SONY 20-70mm F4 G Review: Is this the BEST lens of 2023 so far?

Hey TCS TV viewers it's David Evelyn From the camera store and today we're Talking about the Sony full frame 20 to 70 F4 G lens [Music] Evelyn we're really used to 2470 lenses On the market now popular lenses but They're the bread and butter lenses one Of the trifecta lenses that every Professional uses the 2470 lens range is Often a little bit limiting people want A little bit wider or a little bit more Of a telephoto so we see 24 out of 105s But this is a very unique lens yeah I Mean Panasonic has the 10 to 25 Millimeter for mic for thirds which Would crop to a very similar focal range But then you also have the 20 to 60 in Their full frame series however that's Like a very small kind of plasticky lens Very consumer where this is a more Full-featured higher end G Series lens It has a lot of exciting things about it So we're going to get into some of those Details we're going to tell you who we Think this lens is for and any Limitations with it as well when you First get your hands on this lens it is A relatively lightweight lens but it Doesn't have the same fit and finish as A g Master lens although it is really Well built yeah it's definitely a more Compact lens it's 488 grams it has a 70 Two millimeter filter thread in the

Front we have some weather sealing yeah We do have a clickable and a De-clickable aperture ring which is nice To work with as well because I think This lens is really going to appeal to a Lot of content creators we're always Looking for like the most versatile one Body one lens kind of combination and This lens really suits a lot of people's Needs definitely I think it has a lot of Versatility to it I love how small and Compact it makes your package and it Also has I mean being this wide angle zoom lens It would obviously work well for travel Landscapes things like that those are The first things that come to mind but Then also for the video production side Because you have a little bit of that Extra wide angle reach on the wide end You also are able to use it for video And some of the features that Sony has Put in their new cameras so for example We have Focus breathing correction that Does crop in slightly as well as if you Have Digital Image stabilization so if You're using both of those features I'm Having the extra wide angle ability will Actually make it so it gives you just That extra flexibility in your shooting And being more of that affordable price Point being a G Series lens I think Would be such a nice pairing if you Wanted to get one of the more

Entry-level full-frame cameras maybe the A74 or even the a7c I think it would be Such a wonderful pairing most Importantly we're seeing this as a very Sharp lens the image quality is looking Excellent we're seeing it's sharp Throughout the entire range there's a Bit of an advantage of the wide end on Etched Edge sharpness but even at 70 Millimeters it's looking really good That's really important I mean 20 Millimeters we want that edge has Sharpness we're often doing something Much wider but 70 millimeters lends Itself more to portraits where the Center focus is what's really crucial The edges aren't as crucial but it's Still very good across the board yeah it Works decently as sort of like your Average close-up lens as well so if you Want to get some more of those detail Shots you have that ability I mean with its nine bladed aperture we Are finding that we are producing some Really nice bokeh especially with Portraits now it is an F4 lens it's not A 1.4 lens so we need to worry about how We manipulate our environment a little Bit more to get those really nice sort Of creamy backgrounds so you can get Some nice background separation in the Bulky balls we're seeing them to be nice And smooth good fall off we're also Seeing that this has nice contrast flare

Is really well corrected and it's just Overall producing a pleasing look now With this unique focal length you don't Necessarily think of it as a sports and Action kind of lens but the autofocus Performance is very impressive out of This yeah you can shoot for snacks with It and that's because it has two XD Linear Motors inside this lens so it's Keeping up with Sony's awesome autofocus Technology and if you take a look at our Wall test here as I jump in and out of Frame you'll see how quickly it acquires Focus from the wall back to my face both At 20 millimeters and at 70 millimeters It's very impressive the faster and more Accurate a camera can focus and the lens Works together even better yeah I think Overall we're seeing this lens just Being incredibly versatile for for both Still photography and video it's smooth It's quiet and it just produces Beautiful image quality after having Using this lens for a while I'm quite Enjoying what I'm getting out of it the Results are fantastic it's incredibly Sharp and well controlled with all the Different geekiness that we talk about Yeah it's still early in this year but It's uh it's definitely one of my Favorite lenses that's been announced in A while just because I like the Versatility I like that it's so compact Affordability is really nice too it's

Great to see you know a lot of the times We're reviewing these super high-end Lenses so having something that more People are going to be able to enjoy Always makes me happy yeah and to get Down to that 20 millimeter range you'd Have to have a separate lens in the past For that and it goes even much much Wider than that however I'm finding 20 Millimeters is really sufficient for a Lot of wide angle needs especially as a Walk around so I can see myself grabbing This lens and body combination a lot to Go out and shoot just general purpose Stuff but of course we want to know what Do you think of this lens does it check All your boxes is this something that You'd add to your kit if you're already A full frame Sony user or are you new to Sony full frame you're thinking about Getting something would this be a good Pairing for you let us know in the Comments below and is this the most Versatile lens that Sony has in their Offerings these days make sure you Follow us both on Instagram and if You're new to our Channel Please Subscribe and hit the notification Bell So we can catch again very soon [Music] Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support

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