Sony A7s III (2024) | The Best Camera Just Got Better

The Sony A7 S3 is one of the best Selling cameras in the world and it just Got better with a new update but it's a Few years old and you can get the exact Same specs in a cheaper Sony camera so Why is the A7 S3 still so popular and How does it compare to the cheaper Sony Cameras and should you get this camera Or is it outdated and overhyped let's Talk about it also links down below for The best pricing on the A7 S3 so why Exactly is the A7 S3 still such a Popular camera it really comes down to The sensor it's a one-of-the-kind sensor That no one else in the camera industry Has been able to replicate in The Last 5 Years the A7 S3 has a 12 megapixel Fullframe sensor now 12 megapixels Usually isn't considered high resolution But you might be surprised to learn that The 12 megapixel lower resolution Actually gives the A7 S3 so many of its Advantages and why people love this Camera most fullframe sensors have Anywhere between 24 to 45 megapixels but By having a lower megapixel count at Only 12 megapixels you're able to fit Bigger megapixels on the same siiz Sensor and by having bigger pixels you Can catch more light so essentially you Have bigger buckets to catch that light With but on top of that because of the Unique pixel structure in the A7 S3 Which is also known as back illuminated

Sensors it also makes the A7 S3 Absolutely incredible in low like now it Depends on what color profile you're Shooting on but you can get a dual Native ISO of anywhere between 800 to 12,800 or 86,000 and with these isos you're going To get perfectly crisp and clean results Which is absolutely breathtaking and no Other camera in the industry is this Good in low light but the A7 S3 is more Than just a good load light camera Because thanks to the unique processing In Sony cameras the A7 S3 also has Incredible dynamic range that you don't Really see on a mirrorless camera and The dynamic range is much closer to that Of a cinema camera or a movie camera so You're going to get a very professional Looking video and it's not going to look Like a mirrorless camera at all and You'll even notice that the same sensor Gets used on Hollywood sets and big Commercial projects and another benefit Of the A7 S3 is the phenomenal autofocus It does a really good job with tracking Fast moving subject matter and it also Has face and eye tracking but the A7 S3 Does not have ai based autofocus that You see in newer soning cameras and most Cameras in general but you may not need AI based autofocus especially when the Autofocus in the A7 S3 was already world Class but something to note is that the

Newer and cheaper Sony cameras do have Ai based autofocus and if you're someone That's running and gunning all the time And you're shooting in really fast-paced Environments it might be worth looking At those cameras simply for the AI based Autofocus so apart from the gorgeous Image quality of the A7 S3 what exactly Can this camera do that has people still Buying this camera years after its Releasee and that really comes down to Video and photo frame rates in 4k mode The A7 S3 can record 4K video at 24 30 60 all the way to 120 frames per second And usually most cameras when recording 4K in super slow motion they have to Crop into their sensor or somehow Degrade the video quality but with the A7 S3 you get gorgeous 4K video in every Single frame rate and if you really love Slow motion like me the A7 S3 can also Record full HD at 120 all the way up to 240 frames per second which is pretty Unheard of for a mirrorless camera like This on top of that the A7 S3 has no Record limit and you can record either To SD cards which are much cheaper or CF Express card for the super high and slow Motion and the A7 S3 also records in Really high data rates for mirrorless Camera it can record anywhere between 200 to 600 megabits per second which is Pretty much a cinema camera level and it Also uses

H.264 codec which is much easier on Slower computers so you won't need to Get a fancy new computer with this Camera by the way future River here and Let's talk about the new A7 S3 update it Now supports 4K DCI at true 24p 4K DCI Is slightly wider on the sides compared To regular 4K and it gives you a Slightly more cinematic feel of view and Looks more like a cinema camera now true 24 frames per second probably isn't that Big of a deal but it's now easier to Match the A7 S3 to a high-end cinema Camera that does shoot through 24p and You also have Focus breathing Compensation when shooting with a Supported Sony lens and this is Essentially going to give you a more Cinematic and more professional looking Focus pole you can also now get time Code via the USBC Port making this a Better camera for multi-cam shoots and For someone that's working on bigger Sets and there's still more to this Update that I'll mention later in this Video now if you're going to be shooting With a small mirrorless camera like this Chances are it's mainly handheld Shooting and the A7 S3 has really good Inbody stabilization not only does it Have digital stabilization but it also Has a stabilizing unit directly on the Sensor that gives you Ultra smooth Footage even without a stabilized lens

Or a fancy gimbal now the in camera Colors with the A7 S3 are really really Good Sony has done a lot to improve the Color science but on top of that Sony Also gives you a ton of color profile Options with the A7 S3 the most popular Being the slog 2 slog 3 and on top of That you have a bunch of other color Profiles that you can customize for your Specific shooting scenario and if you Really need a professional level Cinema Camera the A7 S3 can also record raw Video externally to something like a Ninja 5 or an adamus Shogun but Something to note is that the raw video In the A7 S3 is significantly noisier That's because there's no den noising Done in camera but that's okay because Chances are if you're shooting raw video You're going to be doing noising your Video later on anyways now I have to Address the elephant in the room and That is the 12 megapixel sensor A lot of People will tell you the 12 megapixel Sensor is not good for photos and while I partially agree I mainly disagree Here's why 12 megapixels may not be Enough for someone that's a high-end Fashion photographer or a wildlife or Sports photographer that often needs to Zoom in and crop into their image if You're going to be cropping in a lot I Get it probably not the camera for you But where I do disagree is that the A7

S3 still has a really good look sensor High dynamic range you get 14bit raw and You can still edit the heck out of these Photos and get really good results and Just because it's 12 megapixels doesn't Mean you're not going to get super sharp And crisp photos one huge benefit of the A7 S3 in photo mode that I never see People talk about is the fact that not Only can It record 10 frames per second Which is pretty fast in 14bit raw but it Also has a really big frame buffer of 999 photos in both JPEG and RAW with This you can pretty much shoot forever And this camera can Just it can just go forever and this is One of those places by having less Megapixels the A7 S3 is actually a Better camera now there's a reason the A7 S3 is still so popular and why you Might also want to pick up this camera The three main cameras with the 12 Megapixel full-frame sensor are the Sony A7 S3 the Sony zv1 and the Sony fx3 all Three of these cameras have the same Sensor but they have very different Designs because all three cameras were Designed for different kinds of Shooters When you look at the design and body of The A7 S3 it's very much like a modern Mirrorless camera has a mode dial Shutter an aperture dial with an ISO Dial the button layout is great most Sony cameras have really good button

Layout but it also has the updated Sony Menus which you will also find in the Other two Sony cameras the Sony A7 S3 Also has a side articulating screen that Also allows you to use Touch autofocus Along with controlling your menus and Settings and on top of that you also Have a joystick on the back for changing Your autofocus points and update time Again with the new update you also now Have new touch menus available that are More similar to the ones from the zv1 Leading to a huge quality of life Improvement the A7 S3 now also works With the creator app that lets you not Only control your camera but also Transfer your files directly from your Camera to your computer using the cloud Or also using the FTP protocol that uses Your local wireless network this way you Can send your files directly from the Camera to your editing Suite saving you A lot of time and the A7 S3 now also Works with a control and monitor app This basically lets you use your phone As a control interface for your camera And change Focus as well and this this Is a feature you normally only see in High-end cameras so having this in a pro Sumray camera for free is pretty awesome You can now also add custom grid lines To the A7 S3 but this is a paid update And I do not think it's worth the money Most monitors can do this for free but

The one thing that sets the A7 S3 apart From the other two cameras like the zv1 And the fx3 is the fact the A7 S3 is the Only one with an electronic viewfinder The viewfinder itself is really good High refresh rate high resolution and It's pretty much exactly what Photographers are looking for the A7 S3 Does have a built-in microphone the Audio is decent but for anything like Vlogging or something serious where You're talking on camera like this you Do want to get an external microphone For this camera and of course it does Have an input for an external microphone One thing that I really like is that you Can actually use the side articulating Screen without hitting the mic jack up The top this is going to make it much Easier for people that are pretty much Living with that microphone on their Camera and one thing the A7 S3 does Really well is the overheating Management the A7 S3 has no record limit And in my testing it does not overheat At all I've set everything to high Temperature this way it's going to keep Recording if even if the camera gets Warm and I have not had any overheating Issues on top of that it also has a Fullsize HDMI which is something that I Think video Shooters are really going to Appreciate and the A7 S3 also uses the Sony Pro style batteries that last a

Really long time but with the A7 S3 you Can also charge this camera over USBC Which means you can simply plug in a Phone power bank and you can power the Camera through that so why should you Pick up the Sony A7 S3 instead of the Cheaper Sony zv1 or the more Pro Style Video Centric camera like the Sony fx3 Well with the A7 S3 you're getting a Real hybrid camera you can use it like a Photo camera with the electronic Viewfinder and it still has everything You need to make it a good video camera Plus no overheating no record time dual SD card slots great battery life pretty Much everything you need the main reason I recommend someone pick up the Sony zv1 Instead of the a7s 3 is if you're mainly A digital content creator that camera is Made from the ground up with digital Content creators in mind you're going to Get the same video specs but you're Going to get other features like Cinematic Vlog mode AI based autofocus And my favorite the built-in three Capsule microphone that's going to give You phenomenal audio and the zv1 is also Smaller cheaper and lighter so if you're Someone that doesn't need all the fancy Bells and whistles of the A7 S3 the zv1 Is definitely a better buy and if you're Someone that's really a pro video Shooter maybe you don't really care About the photo features the fx3 is a

Few hundred more but it's rigged up to Be a pro Cinema Camera it has the exact One layout you would expect on a cinema Camera on top of that it also has some Fancy slog3 Cinema EI modes that Filmmakers really need but the main Reason people pick up the fx3 is the Built-in fan and design and just knowing That you're getting a proper Cinema Camera however the A7 S3 does not Overheat and if you can make some Compromises in terms of design you can Save yourself $400 to $500 and just get An A7 S3 but most importantly if you Want to make sure you get the best Possible pricing on your camera make Sure to check out the links in the Description down below and I'll see you Guys in the next video peace