The future because a few more of these And they are going to disrupt the Fullframe lens Market if you want to Learn more about this lens or check out Pricing or buy your own as usual I will Have links down in the description below

Let me know your thoughts down in the Comment section below thank you guys so Much for watching thanks for all of your Comments all of your likes and your Support have a Merry Christmas and Bye-bye

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