This is the best focal length

Welcome back to ubtv viewers I'm Chris Nichols and I am Jordan Drake between The two of us we have over 25 years of Experience reviewing camera gear and Vastly more experience when it comes to Our own private work in the fields of Videography and photography and Therefore that makes us not only Internet Sensations but highly regarded Hey I would actually say the most highly Regarded experts in our field yeah I Don't think that's even debatable and Because we're such experts that's why we Feel like we can objectively come up With the answer for what is the best Pokemon yes absolutely let me make this Clear this is not an opinion not we're Putting out here this is objective fact That should apply to you every single Creator this is the be-all and end-all Answer to this debate not even Photographers and videographers this Applies to painters as well when they're Trying to figure out the correct Perspective sir now although it's true That most other folklanks do have their Time and place where they can be best Utilized there is definitively only one Folk length that is considered the Greatest of all time spanning all genres If binoculars were made in an equivalent Focal length they'd be the best Binoculars if rifle scopes the best Rifle scopes kaleidoscopes the best

Kaleidoscope you get it so the greatest Focal length is an 85 millimeter focal Length in full frame turns is there one Thing that makes the 85 millimeter Folklink the greatest focal length Definitively of all time Bar None no There are so many factors that add up to Make this the greatest focal length I Mean first off it is a simple Optical Formula to make they are stunningly Crisp very sharp lenses you have Something that can be made with Incredibly wide bright apertures for Maximum light Gathering capability if You want shallow depth of field they can Deliver it if you want something more Compact you can make combat formulas That still allow plenty of light in for Portraits they're classical Forte they Excel over any other lens it's Flattering to the face minimal Distortion and yet it's the right fog Length to be able to do group shots of Families couples together Head and Shoulder portraits it can do them all Street photography fantastic not only For their light Gathering capability but The ability to capture the story but Still maintain a comfortable distance From your subjects when needed Landscapes by very skilled photographers Myself included you can utilize an 85 Millimeter beautifully for stunning Landscapes if I only had to pick one I

Could make this lens work for so many Different kinds of Photography what in God's name are you talking about 85 Millimeters is such a restrictive focal Restrictive I don't know I The Versatile Is the word you're looking for I just Explained how versatile it was like no Like exactly are you going to use that Lens indoors like only if you live in a Mansion or a warehouse Capability I mean you belong in a Warehouse Fletchling dust I have Traveled so many times with a single Lens and it would never cross my mind to Leave with just an 85 millimeter Left Right which is a deficiency on your part And your mental acuity I understand like In storytelling you know you need Multiple subjects in the frame 85 Millimeters is great for isolating a Single subject but you know you can't Bring depth to it you know it's always Just of course I can with the aperture I Can choose to have shallow depth of Field expansive depth I mean I can tell stories about people I Can tell stories on the street I can Tell stories about Landscapes I can tell Stories about wedding couples about baby Portraits about fascinating subjects a Whole bunch of portrait examples is what You guys I believe I said the word Landscape as well yeah but you were Wrong when you said that okay

Objectively because he is Wrong a 35 millimeters is the best focal Length oh you want the animal I mean 35 Millimeters is the storyteller's focal Length you can bring in the environment Into the image or the video that you're Capturing and there have been so many Times where I'm going on a trip and I'll Bring a camera with just a 35 millimeter Lens because it can do so much or I've Shot entire episodes of DP Review TV With just a 35 millimeter lens and I Don't feel like I'm missing anything and There's so many examples of like really Bright 35 millimeters a really compact 35 millimeters think about the number of Compact cameras that have been released With a built-in 35 millimeter lens Because it's so versatile how many Compacts with an 85 millimeter have you Seen I don't think anyone's ever made One because it makes no goddamn sense Chris somebody needs to call a coroner Because this man is clearly brain dead That's not actually when you call Coroners you usually wait until you tell That line okay to pull the plug continue So I will agree with you on one thing Because I'm a really simple person the 35 millimeter is excellent lens for Telling stories when those stories are The most boring uninteresting but now Sorts of subject and I can see in the Exif data whenever we upload to a sample

Gallery on it says focal Length and the majority of the photos That I've taken that I really like on There are 35 I love interest and you Know what I had a story is about when And it's a zoom that covers the 35 Millimeter range I have seen plenty of Examples where you've taken beautiful Photos of 35 millimeters so I'm a very Professional camera reviewer and I do it Under duress I mean the fact of the Matter is you can't tell the stories That an 85 millimeter can tell if I need To get more of the story I can just walk Backwards with my legs and I can get That shot but I could say closer yes can You do undistorted portraits close up no They look terrible your lens is absolute Garbage you know what I know we were Doing the best lens focal length of all Time but let's put the worst focal Length of all time Jordan oh I have an Objective I'm gonna go with 35 Millimeters yes it's absolutely the Worst focal length of all time I mean Anything a 35 millimeter can do Jordan a 28 millimeter can do better it can tell Even more of the story that would easily Be the better choice or the sturdy and Trusty 50 millimeter you can get those In the same kind of light Gathering Formulas they're very versatile with Their natural look on the world and They're way more affordable what's funny

You should mention 50 millimeters Chris Because I have run the numbers Objectively 50 millimeters is the worst Focal oh wait you have run the numbers Really because if you rad the numbers You would realize that every single Camera and Camera manufacturer released A camera in the 70s and 80s with a 50 Millimeter and we've learned since but Since then it has been the nifty 50 that Has been every photographer's Choice After their kit list I want the numbers Show that it's a wonderful a wonderful Loved lens I once went on a trip and Made the mistake of bringing just a 50 Millimeter lens with me and I spent the Entire time being like ah it's not wide Enough to capture my seat it's not long Enough to really isolate a sometimes Mushy Middle Ground I had a lengthy Phone conversation with that very 50 Millimeter lens and it told me that the Mistake was actually bringing you along On that trip because you were such an Unimagined creator that you couldn't Make a 50 millimeter long for everything And I'm tired of everybody saying it's Such a natural perspective I mean to Really approximate human Vision it's More like a 42 millimeter lens which is Also closer to 35 millimeters which is The best folk you know let's cite Pentax Which we all know is the greatest camera Manufacturer of all time they actually

State that it's closer to 43 millimeters Which would then actually be closer to a 50 millimeter folk length not a 35 mil That's bananas you're being ridiculous Jordan I mean if we're gonna talk about The second best focal length of probably 15 millimeters and the 28 wouldn't be Far behind in third place oh so now we Get to do runner-up focal lines fine I'm Expanding the scope of this video again The best focal length is 35 millimeters The second best is 135 millimeters Object oh Jordan I mean clearly a Childish response to the fact that 135 Millimeter has 35 millimeter in it That's the only reason that has nothing To do with it I think it's iron or Portrait focal length then 85 Millimeters it's great for indoors and a Really nice compressed Landscapes with It it is song Gem of a wonderful if you Have a mile behind you to walk back Actively the second best okay well then The third vespoke length is done 28 mil We're not going to keep doing this you Know what this has been a fun discussion Where we came to some real solid Conclusions so thank you for Contributing to those Chris thanks so Much for watching everyone yeah leave Your comments below and let us know what You think your favorite folk length is Again clearly it will be the not Favorite objectively the best wait was

There's a reason a five shooting cameras Don't have 85 millimeter lenses on it That's because people are lazy they just Don't want anything okay thank you guys So much for joining us and we'll see you Soon with another episode of deep review TV if we don't kill each other this was Fun [Music] Good [Music]

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