Live Music Photography with the Hasselblad X2D 100C

Hey TCS TV viewers it's David Evelyn From the camera store and today we've Come down to the Palomino Smokehouse and That's because we're going to do a Special feature on the Hasselblad X2d100c [Music] Today we have a special guest Ron bubnik Who you might remember for some previous Episodes he's also a resident photo nerd At the camera store so we're going to Meet up with him and hear what he did With the Hasselblad x2d100c all right Ron we're here in the Palomino which is A barbecue and Smoke House by day and Then at night time we're actually in the Showroom where a lot of local bands Around Calgary have performed so let's Talk about why you love this xtd camera I mean we're talking about a camera That's very different than what's on the Market contemporarily a lot of cameras Right now are being manufactured in Japan there are cameras that are Designed with a lot of functionality in Mind so they throw as many features as They can to create tools that are good For both photography and video now this Is different because it's actually Handmade in Sweden so we have the Scandinavian design in this camera and It follows a lot of that same ethos of Having something that's minimalist yep So what is it about it that you love

Um For the most part Shooting With intent and shooting a little bit More slowly is something that I find Myself doing nowadays what do you Normally shoot with Ron right now Currently uh like I am 10 and my like I Am six so yeah it's definitely a Refreshing change to jump into medium Format digital and have something so Incredibly elegant it treats you like Just a front-end user you've got a very Very simplified interface which makes You want to use the camera more it felt Just at home in hand and my whole Interaction with it and definitely Testing the autofocus which is something That had remained kind of a carryover Complaint from the previous iterations Well let's talk about that a little bit Of of what kind of autofocus system We're talking about so this uses a Hybrid of contrast detect as well as Phase detection however it doesn't have Like continuous tracking autofocus that You find in a lot of other contemporary Cameras but in something like this where You have musicians that from the photos You're showing me are relatively in a Static position we're able to utilize This Focus system for what it's good at Oh yeah yeah can you talk about how that Impacted you

Um actually it it worked just fine in And out of this poor lighting condition Because I'd be burying my my shutter Speed all over the place just to try and See or at least bring everything up to a Lit level enough that I could say oh yes This is what I'm gonna who I'm about to Shoot the angle and subsequently how Much light I'm going to need from my External strobe to stop them I was super Happy with it if you're present the Thing is is absolutely amazing and we'll Put in the work and for the most part We'll nail our focus when need be so you Didn't feel like you were missing Anything No no as you can see I was really close To the stage so it'll allow me to stop Recompose for like two seconds and I Fire and This thing even at 400 ISO with a strobe Was really starting to shine at certain Points once I really started getting my Bearings with it yeah now of course with It being a 100 megapixel medium format Sensor camera did you feel that you Realized the full potential of that like Could you really see a difference in What you were able to achieve compared To what you're normally used to shooting With your Leica certainly the files are Massive 250 Megabyte raws uh how do you deal with Those too also sadly when I connected it

So when I connected it to my computer Which is roughly six years old it made The most horrid fan sound the moment I Started to upload all the shots off of This thing But it is still alive and bringing up Those files can be painful in some cases But I can deal with that did you feel Like you were still kind of stealthy With it like did Like digging along such a big um Expensive piece of equipment no I've Very nicely cleaned it all off but this Thing had black gaffer tape all over it Because I knew what I was bringing to The venue maneuvering around this camera Actually really really fun once you get Acclimated to it it once again as ever Was indicating it doesn't beat you over The head with like a barrage of Different feature sets you know I Absolutely love how this has such a Graphic and simplistic menu design for Especially the type of work that you do You don't need to go deep into menus and Get lost in things like especially Having it paired down to this photo is Also really nice too like there is no Video functionality on this correct zero That's 100 its intent this is as Minimalist as they could probably get Into a very high-end luxury camera this Is definitely something designed by an App team touch screen interface giant

Icons Very little Underneath those icons it's very clear Very clean very concise pictures and Words Um creature of very little needs yeah Except for 100 megapixel medium format I Know Dave has some other questions for You about this camera but I'm very glad That you Because I think it really showed this I'm glad I got to do this test right are We so lucky Really overtly nerdy and unnecessary but Yes I enjoy it okay well you can nerd Out somewhere with Dave yes all right Ron first off I'm kind of choked he Didn't invite me to the Palomino for This night of uh of Photography Bliss Yeah no it was it was a good time so I Like this camera quite a bit I like the Minimalist design but how did you find As far as like the stabilization work Does have five axis stabilization it was Amazing so what were you able to kind of Like play around with you were doing a Lot of like uh second curtain sync and Dragging your shutter a lot right right What were you kind of your comfort Levels as far as shutter speed goes One one-fourth of a second And ISO 400 Three-quarter power flash output nerding Things aside I was getting

Complete and utter detail while leaving Ghosts all over my frame and it was it Was so much fun that I wanted to Experiment more and more with the Cameras the night goat went on and you Probably see that through the pictures As they scroll through the video and You're like oh he really just started Wiling out towards the end but I mean Yes that often happens if you want to Play with it I mean the more you drink The better your shots get A singular beer calm down yeah yeah well Don't look at my portfolio Like I just have to say thankful and Autofocus systems yeah I know now with This camera it does have a beautiful Viewfinder on it it's 5.7 million dots Um but it also has a really good Touchscreen on the back that's 2.3 right Do you find you're using one over the Other and did you find in an environment Like this the viewfinder was your best Friend that whole night I had used the Viewfinder a total of two times yeah it Was something that was noted when we First debox this at the shop that Holding it up to your eye would actually Cause a noticeable amount of of lag Before it would actually come up it is a Very clean viewfinder when it does come Up I will still use the viewfinder on This camera Not always though I I for the most of

The show I use the back screen which was Amazing at its job so using the touch Screen to touch where you wanted it to Focus correct move the auto focus around Check your exposure of course as well so You find it usually mostly that way or My nose when I put it to autofocus and It would touch the screen so yeah you'll You'll leave you'll leave greasy spots On on a ten thousand dollar camera if You're not careful now the other thing About this camera that's quite unique is That it has a one terabyte drive built Into it now it's like an SSD drive and They had to do that because they needed The kind of speed for these massive Files to make this camera really Functional right you know I have sort of A a love hate with that whole concept What's your thoughts on having that size Of a drive well I I mean we're already Uh fawning over and and or pining over In the market uh hitting those one and Two terabyte thresholds for our writable Media we're thinking with that that's The thing is it would be ground floor Sooner than later yeah I mean with an External you know drive or a CF Express Card right you can take that out and Replace it but correct the internal one If something goes wrong with that Particular oh you got to send it back so You've got to send it in who knows how Much it's going to be but I mean that's

The debate there is that how much are You investing in you know potential Remember you don't have access to with The exception of them you know the usb-c Port yeah like I I can say that I had Popped a 64 gig card in here and done Four shots unfortunately Unfortunately uh I had shot the whole Show on Ron jpeg so before I knew it it Started dumping immediately over to the Internal hard drive on here uh 64 gigs It gets you roughly 120 shots in both Raw and jpeg on this thing Which is great because I shoot film it's Fine but yeah the having that much space I don't mind because When I was holding on to this it was a Death grip for that night well I would Hope so so yeah yeah so and and plus I Had shot everything basically I had a Strobe I was shoot there was no strobe Atop this camera the night that I shot I Had a remote transmitter and the The Flash in my other hand so I was stopping One fourth of a second like so which is Kind of messy in this kind of lighting Environment but it provides outstanding Hits when you're playing now a lot of People haven't had their hands on this Camera the opportunity to play around With the camera like we're fortunate Enough to do because I keep on holding On to it is there a certain feature or Something about unique about this camera

That you don't find in other camera Systems that really sort of stands out For you It's the real minimalist aesthetic like I know they nailed it kind of in the First go uh this is just a perfect Refinement of that first go I think Their trajectory in so far as like the Lenses the overall design the interface I cannot wait to see them and hopefully They do replace the current xcd series And make more contemporary Uh series like so it's one of the Cleaning systems that I've used in a Long time yeah I mean obviously really Really like this camera I do if you Could sum it up quickly like what you Know what's your whole experience with This camera with all that you've used it Fantastic tool for the person who is Pretty much 100 percent present and does Not need The The Weaponized speed of some other cameras That are definitely within its price Range if not a little bit south of it This is for someone who wants to take Their time this is for someone who dare I say yes Works in studio all the time And absolutely stunning stunning machine Well cool thanks Ron for uh for going Out and taking these shots and Explaining your uh your side of it for

For letting us play here at the Palomino And the camera store of course because I Wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be Playing with this thing if that wasn't The case sounds good well Dave we had a Lot of fun talking to Ron at the Palomino about his experience with the X2d it certainly is now this is a camera That I don't think I would bring into a Nightclub and shoot with for me it's More of a landscape camera more of an Architectural kind of camera but not Something I want to take into a Nightclub that's going to be potentially You know beer strong and uh you know It's true it's a little risky maybe but I mean that's a great thing about us Working at the camera store is we always Get to test out some awesome gear and I Know Ron feels the same way of course we Want to know what do you guys think what Do you think of this test what did you Think of some of Ron spots on the Hospital at xdd let us know in the Comments below and have anybody else out There had use with 100 megapixel camera For night photography make sure you Follow us on Instagram and if you're new This Channel Please Subscribe and hit The notification Bell so we catch you Again very soon Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content Clips up here and if

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