Panasonic LUMIX S9 First Hands-On Look

It's daav and Evelyn from the camera Store and today we're giving you our First look at the Panasonic [Music] S9 this is a really interesting offering From Panasonic I mean this is the most Strip down s version of the camera They've ever produced that's still full Frame yeah this is very sleek and kind Of a different offering in terms of what We've seen from Panasonic the last few Years so we're going to give you our First impressions talk about some of the New tech and changes that we're seeing In this new S9 camera first of all let's Get into the design of this camera right Away we can see that this is an Incredibly Sleek design as Dave and I Were saying it is kind of the most Paired down compact s Ser camera that We've seen from Panasonic now it is a Full frame camera of course so you have The L Mount design that takes L Mount Lenses lots of variety there with the El Down to Lions we're seeing lots from Sigma and we're noticing some very key Things that might give us some direction Of what Panasonic was kind of going for With this camera first of all we have a Fully articulating screen it is nice and Bright but no electronic viewfinder at All there's not even an option to add One we're also seeing that it has very Minimal control dials so you have one on

The top of the camera surrounding the Shutter there's one on the back that's Surrounding the d-pad but it is a very Simple design now in the menu it is a Touchscreen menu so you're able to go in There you can do your tapping for Autofocus and it is very responsive I Like that about this camera and Panasonic always does a good job with Their interface and that has continued With this camera now if you look at the Bottom of the camera under the battery Door we have the very familiar nice and Juicy battery it's the Bk22 battery we see it in a lot of other Panasonic cameras nice to see that cross Compatibility and this promises to have Better battery life as well as USBC Charging definitely like that that is Always a mess and then a singular UHS 2 Compatible SD card slot on the bottom of The camera where the battery door is now If we look at the ports of the camera we Have the USBC Port as I mentioned as Well as a micro HDMI port and then on The other side we have a microphone Jack What we don't have is a headphone jack And this is the weirdest thing on this Camera I thought for sure it would have It but they've taken a few other things Out too there's no cooling fan and there Is no shutter mechanism so this is an Electronic shutter only camera but what I really wanted to focus on here is

Looking at the design of this camera What are some of the indicators of what This is for I definitely think it's a Content creator tool something for video And we're going to get into some of the Technology and specs that Panasonic has Put into this to make it a compelling Video tool as Evelyn mentioned this is a Very content creator specific kind of Camera however Panasonic has certainly Done a good job when it comes to the Stills out of it it is a 24 megapix Full-frame sensor it's the same same Sensor found on the S5 too so we're able To get some very good image quality out Of it if that's not enough resolution For you you do have the ability to go up To 96 megapixels thanks to its handheld Highres mode now it's able to do this Because it does have 6 and a half stops Five AIS dual is stabilization which is Giving us the ability to get really good Handheld video as well as practical Stills now you don't look at this as a Sports shooting camera because it does Have a viewfinder so I'm going to be Shooting from arms length however can Shoot up to 30 frames per second and Includes the pre-burst function if You're trying to capture that very Bleeding moment so the image quality is Very good out of this 24 megapixel Sensor and something I think is a very Trick feature for this specific camera

Is the ability to apply LS to your video But you can also apply those same LS to Your Stills so if you're a content Creator traveling around and you want Your photos to match your video you can Do that with this camera very easily now Panasonic created a very content creator Kind of purpose built package for this Camera but they certainly included a ton Of photographic features I'm super Excited to talk about the video Capabilities of this camera and probably The most noteworthy the feature is Actually a new open gate feature that Gives you a light 4K file and this is Really useful because you're able to Shoot up to 15minute Clips on your Camera in this open gate light format And quickly transfer it to your Smartphone so this pairing actually Gives you a super slick workflow for Being able to post your videos to social Media and because this open gate light Is still 4K footage it's 420 10bit in H265 format you're getting some really Good quality quality video footage but In these tiny 50 megab pers second files So that's like super tiny it's 41% Smaller of a file size making it really Quick and easy to transfer to your phone Through Panasonic's new app if you're Not familiar with what open gate is Basically it's a flexible format that Allows you to do all kinds of different

Ratios with the same footage so you're Able to do the 9 by6 for doing stories Instagram reals Tik Tok or if you're Doing commercial videos and you want a 1: One Ratio or you want like the Standard YouTube 16 by9 it gives you all Of that option and flexibility now the App has some other capabilities like Being able to transfer lets do some Micro adjustments to lets and be able to Put your own flavor directly into your Videos while you're shooting them so You're getting that like real time let Experience and if you don't know what I'm talking about it's basically like Your built-in color grading giving you That profile and that look that you want And that can also transfer over to your Images like Dave was saying but I think That's pretty slick and then of course You can't get over how good Panasonic's Inbody image stabilization is and having It all in the Sleek package with a Dedicated report button and a more Compact body making it really perfect For being able to mount onto gimbals and Things like that um I think that this is A very capable video package and I Haven't even gone to you still have a Lot of the same video formats that we Saw in the s52 you can actually record In 6K 422 10 bit and then you can also Do the 4K 420 10bit without the crop you Want the full sensor readout but again

Having that open gate feature for all of Your video settings is really nice Couple things though that I think are a Little bit interesting so I mentioned Before when you're getting into the Design of the camera that there's no Audio monitoring we also noticed that The the shoe on the top of the camera is A cold shoe not a hot shoe so we had our Beloved XLR adapter you can't actually Use this with this camera but I will say There are some microphone options that Do have headphone monitoring built in so You can at least see what the audio is Coming in if it's going to the actual Receiver but keep in mind that you will Still want to play back your audio Sometimes to make sure that you got Everything in camera you don't have a Loose connection something like that now In previous Panasonic reviews I've said They're not the sexiest cameras out There and I have to still agree this is Not the sexiest looking camera although Panasonic is stepping up their game by Giving us multiple colors to choose from Evelyn has the black one this is the Blue and the red one of course so it's Kind of nice to have that all right Dave Something we used to pick on Panasonic a Lot was autofocus performance how are You finding it for photo so just like I Was quite impressed with what the s52 Was able to do they've done the same

Autofocus system in this camera here so There's no surprises but it's a very Solid performer yeah it's fully loaded For both photo and video in terms of Autofocus performance it's the best Technology that Panasonic has to offer And so we're pleasantly surprised that That's included in the camera and seems To be performing really well you don't Get that wobble that we used to see in Old Panasonic cameras it's a lot more Smooth it's better for video and we're Really happy with it overall all right Evelyn where do you see this sort of Camera positioning yourself in the Market I mean we have a a very compact Full-frame content creators sort of Dream camera could it be it could be I Mean it it's kind of unique for Panasonic especially to have something That is this sleek and paired down that We talked about but still have like a Fullframe sensor and a lot of fully Loaded features now I think that there's A place in the market for these content Creators that are moving from Smartphones they want to get the Fullframe look they want to be able to Play with interchangeable lenses have a Nice stable platform to work with with Inbody image stabilization and this Checks a lot of those boxes are there Some omissions that us personally we Feel like we're missing I mean no

Electronic viewfinder no headphone jack For monior audio there's definitely some Things that we want as YouTube content Creators but I don't think this is made For us this is made for someone else we Really got to put our feet in someone Else's shoes and I mean the integration Of the app and how important it is for Panasonic to make that part of it as an Integral part of this whole camera is Very cool and to be able to put Luts on And with both Stills and in video I Think it's going to be interesting to See how the market plays out how they Accept this camera and if that clientele Finds that might be the perfect camera For their needs absolutely and I think That there's going to be a lot of people Out there that want to have that like Open gate workflow a lot of flexibility Whether they're someone that's like a Marketer or they just do content Creation for themselves personally I Think that this has some really cool Potential and this Panasonic app I think Is really going to help seal the deal And kind of put people on a different Path with how their workflows actually Functioning but of course we want to Know what do you guys think about this I Know there's a lot of more like Photo Centric people that tend to watch our Channel I want to know what are your Thoughts on this Panasonic S9 and what

Do you think is the biggest the mission Of this camera something that you can't Live without and is a bit of a deal Breaker for you make sure you follow us On Instagram and if you're new to our Channel Please Subscribe and hit the Notification Bell it's been Dave and Evelyn from the camera store we'll catch You again very soon [Music] Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out the down Here

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