The Ten Best Low Budget Lenses…Ever! For 2023

[Music] Howdy again everyone and let's get Straight into this one after testing Over 550 different camera lenses across All kinds of different camera systems Here are the 10 best low budget lenses I Ever came across or at least my favorite Ones I'm sure other people will have Their own opinions these aren't just Lenses that happen to offer good value For money if you know how expensive 800 Millimeter lenses normally are then You'll know that the 6500 Nikon said 800 Millimeter F 6.3 is fantastically good Value for money comparatively if you're Loaded this is a video for normal people Like me who need to watch their pennies Closely so I'm counting lenses here that Are cheap but also fantastically good And practically useful I'm gonna count Them in order of their release dates as Usual you'll find links to full reviews Down in the description below you and if You want to support the channel a little Bit then you'll find affiliate links Down there too and thanks in advance now The earliest lens in this list is over 14 years old now the Nikon AFS DX 35 Millimeter F 1.8 G lens is a brilliant Neat little thing and utterly obvious Choice for anyone using an aps-c or DX Nikon digital SLR camera and a Fantastically good value optic too on an Aps-c camera which is what this lens is

Designed for 35 millimeter is a lovely Standard field of view neither wide Angle nor telephoto so this lens is Crazy versatile and F 1.8 is a Wonderfully wide aperture for getting Pictures in dark situations and out of Focus backgrounds even its build quality And autofocus were reasonably modern What mod could you possibly want for 200 Bikes it always bugged me that Canon Never bothered to make a lens like this For their own absc digital SLR cameras And my bewilderment only grew when I Finally got around to testing this Nikon Lens and discovered that it's really Pretty good quality I wonder how many of Them Nikon actually made and sold it Must have been warehouses full next up Another apsc camera lens this time one Of the first available on the Sony's Momolus e-mount cameras now with a Tighter angle of 50 millimeter this lens Is much more suitable for portrait and Subject photography where it really Shines and it has two major advantages Firstly image stabilization which at the Time was mostly unheard of in an F 1.8 Lens and secondly really nice sharpness Even on a 24 megapixel camera and Decently soft out of focus backgrounds I Love how old school this lenses and yet How brilliant and very very useful if You're shooting on one of Sony's aps-c E-mount cameras which doesn't have

In-body image stabilization then this Lens is worth every penny of its asking Price it's lovely and sharp just don't Get the nasty Silver version that I Ended up testing here Next up the Canon EFM 22 millimeter F2 STM oh boy I liked this lens a pancake Lens with a bright aperture and the full Frame equivalent focal length at 35 Millimeter that's just about every box For me that an optic could possibly tick It might sound like an odd thing to say But the EFM 22 millimeter F2 always Struck me as a bit of a crazy Maverick Lens if that makes any sense to you it's Trying to do more than it should be able To it has monstrously heavy vignetting Which is an indicator of just how much Canon were pushing the parameters of a Pancake lens to get such a bright Maximum aperture in there but it's Fairly sharp and it has great close-up Capability and damage quality and of Course it's so small that it makes your Moles ER salmon camera even if it's been Outdated a fantastically tiny system I Really hope that Canon remake this lens For their EOS MLS cameras as it would be A great fit for their new aps-c models Like my EOS R7 or especially the new EOS R50 with its tiny size now the second Canon lens on this list came out in 2014 Just in time for me to get a copy from a Camera shop in Busan while I was on a

Filmmaking trip to South Korea until This lens came out the wonderful world Of ultra wide angle photography had an Expensive entry fee Ultra wider lenses Were either pricey or poor quality but Now for 300 bucks anyone shooting with An absc Canon digital SLR camera had Access to incredibly wide angles and Emit stabilization most of all though This lens is nice and sharp even when I Recently retested it on a 32.5 megapixel Camera it was no slouch turning in Decently Sharp Images even considering It's low price And the third Canon lens on this list is An absolute no-brainer designed for Full-frame SLR cameras the Mark 1 and Mark II versions of Canon's famous nifty 50 lens sold incredibly well and can be Found a little cheaper than this STM Version of the lens but the STM version I'm listing here has somewhat better Contrast better build quality better Autofocus and a closer Focus distance so I would recommend getting this version Of the lens from 2015 of the older Lenses any day even though it's not Really any sharper for a hundred dollars It simply doesn't get any better value Than this it really is the ultimate lens To open up the world of shallow depth of Field photography to beginner Photographers and anyone else on a low Budget by the way I also tested Nikon's

Equivalent f-mount 50 millimeter F 1.10 Lens a while ago and it was heavily fine As well so for users of Nikon's digital SLR cameras that's a nice option for you Too okay next up this list was getting a Little boring so here's something Completely different for anyone who's Feeling a little adventurous want to get Some seriously Unique Images or just Love macro photography well this cheap Little manual focus lens will get to an Unbelievable 4.5 times magnification to Your subject just look at these crazy Pictures be warned though it's a macro Only lens it cannot focus to normal Distances and despite its bright Aperture of F2 add such magnifications Your image will actually be very dark so You will need to use a tripod with this Lens which can get a bit fiddly when You're working so close to your subject Okay next up the tamon 35 millimeter F 2.8 di3 OSD M1 to 2. okay this lenses Parameters might look a little boring on Paper but it's full frame it's weather Sealed it's very inexpensive and it has A fabulous semi macro capability getting You potentially very close to your Subject which is always great fun on a Wide-angle lens in my opinion it's 35 Millimeter focal length is seriously Useful the maximum battery of f 1.2 well A good start most of all though its Images are really sharp even into the

Corners on a full frame camera with Plenty of good contrast leaving you with Very Punchy images of just about Anything you choose to put in front of It I have fond memories of taking this Lens with me to a little Retreat I take In mid Wales about a year ago and Exploring the beautiful countryside with It and the towns at night time with it On my Sony a7r camera it really is an Enjoyable lens to use And now a Fuji lens yes you are watching The Right video the Fiji X system is Definitely not well known for having low Priced official lenses which is why the Announcement of this thing sent my head Spinning around it has the optical Quality and small size of the wonderful XF 35 millimeter F2 lens but with a Cheaper plastic body and its price tag Cut in half yes for only 200 bucks you Can get a very nice sharp lens for your Fiji x-mount more or less camera with a Bright aperture and an angular view That's incredibly useful what a Wonderful little gift for us all it Might not look like much but the full Fiji XF Optical quality is packed into This thing's glass and it'll take Gorgeous pictures for you for a great Price next up an option that might take Some of you by surprise but I wanted Something on this list to have an ultra Bright aperture for Creative Photography

There are plenty of cheap 50 millimeter F 0.95 lenses out there in the world Which can get these tiny images but most Of them had Dreadful image quality Particularly when shooting close up or Looking in your image Corners well the Seven art Sands company did something Interesting here they decided to darken That maximum after down to F 1.05 and in doing so managed to improve Their lenses technical image quality to Being acceptable while still giving you Ridiculously out of focus backgrounds in Your images so to my mind this lens Offers a nice balance between crazy Aperture brightness and offering some Kind of decent image quality which is Why I really enjoyed testing it out in The end so if full frame manual focus Lenses of this kind are of interest to You and they kind of are to me depending On what kind of day I'm having I reckon This is the most balanced optic you can Get for your money either that or shout Out seven thousand dollars for the Nikon Z not lens instead well anyway the Sigma 18 to 50 millimeter F 2.8 DC DNC is the Last lens on this list and it's way more Conventional more flexible and way way Easier to use than well almost any of The previous lenses I've mentioned I've Always been a fan of fast standard zoom Lenses for aps-c cameras they are so Incredibly versatile and they can be

Smaller than full frame 24 to 70 Millimeter F 2.8 lenses but they still Tend to be pretty expensive and a rather Large size or they have poor image Quality historically this new Sigma zoom Lens might not have the sharpest image Corners in the world but its overall Image quality is very nice and what's More it's comparatively apps absolutely Tiny and really great value for money When you compare it to its competition This is the ideal upgrade in my opinion To your camera's zoomable kit lens but For those on a bit of a budget or who Just like their camera equipment to be Lovely and small with a zoom lens Capable of shooting at F 2.8 you'll be Getting better shutter speeds and more Out of focus backgrounds than your Typical little zoomable kit lens which Translates to an easier and more Photographic experience with your new Camera and this Sigma lens is currently Available on Sony E and Fiji X Mount Cameras okay well what do you think of My list remember it's kind of subjective These are just my favorite what's the Best value lens that you've ever bought Tell me about it in the comment section Below and check out the description for Links to full reviews of each of these Lenses as well as a link to my patreon Page for some exclusive bonus con Content and God bless everyone take care

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