Sony A6400 Review (2023) | Watch Before You Buy

The Sony a6400 is one of the most Popular cameras of all time because it's Shockingly powerful despite how small it Is and it's small enough to pretty much Be anything and everything to a large Variety of photographers and video Shooters although it's a bit of an older Camera and while it may not have the Fanciest features I wanted to see if the Quality is still good enough by today's Standards so let's take a look and see If the a6400 is still worth it and if It's right for you also if you want to Make sure you get the best possible Pricing on the a6400 make sure to check Out the links in the description down Below so the ACC 400 has a 24 megapixel Aps-c size sensor which is pretty much The standard Sony sensor but different Sony cameras actually produce very Different results from the same sensor Depending on how it's processed and the Sony color science so I had to put the A6400 3 real world test and I ended up Actually shooting a creative project With it now you might not shoot the kind Of projects that I shoot but this real World test will still give you a really Good idea of how this camera performs And if it's right for you the a6400 Shoots at 11 frames per second so with It I was easily able to capture a ton of Movement and motion with my model in 11 Frames per second is really fast enough

For most sports in action and the colors Right from this camera are so Punchy and Vivid it honestly doesn't need a ton of Editing but obviously I added the heck Out of these photos and with 14-bit raw I was really able to push the colors to Their maximum and really play around With the light values and the image did Not fall apart the quality was still Crisp at the end of it one of the Biggest selling points of the a6400 when It first came out was the autofocus and The autofocus in this camera is legit 99.9 of my shots were always tracking to The model's face for focus and even with The bread bed sheet or whatever I had Flying around the focus always went to The model's face and everything was Always tack sharp the a6400 shoots out At 11 frames per second which is pretty Fast but it's not always about how fast You can go with no pun intended but it's Also about how long you can go I swear To God I'm not trying to be funny but With the a6400 you can actually shoot 43 Raw photos in a row and 115 jpegs before This camera needs a break and this is a Really surprising feature to see on a Beginner entry-level camera like this Because that's a really large frame Buffer having a large frame buffer comes In really handy when you don't know what Your subject's doing there's a lot of Movement maybe you're shooting kids pets

Sports whatever have you but this way You can just simply hold down the Shutter button and let it rip and Without a doubt you're going to get your Shots considering the awesome Performance the a6400 is also a camera You can take with you in your everyday Life on vacation as you're just shooting In the city now when it comes to video It's a whole different story and the Type of person that uses this camera for Photos might be very different than the Type of person that uses it for videos The a6400 when it first came out was Supposed to be Sony's lifestyle camera But also a bit of a vlog camera but Sony's really so many Vlog and lifestyle Cameras since I don't know if the a6400 Still made sense so I did some testing In video mode it shoots 4K at 24 and 30 Frames per second which is perfect for Real-time video it's going to give you Amazing quality and it's going to blow Your cell phone out of the water now the Older Sony cameras actually used to Overheat quite a bit but this camera can Actually record 4K video up to 40 Minutes without any heating issues with The a6400 it's a really easy camera to Just whip out get some great vacation Clips shoot whatever cool thing you're At and just put it away it's a really Good everyday camera for video Specifically and now if you want to

Shoot it for vlogging or you want to Self-record the flip screen actually Comes up to the top but when you put a Mic on top of this camera it actually Blocks the screen now the internal audio Is decent it's not great but it's not Bad either and if you do want to just Use the in-camera audio for just casual Stuff it's nothing that the audio needs To be perfect for one issue that I have Is that can you guys hear that the clips On the side actually rattle when you're Recording so make sure to tape these Down if you're planning on using the Internal mic if you are someone that Wants a vlogging camera to be honest There's better vlogging cameras out There Sony actually makes the Sony zve10 Which has a three capsule microphone Array built into the camera and the flip Screen comes out to the side it's a much Better camera if you're specifically Focused on vlogging and self-recording But the a6400 is cheaper than the Sony Zv10 so if you're not a vlogger this is Still a better camera this is a great Camera to just simply whip out get some Cool Clips it's nice and small and the Quality is so good but there's actually So much more that the Sony a6400 offers Like really great slow motion options The Sony a6400 Records full HD up to 60 Frames per second for two time slow Motion and 120 frames per second for

Five times slow motion this is a really Useful feature to have to just take Simple things in your life and make them Feel epic the a6400 also has Cinema Profiles and and log profiles right in The camera so you can really go in and Color grade your videos and create Something cinematic if you want now most Of the people using this camera are Probably going to be very casual Shooters you guys probably won't care About the cinema profiles but if you're Someone that's maybe a beginner Filmmaker a beginner content creator or If you're a professional that needs a b Camp the Sony a6400 is a really good Video option however all of the colors In this camera are actually 8-bit color Or most modern cameras nowadays have 10 Bit color now when it comes to body and Design that's probably where the a6400 Is going to show its age and you're Going to see the biggest differences in Terms of size it's perfect to be an Everyday carry camera and it's also Weather sales you can really put this Camera through a lot the a6400 is a tiny Little beast there's a ton of power in This camera but I do recommend using the Better newer Sony aps-c lenses on this Camera to really get the most out of it If you're someone that's more than Casual with your shooting but if you're Just casually shooting this camera the

Kit lens should be just fine the button Layout on the a6400 is really simple you Can easily just pick it up and figure it Out even without a manual it does have Two custom buttons which I set up to Change my picture profiles I really Appreciate these buttons and if you're Someone that's really into your cameras You're definitely going to want to make The most out of these buttons on top of That another thing I really don't like About this camera is that the record Button for video is this tiny little red Thing on the side it's really annoying You probably can't even see it on camera But I recommend going into your menus And actually changing it so that it Actually uses the shutter button to Start your video recording it's an Annoying change but now you know another Annoying thing about this camera is that The menus are just pages and pages and Pages the newer Sony cameras actually Have a more streamlined menu system but With this camera there's a lot of pages Of menus but it's not really something You need to get into unless you're Changing major settings you can actually Hit the FN button on the back to Simply Bring up your quick menu and adjust your Major settings from there as well one Thing that I have to let you guys know About is that the batteries in this Camera go super fast the newer Sony

Cameras can actually make the same Battery last quite a bit longer but with These older cameras these batteries go Super fast and I recommend picking up a Few spares you can usually get a two Pack with a charger on Amazon for about Forty dollars so is the a6400 actually Worth it well it takes incredible photos And videos it's small and light easy Enough to take anywhere with you if You're someone that's a casual Photographer this is a great camera to Pick up I just wouldn't use it for Vlogging for something that I recommend The Sony zve10 instead but this is the Perfect take Anywhere With You camera It's a vacation camera it's a good Camera if you're beginner Creator Someone that wants to create something Beautiful and you just want an Entry-level camera this is a great Camera and if you want to make sure you Get the best possible pricing on the A6400 make sure to check out the links In the description down below and I will See you guys in the next video peace

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