Panasonic S5IIX: Is It the Ultimate Full Frame Video Camera?

Hey it's Stephen Evelyn from the camera Store and we're on the Bow River talking About the brand new Panasonic s52x [Music] We got our hands on this very video Centric tool from Panasonic so we Couldn't help ourselves but work with Drew who's normally behind the camera to Be able to film something today to Really test this and put it through its Faces now a nice hook that we thought About for photographing today is one of Our very good friends Chris Nichols Loves fly fishing however his partner Your husband Jordan drink does not Really care he's not usually a big fan Of shooting fishing I mean he's had it a Lot in his life but as they embark on Their new adventure to pet a pixel it's Really great to bring Chris out get him On the river and be able to film one of His other hobbies that he enjoys so much When we asked him hey Chris you want to Be in a montage for some fly fishing No hesitation at all So if you haven't done this already make Sure you go check them out on petapixel But you're going to be seeing some Coverage today of him we have this great Little montage and so let's check it out [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music]

[Music] Foreign Talking about what this camera is like From a photographic standpoint I know It's the video Centric one but it's Basically the same camera as the S5 too If you go back to our video there you Can see what to expect from there we can Also look at some of the samples I've Shot recently with this one to 400 of my Daughter playing rugby I mean this Camera has the same sensor as the s52 a 24 megapixel full frame sensor and That's not a bad thing at all 24 Megapixels is more than enough Resolution for most people's needs and The color I'm getting out of it is Fantastic now indoor hockey is a little More challenging lighting situation than Outdoor rugby however I found I was Getting the same performance between the X and the regular S5 too now I was Looking forward to see if the autofocus Has improved or anything like that but Taking out to a rugby game with this one To 400 photographed my daughter got very Similar results with what we got with The S5 too when we Shot Hockey indoors So when it comes to shooting Stills with The S5 2x I couldn't tell the difference Between the s52 or the s52x they're both Delivering very good results All right so Drew's joined us from Behind the camera to talk about those

Very video Centric camera now what's the Big difference between this one and the S5 too uh 300 There's almost Canadian 300 Canadian Yeah honestly the top level specs are Really the same between the two cameras Same dual native ISO same battery I know You have a few things to say about the Matte black I personally think it looks Pretty cool although I did I really did Like the red accents on the S5 II so the Red Racing Stripes My question is more with the grayed out Dials here so all your custom one two And three and everything else is a gray Rather than a bold white I wonder if That's going to affect people if they're Shooting in sort of sketchier light Conditions the white will pop a lot more Yeah but I mean there is the night mode Built in to the camera itself and there Is some tactile control uh feel to the Controls themselves honestly it's not Too dissimilar from the gh6 so I think Once you're kind of used to it you Probably won't have too much of an issue They are very functional cameras and I Have to give it to that every button has A label on it so you don't question what Does this button do honestly it the Aesthetics the overall like handling and Everything was identical between the two Of them so really easy to just kind of Pick up and play so the biggest

Difference between this camera and the S52 is more on the video side I think We're gonna bring Evelyn on are you guys Going to discuss that really techy geeky Stuff very techy Thanks to Dee for saving all the techie Geeky stuff talking about this s52x now Of course this is the video Centric Model we've alluded to that but we want To get into why that is what makes this Camera special and why do we have this Additional upgrade fee that a lot of Photographers that might not have gone For more of the hybrid camera would Really care about as much what are you Most excited about Drew all intra can You explain explain what all intra is For those that don't know okay so all Intra is basically a fancy way of saying Every single frame is recorded every Single one of 60 every single one of 30 Every single one and it increases the Data rate so much It is a lot more information but it's Hilarious because when they were talking About the specs on this they were like Oh yeah it's going to do up to 600 Megabits per second and then you realize Oh it's because it's doing a whole lie As opposed to Long GOP so that was that Kind of explained a lot but that's Exciting because you get just a better Look more detail more sharpness and how Your video footage actually is going to

Translate yeah and for the high frame Rates uh every single frame being Recorded especially for the when you Start to speed ramp and slow things down Quite considerably it looks so smooth And just so buttery across all the Motions and everything so there was one Thing that kind of frustrated me you do Need a USBC plugged directly into the Camera to record a lot of the all eye Frame rates and especially for 4K you Have to have an SSD plug directly into This so that was a bit of a small Frustration because I don't have an SSD Just hanging out on me unfortunately and How do you feel about grading and Working with the Panasonic footage I Mean we've worked with Panasonic for a Long time we mostly shoot on our trusty Panasonic gh6 that's what we're filming Our a-roll on right now it's a little Bit of a bias but I really do love the Color that's coming off of Panasonic Especially the skin tones everyone talks About Canon skin tones and everything Like that but I really do find that Panasonic has this really nice natural Look to it that you can only accentuate Even more in post and it's super easy to Grade v-log is really really easy to Actually pull a lot of details and a lot Of the time when we have situations Where there's massive differences in Highlights and shadows and I'll just

Shoot v-log and be able to pretty much Make the shot look exactly as I want to In post and why do you think like what Type of videographer would choose this Camera compared to the s52 like what are Some of the other key things that you Think that they would benefit from Prores recording really cool a lot of These internal recording options are Kind of locked behind a USBC direct out If you are planning on using a lot of Those higher bit rate higher frame rate Options you are going to have to cage it But that kind of also tracks because a Lot of the functionality also comes Direct out of HDMI into an Atmos Recorder so if you're rigging this up For an Atmos anyways I mean or a black Mask or Blackmagic or something like That uh having a SSD parked directly on The side or integrated into your overall Cage system it is pretty normal it's Pretty par for the course at this point So and then at that point you can either Shoot the raw prores and then you get Even more flexibility in your footage Another thing that we do a ton of at TCS TV is shooting live streaming now this Camera has some very specific dedicated Live streaming features that do give you Some additional advantages can you talk A little bit about what some of those Are too there is rtmp protocol built Directly into this so you can stream

Using the Lumix Stream app honestly it's Really cool yeah to be able to just Basically go out and the middle of Nowhere and set up a stream yeah it's Kind of like how we've done it with the YOLO box you know there's all these Other tools but if the less stuff you Have to bring out into the field places Like this I mean we're in the city today But even just being able to Pare down Your kit is obviously a really nice Advantage yeah totally and yeah since This is weather sealed and the YOLO box Isn't I mean there is a extra layer of Confidence in taking it out putting it By water you know going out in the Middle of a couple of close calls you Know so all in all this is loaded with a Lot of features that people that are Primarily on video production or are Going to appreciate so what would you Say are like the top few things other Than the uh all eye and everything right There I really still do like the Real-time library that they've got Integrated into the s52 and the s52x It's so handy especially for v-log There's like two or three Luts that we Specifically use for v-log so having Those integrated and baked in the Footage still easily one of my favorite Things yeah and tons of video assist Tools too I mean we have Vector Scopes We have waveforms we have of the nice

Level bar we have a little bit of Everything that really just helps your Video production kind of sees things That you might not see right away Exactly and we have a fuller articulator But the screen's bright which is really Nice considering what we were shooting In today so yeah now we do have to Mention on the battery side of things we Do pump through batteries pretty quickly But because we are integrated into the Panasonic system we have lots of the Batteries and it is cross compatible you Can use the same batteries that go in The Panasonic gh6 overall Drew I think We can agree that this is a terrific Video tool it fits nicely into the Panasonic family and is going to be Welcomed by a lot of content creators But of course is it worth the extra Three hundred dollars Canadian oh yeah I Mean just the all eye by itself that is Worth the extra money all the extra Other features that you get thrown in With it as well I mean it's just icing On the cake I really do think it was a Good choice honestly like a lot of those Features photographers just do not need And so you know save 300 bucks you get a Hybrid cam but only 300 and something You've got got D raw all internal you've Got all of these extra frame rates Codecs available to you I mean it just Makes sense in the Montage you might

Have noticed there was a couple of Aerial shots now we didn't really strap This to its drone we cheated a little Bit we wanted to make it epic for Chris Nichols you know two of the shots one of Them was shot with a GoPro I was the one Going in the water just in case you're Wondering uh and the aerial shots were Done on a DGI Mini 2 which was piloted By my good friend Maxwell and uh he has A bit of a YouTube channel it's going Through some transitions right now but It is Maxwell aerial photography so you Gotta check that out see it grow give Them some support subscribe but of Course as always we love hearing your Comments we want to know what do you Think about this new version of the Camera let us know in the comments below Follow us both on Instagram and if You're new to the Channel Please Subscribe hit the notification Bell and We'll catch you again very soon all of Them both Fine [Music] So I'm going to I'm not going to cast This I'm going to talk shock it yes do You want me to Chuck it so that way you Can no no no no no like that like I'll Cast it but I'm not going to uh cast it Back and forth yeah all right go for it Foreign Left already hey thanks for sticking

Around and watching this episode I guess I missed the final wrap up uh if you Want to check out more of a recent Content click up here and if you're a Canadian you want to shop local check Out the camera down here

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